Title: Assessing Library Performance:
1Assessing Library Performance
- New Measures, Methods, and Models
24th IATUL Conference 2-5 June 2003 Ankara,
Turkey Julia C. Blixrud, ARL Assistant Executive
Director, External Relations
2Measures that Matter
- Input Output Outcome Impact
- Consistent with organizational mission, goals and
objectives - Integration with program review
- Balance customer, stakeholder, and employee
interests and needs - Establish accountability
- Collection and use of reliable and valid data
3Forces and Challenges
- Increasing demand for libraries to demonstrate
outcomes/impacts in areas of importance to
institution - Increasing pressure to maximize use of resources
through benchmarking resulting in - Cost savings
- Reallocation
4ARL New Measures Projects
- Demonstration project for service effectiveness
measures (LibQUAL) - Project to define usage measures for electronic
information resources (includes institutional
outcomes) - Identification of measures that demonstrate a
librarys contribution to student learning
outcomes - Investigation of role libraries play in support
of the research process - Identification of cost-drivers and development of
cost-benefit studies (ILL/DocDel)
5User Surveys
- Obtain direct responses to a series of questions
from the community surveyed - Identify user issues, concerns and needs
- Measure library performance from the user
perspective, including satisfaction - Acquire quantifiable data that can be
statistically analyzed and generalizeable for the
larger population - Improve or change services
- Increase library visibility and marketing
- Contribute to broader institutional
6LibQUAL Project Goals
- Establishment of a library service quality
assessment program at ARL - Development of web-based tools for assessing
library service quality - Development of mechanisms and protocols for
evaluating libraries - Identification of best practices in providing
library service
7Survey Instrument
- 3 scales
- Minimum
- Desired
- Perceived
8Dimensions of Library Service Quality
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Percentages of Acquisitions Dollars Devoted to
Electronic Resources
12ARL E-Metrics Project
- Three phases
- Initial Phase (May-October 2000) What do we
know? Inventory of current practices at ARL
libraries as to statistics, measures, processes,
and activities that pertain to networked
resources and services. - Second Phase (November 2000-June 2001) What can
we collect? Identified and field tested an
initial draft set of statistics and measures - Final phase (July 2001-December 2001) What
difference does this make? Build linkages to
educational outcomes/impact, research, technical
13Recommended Statistics Measures
- Patron Accessible Electronic Resources (R1-3)
- Use of Networked Resources Services (U1-5)
- Expenditures for Networked Resources Related
Infrastructure (C1-3) - Library Digitization Activities (D1-3)
- Performance Measures (P1-3)
14Characteristics of Each Recommended Measure
- Definition
- Rationale
- Unit of Measure
- Data source
- Frequency
- Process
- Related Issues
15Focus on Electronic Resources
- Project COUNTER
- Measuring Impact (Franklin/Plum)
- ILL/DD study
- Technical Services Cost Study
- Activity Based Costing
- Balanced Scorecard
- Baldrige Quality Award
- Institutional
- Learning
- Research
18Learning Outcomes
- Develop strategy to involve library in campus
assessment activities to demonstrate the value of
the library to the learning community - Move from content view (books, subject knowledge)
to competency view (what students are able to do) - Understand learning outcomes of academic degree
programs - Develop curriculum segments through which the
library achieves outcomes - Information Literacy Competency Standards for
Higher Education approved by the Association of
College and Research Libraries in January 2000
19Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy
- Base Based on outcomes as defined by ACRL
information literacy competency standards d on
ACRL standards - Contains items not specific to a particular
institution or library - Is easily administered
- Has been proven valid and reliable
- Assesses at institutional level
- Provides for both external and internal
20Research Outcomes(Surrogates)
- RD expenditures
- PhDs awarded/year
- Post-doctoral appointments
- Research awards per year
- Academy memberships
- Faculty quality rankings
21New Measure Challenges
- Resources (i.e., time and money)
- Buy-in (commitment to a culture of assessment
- Access to individuals to evaluate
- Expertise to conduct evaluation
- Project management experience
- Appropriate benchmarks
- Conceptual clarity
- Measurement design requirements
- Instrument validity and reliability
22- Julia C. Blixrud
- Assistant Executive Director, External Relations
- Association of Research Libraries
- 21 Dupont Circle, Ste 800
- Washington, DC 20036
- jblix_at_arl.org
- 202-296-2296 ext. 133
- 202-872-0884 (fax)
- 202-251-4678 (cell)