Title: Welcome to Hillgrove High School
1Welcome to Hillgrove High School
- Joseph Boland, Principal
- Chris Garity, Assistant Principal
- Gayle Johnson, Assistant Principal
- Ray Magee, Assistant Principal
- Dana Roberts, Assistant Administrator
- Joyce Thompson, Assistant Principal
3Guidance Counselors
- Peggy Hurst A-E
- Lisa McCormick F-K
- Heather Boyle L-R
- Jason Evans S-Z
- Earn 1 unit of credit per SEMESTER long course.
- Earn 4 units per semester.
- Credits earned at the end of first semester
(December) and second semester (May) are recorded
on the high school transcript. - Must earn a grade of 70 or above to earn credit.
- Progress reports are distributed at 6 and 12
54 X 4 Block Schedule4 courses taken each
semester8 units earned per year
- Example
- Semester 1
- 9th Lit/Comp
- Math I
- Elective
- Elective
- Semester 2
- World Geography
- Biology
- Elective
- Elective
6Graduation Requirements
- 4 English
- 4 Math
- 4 Science
- 3 Social Studies
- ½ Health
- ½ Personal Fitness
- Career/Technical/ and/or Foreign Language
- and/or Fine Arts
- 4 Electives
- 23 Total Units Required
7Grade Level Classification
- 5 Units Sophomore
- 10 Units Junior
- 16 Units (on track) Senior
- 23 units graduation
8Placement of courses in HS
- Academic course placement is determined by
performance in 8th grade core courses. - Students who take Accelerated Math I, French I,
or Spanish I in middle school earn 1 unit of
credit if passed (P) and advance to the next
level in 9th grade.
9English Curriculum
- William Lundy
- Department Chair
10English Course Sequencing
Honors American Literature
Advanced Placement Literature or Language
Honors British Literature
Multicultural Literature
9th Literature and Composition
10th Literature and Composition
American Literature
British Literature
11Preparing Freshmen for Senior Project
- The research paper
- MLA format utilization
- Timed responses to literature
- Oral presentation
- Visual or integrated technology project
- Recitation
12Math Curriculum
- Katie Towner
- Department Chair
13Math Courses
- Math 1
- Math 2
- Math 3
- Math 4
- Math 1 support class
- Math 2 support class
- Accelerated Math 1
- Accelerated Math 2
- Accelerated Math 3
- Calculus or Statistics
- Calculator
- TI-84 Plus TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
15Social Studies Curriculum
- Ida Dixon
- Department Chair
16Social StudiesHonors
- 8th Grade
- Average of 90-100
- in Social Studies
- Average of 90 -100
- in Language Arts
- Pre AP Social Studies
- AP Human Geography
- This is a year long course.
- Students are expected to take the AP Human
Geography exam in May.
17Social StudiesOn-level
- 8th Grade
- Less than 90
- in Social Studies
- Less than 90
- in Language Arts
- World Geography
18Hillgrove High School Science
- Dr. Ehsan Kattoula
- Department Chair
19Hillgrove Science
- Hillgrove science courses are laboratory-based.
- hands-on experience
- minds-on experience
- Laboratory exercises enhance the material and
familiarize students with scientific processes. -
- Labs are equipped with
- Interwrite Typepad
- Laptop computers
- data collection interfaces
- data collection probes
20Hillgrove Science Curriculum
- Aligns with the Georgia Performance Standards
(GPS) - Aligns with college requirements
- Offers advanced courses in biology, chemistry and
physics. - Provides opportunities for Hillgrove students to
take four to six science courses and exceed - Georgias requirement of four science courses
21Science Course Offerings4 years of science
- 9th grade
- Honors Biology
- Biology
- 10th grade
- Honors Chemistry
- Conceptual Physics
- 11th grade
- Chemistry
- Honors Physics
- Earth Systems
- 12th grade
- AP Biology
- AP Physics B
- AP Physics C
- AP Chemistry
- Anatomy
- Astronomy
- Earth Systems
- Environmental Science
22Modern/Classical Languages
- Liz Bouis
- Department Chair
23Modern/Classical Languages
- ?Hillgrove offerings include
- French
- Latin
- Spanish
- ?By the time members of the
- freshman class are seniors, all
- languages will offer Advanced
- Placement coursework.
- There is no longer a foreign language requirement
for graduation from high school. Most colleges,
however, still require two years (and recommend
more) for admission.
25- Students currently making the grade of C or
higher in a FL class are encouraged to continue
the study of their current language. - Students should also consider signing up for a
second FL as an elective. - Students currently making below the grade of C
are encouraged to enroll in a different language. - Students currently taking Reading and making
below a C are encouraged to wait until
sophomore year to sign up for FL.
26- Students who are native speakers of French or
Spanish should contact the Guidance Office to
make an appointment for a language placement
test. In most cases, it is NOT appropriate for
native speakers to take the first or second level
of foreign language in their native language. - Native speakers who would like to enroll in a
second language do NOT need a placement test.
27Fine ArtsDavid R. Doke, Department Chair
- Band Mr. Chris Ferrell
- Mr. Patrick Erwin
- Chorus Ms. Nicole Alvarez
- Drama Ms. Rickie Newell
- Orchestra Mr. David R. Doke
- Visual Arts Ms. Jennie Collier-Johnston
28- Hillgrove Orchestras
- David R. Doke, Director of Orchestras
- 9th grade orchestra students will be enrolled in
Concert Orchestra - For more detailed information please visit
- http//hillgroveorchestra.edublogs.org/
29Hillgrove BandsDirector of Bands - Chris Ferrell
Assistant Director - Patrick Erwin
- Wind Ensemble
- Symphonic Band
- Concert Band
- Placement by Audition
- Extracurricular Ensembles
- Marching Band
- Winterguard
- Jazz Band
- Percussion Ensemble
Visit www.hillgroveband.com Band Parent
Orientation Meeting on April 29 at 7 PM
30Hillgrove Chorus
- Ms. Nicole Alvarez, Director
- 9th grade chorus students will be enrolled in
- Womens or Mixed Chorus
- For more detailed information please visit
- www.hillgrovechorus.com
31Hillgrove Drama
- Ms. Rickie Newell
- 9th grade theater students will be enrolled in
- Dramatic Arts Acting
32Hillgrove Art
- Ms. Jennie Collier-Johnston
- 9th grade art students will be enrolled in
- Comprehensive I Art History
- Be sure to check out Hillgroves Art Club
- The Art Hawks
33 Business Career Technology
- Suzanne Willis and Dennis Willis
- Department Chairs
34Business Career TechnologyPrograms of Study
- Family Consumer Science
- Nutrition Wellness
- Interior Design
- Graphic Communications
- Drafting/Engineering
- Business
- Accounting
- AP Computer Science
- Digital Media
- Law
- Management
- Marketing
- Web Design
- Broadcast Media
35Business Career TechnologyCourses for 9th
- Computer Applications
- Computing in the Modern World
- Foundations of FACS (Family Consumer Sciences)
- Introduction To Interior Design
- Nutrition Wellness
- Introduction To Engineering Drawing
- Broadcast Video Production
- Introduction To Graphic Communications
indicates a prerequisite needed for the course.
36Physical EducationPhil IronsideDepartment Chair
- Personal Fitness
- Health
- Life Sports
- Team Sports
37Personal Fitness
- This course is designed to help students
understand why exercise and fitness are important
in developing a healthy and active lifestyle. The
course will emphasize successful strategies for
maintaining good cardiovascular endurance,
flexibility, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, and body composition.
- Cobb County's health education program will
ensure that all students will possess current
knowledge, skills, and the self-esteem necessary
to be productive citizens and make personal
responsible decisions to promote a healthy
lifestyle. Students will actively engage in
critical thinking skills through developmentally
appropriate content.
39Life Sports
- Elective
- Badminton
- Tennis
- Golf
- Volleyball
- Bowling
40Team Sports
- Elective
- Flag Football
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Floor Hockey
- Team Handball
- In order to play any sport at Hillgrove student
athletes must have an up to date physical. - Forms can be downloaded off the website.
www.hillgroveathletics.com. - Cobb county athletic information at
www.cobbk12.org. Go to athletics and activities
under general information.
42Athletic Eligibility
- No Pass, No Play
- You have to meet certain academic standards to
participate in athletic/extracurricular
activities. - All 9th grade students are eligible for the 1st
semester. - Students must pass 3 out of 4 classes to be
eligible in the 2nd semester. - Students must be present at least half of the
school day in order to participate or attend any
extracurricular activity that day after school to
include practice or rehearsals.
43Special Education Services
- Annette Tucker, Department Chair
- Karen Davis, Lead Teacher
44What is Least Restrictive Environment?LRE is
legislatively defined as the place where to
the maximum extent are educated with children who
are not disabledwith the use of supplemental
aids and services (Least Restrictive
Environment 34 CFR 300.550 (b) (2))
454 Goals Related to LRE
- Decrease the percentage of students with
disabilities who drop out of school - Increase the percentage of students with
disabilities who earn a regular education diploma - Decrease the gap in performance of students with
and without disabilities on statewide achievement
tests - Increase the percentage of time students with
disabilities receive instruction in the general
education setting with appropriate support and
46What does this mean at Hillgrove?
- Students are served in most academic areas in
co-taught classes - Co-taught classes must adhere to all Georgia
Performance Standards - Students with disabilities receive accommodations
such as having tests read or receiving copies of
notes to even the playing field
47Special Education Programs
- In addition to co-taught classes for students
with learning disabilities, behavior disorders,
orthopedic impairments, and other health
impairments like ADHD, Hillgrove offers services
to students in small group settings to students
with - Mild Intellectual Disabilities
- Moderate Intellectual Disabilities
- Severe/Profound Intellectual Disabilities
48 Hillgrove Library Services
- Books/Magazines/Newspapers
- Computer and Internet access
- Instruction in Research, Evaluating Internet
Sources, Cobb Virtual Resources, and more - Student Production Room
- Printing and copying at no charge
- Help with projects, choosing materials, SAT prep,
and more - Reading Bowl Team
- Hours Open at 730 am every day
- Close M, W, F at 330 Tues. Thurs. at
500 pm.
49Extracurricular Activities
- Academic Bowl Team Literary Club
- Art Club Math Team
- Beta Club Muslim Student Association
- Christian Service Club National Honor Society
- Dance Club Newspaper
- FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Poetry
Club - FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Science
Bowl - French Club Service Hawks
- French Honor Society Spanish Club
- Governors Honors Program Spanish Honor Society
- Latin Club Student Government
- Latin Honor Society Winter Guard
- Model UN World Geography Bowl
50Tips for Success in High School
- Attendance
- Extracurricular Involvement
- Organizational Skills
- Planning
- Parental Involvement (I-Parent, PTSA)
51 52Q A