Title: Search Engines
1Search Engines
- How to make them work for you...
2Why use a search engine?
- Finding information on the Internet
- Ranked by relevance
- search term (key words)
- weighted by appearance and placement of key
words. - Ranked by Popularity
- Google, Direct Hit
- Ranked by
- Overture, Looksmart (Looklistings)
3Who are they?
- There are NOT 300,000 search engines!
- The TOP 8
- 1. Yahoo
- 2. Google
- 3. MSN
- 4. AOL
- 5. Altavista
- 6. Go Network (Infoseek)
- 7. Lycos
- 8. Excite
- represent 88.86 of all search engines.
- What SE do you use?
Get a flood of traffic to your website ! Submit
your site to 300,000 search engines only 58 !!!!
4Spider v Directory and why should I care?
- Spider Engine
- travels the web
- follows links
- reads content of your pages
- determines ranking based on what it finds on your
pages - will list ALL your pages in its engine
- Eg. Google, Altavista, All the Web
- Directory
- takes listings that are submitted directly
- placed by categories e.g.
- personalgt healthgt public health
- usually home page only represented (more for )
- does not read content of your pages
- determines ranking based on keywords found in
category, description and title. - Eg. Yahoo, ODP, Looksmart
5Anatomy of a SE Optimisation Project
- 1. Determine Key Words
- 2. Submit to Directories
- 3. Get Links
- 4. Optimise Web Pages
- 5. Submit to Spider Engines
6Determine Keywords
- What are people actually searching for?
- Dont focus on Business Name
- Research using objective tools e.g. Wordtracker
- Choose popular, relevant, non-competitive
keywords. - Weave those terms into your pages.
7What are people searching for?
Determine Keywords ...
- Research using www.wordtracker.com
- Initial keyword asthma
8Choose your Keywords
Determine Keywords What are people Searching
- Theme Related
- Popular
- Low Competition (use wordtracker or observe
number of results when you search)
9Put your keywords in...
Determine Keywords What are people Searching
- For Directories
- Category
- Title
- Description
- Domain name
10Directory example...
Determine Keywords What are people Searching
Category Title Description
11Submit to Directories
- 1. ODP (open directory project)
- 2. Looksmart via ZEAL
- 3. Yahoo!
- 4. Relevant industry portals
12Get Links
Q Why? A Link Popularity and referred traffic
- Q How?
- 1. Freely distribute articles with in-built links
to your website. - 2. Use keywords in the link text rather than
organisation name or domain name - 3. Ask to be linked in their links/resources page
- 4. Offer reciprocal links
- 5. Submit link pages to Google
13Link Text
14Put your keywords in...
Optimise your pages
- For Spider Engines
- lttitlegt
- ltMetagt description
- Headings lth1gtlth2gt
- Body text
- Link text
- Domain name
- ltmetagt keywords are a low priority
- Dont over-do it!
15SEs love standard HTML but stumble over.
Optimise your pages
- Frames (use the ltnoframesgt tag to insert content)
- Flash
- Lots of Javascript
- Dynamic pages (generated from a database)
particularly containing special characters like ?
- Images containing text (the S.E cant read the
text in the image)
16Submit to the Spider Engines
- Submit base domain only to
- Google
- All The Web
- Lycos
- Submit individual pages to
- Alta Vista (www.altavista.com.au, free or
express service) - Inktomi (www.positiontech.com US39 25/page
pa) - Refer to handout for other engines and directories
17Monitor your position
- Review website statistics
- Many hosting companies provide, or
- Free stats from www.sitemeter.com
- Look for referrals
- Throw away your hit counter
- Check your rankings
- Top Dog (www.topdog.com US199)
- Web Position Gold (www.web-position-gold.biz