Title: Desire Verbeek
1A sustainable tourism mobility passage in the
Alpine region
2Paradox of the Alpine region
Climate-tourism hot-spot!
Important tourism destination - 100 million
tourists a year - Economic dependence on tourism
- Environmental challenges
- Climate change effects (less snowfall)
- Air pollution
- Loss of biodiversity
? A need for sustainability strategies
Becken Hay, 2007 Bätzing, 2003 EEA, 2003
Pechlaner Tschurtschenthaler, 2003 Siegrist,
1998 Alpenkonvention, 2007
3- An example Alpine Pearls
- A sustainability strategy for tourism in the
Alpine region
22 municipalities and their tourism boards
4Alpine Pearls
- ? A balance between environmental, economic and
socio-cultural issues - ? The journey is embedded in the holiday (i.e.
Mobility as immanent part of the tourism value
chain, instead of isolated activity) - Enable tourists to travel environmental-friendly
to and in the Alpine region -
5Taking a contextual approach
- Inspired by SPA, I take a contextual approach
when analysing a sustainable development of
active Alpine holidays. - - Neither focused on individual tourists,
- - Nor on technological innovations and structural
solutions. - - But the holiday practice where these two come
together (Verbeek Mommaas, 2008). - I consider the active Alpine holiday as a holiday
6A contextual approach to travelling behaviour
- Travelling is about solving problems (Peters,
2006) - A passage
- - is an order of material and immaterial elements
- - reduces the uncertainty and unpredictability of
travelling - - enables smooth and problem-free travelling
- (see Peters, 2003 Peters, 2006).
7An abstract representation of an Alpine Pearls
A cross-border passage for env-fr travelling,
that enables tourists to experience smooth,
comfortable and problem-free Alpine Pearls
Mobility to the region Mobility in the
region Mobility accommodation
activities Services Information
8Research question
- To what extent have passages for going on an
Alpine Pearls holiday been developed, and what
does this passage entail?
9Results - A passage for Alpine Pearls holidays
- - Political climate, market actors, and users all
strive for sustainable tourism mobility in the
Alpine region. - - A unique storyline environmental-friendliness
goes hand in hand with comfortable travelling,
with enjoyable, fun and high-quality holidays
spent in beautiful landscapes, and with economic
success. - - Accomplishments e.g. AP ticket, shuttle
services, improved bus system, AP accommodations,
improved information provision.
10(No Transcript)
11Barriers for a continuous passage for Alpine
Pearls holidays
- 1. Nationally organised transport infrastructures
- AP association has to convince national
railway/bus companies - 2. Sectorially organised tourism industry
- AP association should create a passage among
elements - There is a misfit with current systems of
provision -
Nationally Sectorially
Contextual On the level of holiday practice
12Conclusions on Alpine Pearls
- It is a contextual approach to sustainable
development of tourism - ? Might another passage creator be more
successful in overcoming nationally and
sectorially organised tourism and travelling
industries? - Environmental friendly holidays as attractive
high quality holidays instead of restricted to
tree huggers
- Aim for a sustainable development of tourism in a
practice-oriented manner. - Create green passages on the level of holiday
practices - (i.e. connecting nationally and sectorially
organised systems) - Develop new storylines for environmental-friendly
14Discussion now and/or afterwards
- Desirée Verbeek d.h.p.verbeek_at_uvt.nl
- Telos Tilburg University
- P.O. Box 90153
- 5000 LE Tilburg
- The Netherlands
15Extra Methodology
- Participant observation June 2007 and July 2007,
13 of 22 Alpine Pearls villages. - - The time-space context of the Alpine Pearls
holiday - - The travellers travelling along the Alpine
Pearls passage - - The availability of (information on)
environmental-friendly tourism and travel
services. - Interviews July 2007, 13 in-depth
semi-structured interviews with policy makers,
mayors, tourism directors, and mobility managers
involved with Alpine Pearls.