Title: The Desire System PDF Download David Tian (eBook)
1The Desire System PDF Download
The Desire System, found online at
DesireSystem.com, is a promotional video
presentation and seminar from Christian Hudson
which promotes 'The Desire System by Dr David
Tian' which promises to give men a proven
strategy that they can use to attract women. The
Desire System was created by Dr. David Tien who
is widely considered to be Asias top dating
coach and is the founder of Aura, the worlds
largest dating university. Dr. David lives in
Singapore, and he sure is quite famous among
young men and women as a dating coach and sex
guru, along with Jason Capital.
David is passionate about what he does, and its
apparent by his clear and elegant teaching style
throughout the program. David gives candid and
sometimes embarrassing accounts of the mistakes
he made on his own path to mastery. If youre
willing to spend time improving your life
quality, youll be related to Davids methods. The
course creators have noticed that a lot of
modern men seem to lack the confidence to go up
to women and start a simple conversation, often
fearing rejection or humiliation. The Desire
System aims to rectify this and boost your
self-confidence in the dating world, so you can
charm the soulmate of your dreams.
Emotions are intangible and not always easy to
understand. David does a
3marvelous job breaking down each emotional state
while giving you a systematic approach to
applying each technique in your own life. All the
social methods are pretty unusual and don't
demand you to grind much in the game at all
times. Just a bit of confidence and endless
conversations will do. The changes wont happen
overnight. To get the most out of it, you do have
to invest considerable effort. But if youre
dedicated to improving yourself, then its well
worth the investment.
The Desire System has a unique aspect called
honesty that I find to be extremely effective, if
not groundbreaking. The program does a good job
of emphasizing the need to stop wasting energy
'trying' to 'be' confident. Instead, it teaches
that confidence and power can only be found in
vulnerability. David understands that confidence
is key to all interactions when dating, with
people who are nervous tending to look awkward
and closed-off to their date. Confidence, on the
other hand, can shine through in your mannerisms,
the way you present yourself, the way you walk
and talk - everything.
It is something I found extremely useful and
maybe even revolutionary. Program does a great
job at emphasizing the necessity to stop using
energy to try to be confident. You learn instead
that vulnerability and confidence are the keys to
power. It's a full program that is scientifically
proven to be the next best thing.
4Great experts have tested and verified all the
emotional contagion tips and methods of this
program. Also, other programs treat the symptoms,
while that is not the case with this Emotional
Activation system and the Complete Confidence
Hypnosis. This system wants to access the root
cause so that you won't find any issue in the
future. Even if the guy you like doesn't like you
still this good PUA program will help you.
Through this simple PUA program that uses
emotional contagion, you will comprehend the good
social strategies to attract handsome men with
your aura. Unlike other PUA dating systems in the
market that rely as much as possible on social
cues and responses, The Desire System is unique
in that it emphasizes on being emotionally honest
and invulnerable and doesn't require a certain
amount of confidence to be able to apply whatever
you learn effectively. My verdict is that there
are some truly game changing ideas in this
program! A woman responds strongly to men who
truly know their purpose in life. When you
explore and master your emotional state, you
become far more attractive to women. And when you
learn how to transfer those emotions to the realm
of seduction, it becomes the most powerful tool
in your arsenal.