Title: Welcome to McKinney Boyd High School
1Welcome to McKinney Boyd High School
2Campus Principals
- Principal Rick McDaniel
- Associate Principal Mary Jane Crowe
- Assistant Principals
- James Bambico
- Logan Faris
- Miche Norris
- Tom Wales
3Your Kids Are In Good Hands
- TeachersWho Care
- AdministratorsWho Are Everywhere
- CounselorsWho Will Be There
4Message from our PTO
5Transition to High School
6Who Are the Freshmenof 2007-2008
- Over 600 Freshmen
- Feeder Middle Schools
- Evans Middle School
- Dowell Middle School
- Faubion Middle School
- Scott Johnson Middle School
- MISD Has Opened 14 New Schools Since Their
Kindergarten Year - (1997-1998)
7Middle School vs. High School
- Few courses offered
- Integrated grade level teacher teams
- Grade level halls
- Grades are important, but dont count toward
graduation. - Attendance important
- Many course offerings
- Specialized teachers in content areas
- Classes all over the building
- Credits matter, and grades count for college.
- Attendance documented for credit.
8Middle School vs. High School
- Parents or bus transportation
- Limited school events
- Assigned seating in lunchroom
- No sodas
- Student drivers
- Weekly events
- Having lunch with friends
- Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, Java City etc.
9Middle School vs. High School
- Less Freedom
- Lesser degree of personal responsibility
- Early start time
- Fun
- More Freedom
- Personal Accountability
- Later Start time
- Big Fun!
10MBHS Schedule
- 50 minute classes
- 7 periods
- Zero Hour
- Students Take Seven Classes That
- Meet Each Day
11Grade Classification
- Freshmen 0 4.5 Credits
- Sophomore 5 9.5 Credits
- Junior 10 14.5 Credits
- Senior 15 Credits
- Students are classified at the beginning of the
school year. This classification remains the same
for the entire school year.
12Requirements for Graduation see Blueprint
- 4 credits English
- 4 credits Math
- 4 credits Science
- 4 credits Social Studies
- 2 years of the same second language
- 1 credit Fine Arts
- .5 credit each Communication Applications and
13Requirements for Graduation see Blueprint
- 1.5 credits P.E. or Athletics
- 1 credit Technology
- 3.5 credits of electives
- 26 total credits to graduate
- Nothing can take the place of English I, II,
III, and IV - Pre AP and AP English are weighted
courses open enrollment - ESOL I and II are followed by English III and
English IV
- Page 15 in the 2007-2008 Blueprint diagrams the
math progression - Be cautious about advancing from academic to Pre
AP math classes! Example academic Geometry to
Algebra II Pre AP. - The rigor of the Pre AP curriculum is
- Page 18 in the 2007-2008 Blueprint outlines the
science progression of courses.
17Social Studies
- Progression is
- World Geography (or Pre AP)
- World History (or AP)
- U.S. History (or AP)
- Government/Economics (or AP)
18Fine ArtsYou need 1.0 credit in the same course.
- Art
- Theater
- Choir
- Band
- Dance
- Music Theory AP
- Music History
- Blueprint must say
- This elective course will satisfy the technology
application graduation requirement. - You need at least 1.0 credit.
20World Language LOTE
- 2 years in the same language
- French
- German
- Latin
- Spanish
- American Sign Language
21Health and Communications Applications
22Physical Education
- P.E. classes (.5 credit each)
- Cheerleading (fall semester)
- Drill Team
- Band (fall semester)
- Dance
- Off-campus P.E.
- Athletics (2 credits max) All athletics beyond 2
credits are taken as No-Credit classes.
- Read the course description carefully for
requirements grade level/pre-requisite/teacher
recommendation/location - List alternative electives in order of preference
on your card. - Courses are only offered if enough students have
requested the class to make.
24Summer School Courses for Acceleration
- Health
- Foundations of Physical Education
- Communication Applications
25Online Courses Available
- Health (0.5) credit
- Psychology (0.5) credit
- U.S. Govt. (0.5) credit - for seniors only
- Economics (0.5) credit for seniors only
26Online Courses Available
- 200 per course
- 2 course maximum per semester
- Not counted in GPA
- Must have counselor approval
27Online Courses Available
- For acceleration only
- Can be taken during zero hour or from home
- Must be completed within the semester it was
started (summer, fall, or spring semester)
28Online Courses Available
- Application Deadlines
- May 4th for summer semester
- August 3rd for fall semester
- Applications available in the Career Center
29 Grade Point Average Class Rank
- Determined by the total number of grade points
earned divided by the number of courses taken. - Grade points awarded according to the Weighted
Grade Point Scale. - GPA determines Class Rank.
- Top 10 and Valedictorian Salutatorian
30Weighted GPA
31Translated this means
32The PreAP Program
- Introduces skills, concepts, and assessment
methods to prepare student for academic success
in AP or other rigorous courses. - Uses locally-developed program with content
aligned to the corresponding AP course and Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills. - Is an inclusive program.
- Requires teachers be specifically trained for the
rigorous curricula.
33 Characteristics of Pre-AP courses
- Rigor, Rigor, Rigor
- In-depth and accelerated pace
- Requires 3-4 hours a week of outside time per
class - Develops analytical reasoning skills
- All work expected to be completed on time
- Retests not automatically given for failing
34Is my child ready for the Pre-AP Program?ASK
- 1. Do I have to remind my child to study?
- 2. Do I regularly have to check my childs
homework to make sure it has been done correctly? - 3. Does my child ever receive zeros for not
turning in homework? - 4. Is my child a self starter or I do I usually
have to motivate him/her with rewards, incentives
or consequences? - 5. Can my child manage his/her time?
- 6. Is my child serious about learning and higher
35Planning for College
- Earn the highest grades you can early in high
school it begins on DAY ONE! - Begin looking at colleges.
- Start your resume and keep it current.
- Community service and volunteering are important.
36The Clock Starts Ticking
- 4 Years Left
- 8 Semesters Left
- 16 Nine Weeks Left
- 144 Weeks Left
- 720 Days Left
37Select Your Courses with Care!After the school
year begins, schedule changes will not be made
because I changed my mind. Our master
schedule is based on your original choices.
38Four Years Flies By
39MBHS Dos
- Study Hard on Tests
- Your Homework
- Figure Out How to Solve Problems
- Stay Organized
- Meet New Friends
- Join in the Fun
40(No Transcript)
41MBHS Donts
- Forget Your Stuff
- Get Behind
- Be Only Social
- Break the Dress Code
- Be Tardy
- Whine
42 Begin making connections to
last a lifetime
- Take advantage of the opportunities MBHS has to
43ElectivesThe Place to Connect
- Agriculture FFA More Than Just Animals
- Drill Team Award winning drill team
- Theater Save the drama for your mama!
- Journalism Yearbook, Newspaper, Broadcasting
- Debate Comes naturally at this age!
- Band/Choir State level of performance!
- Clubs and Organizations for Everyone!
44McKinney Boyd High School
- Don Drake, Athletic Coordinator
45McKinney Boyd High School Fine Arts
46McKinney Boyd High SchoolFine Arts
47Thank you for attending McKinney Boyds Parent