Title: Course Planning
1Course Planning
South Delta Secondary
- Mr. R. Kirincic - Counsellor
- Overview of Graduation Requirements
- Graduation Transitions
- University, College or Technical School?
- What do I take next year?
- Resources
- Questions?
3Graduation Requirements
Language Arts 10 4 Credits Language Arts
11 4 Credits Language Arts 12 4 Credits
Social Studies 10 4 Credits A Social Studies
11 4 Credits
Science 10 4 Credits Science 11 4 Credits
A Math 10 4 Credits A Math 11 4 Credits
Physical Education 10 4 Credits
Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 4
F.A. A.S.
Planning 10 4 Credits Graduation
Transitions 4 Credits
Elective Courses (3 must be Gr. 12) 28 Credits
80 Credits
4Provincial Exams
Graduation Requirements
- Language Arts 10 (20)
- Mathematics 10 (20)
- Science 10 (20)
- Social Studies 11 (20)
- Language Arts 12 (40)
- Final mark is a blend of school marks and
provincial exam
5Grad Transitions
6Grad Transitions
- Requirements Include
- 150 minutes physical fitness per week
- 30 hours volunteer or work experience
- Transition Plan
- Students will be provided with more information
and direction for completing the requirements of
Grad Transitions, at the beginning of Grade 12
7University, College or Technical School?
8Entrance to University
- ?Each university has different course
requirements for entrance. - Eg. SFU Entrance Requirements
- ARTS English 12 and 3 other Provincially
Examinable courses - Â SCIENCE English 12, Ma 12, and 2 other grade
12 science courses with at least one from Bi
12, Ch 12, Geo 12, or Ph 12 - Â
- ENGINEERING English 12, Ch 11 Ch 12, Ma 12,
Ph 11 Ph 12 - Â
- Â
9Table of Math, Language and Science Pre-requisite
Courses for Universities
- Mrs. Foster will speak to this and provide an
accompanying hand out
10Mrs. Foster will speak to this and provide an
accompanying hand out
Projected University Admittance Averages
11Entrance to College or BCIT
- Individual programs have their own requirements.
- Note All Colleges Univ. now have a required
minimum GPA for English. If this is not met,
students will be required to write a Language
Proficiency Index (LPI) test.
12Communication with our Grads
See Timeline for Graduation on the career
website www.deltasd.bc.ca/sd/career_centre/timel
13What courses do I take next year?
1. English 12 (or Comm. 12) -(4) Â 2. Gr. 12
______________ - (4)Â 3. Gr. 12
______________ - (4) 4. Gr. 12 ______________
- (4) 5. ___________________ - (4)Â 6.
___________________ - (4) 7.
___________________ - (4) 8.
____________________ - (4) Graduation
Transitions - (4) Only 1 prep block will be
permitted in Grade 12 Â
French Immersion Students Francais Langue 12
15Grade Twelve Courses
Prov. Examinable English 12 Biology
12 Chemistry 12 Physics 12 Geology 12 Geography
12 Literature 12 History 12 BC First Nations
Studies 12 Math 12 Spanish 12 French 12 Francais
Langue 12 AP Exams (end of May) AP English AP
History Through Film Comparative Civ. Sustainable
Resources Writing Health Sciences Accounting Marke
ting Accounting Data Management Financial
Accounting Textile Studies Tourism Cafeteria
Training Food Studies Carpentry Joinery
(3 to choose from) Drafting Design
(4 to choose from) Automotive (3 to choose
Peer Tutor PE Strength Train. and
Cond. Calculus Math Applications Law Art
Foundations Drawing Painting Art
Ceramics/Sculpture Graphic Des.11 Print
Making Visual Arts Media Arts Guitar Concert
Band Jazz Band (after school) Concert Choir
Vocal Jazz (after school) Music Composition
Tech. Theatre (5 to choose from) Drama Film
- Students do not have to write a provincial exam
for any course except English 12. All other gr.
12 provincial exams are optional.
17Work Experience - 4 Credits for 90 hours
- Fine Arts, Design Media
- Fitness Recreation
- Business Applied Business
- Health Human Services
- Liberal Arts Humanities
- Science Applied Science
- Tourism, Hospitality Foods
- Trades Technology
Secondary School Apprenticeship 16 Credits
- The Delta School District offers academies in
- Baseball
- Golf (proposed)
- Equestrian (proposed)
- Soccer
- Softball
- Hockey
- ?Please visit web.deltasd.bc.ca/programs/academies
for more information!
19External Credit Options
- Young Drivers
- External Athlete
- Life Saving
- Music
- Dance
- Cadets / guides / scouts
- Other
- Course Planning
- Counsellor
- R. Kirincic rkirincic_at_deltasd.bc.ca
- Career and Post Sec. Planning
- Career Advisor
- Ms. T . Foster tlfoster_at_deltasd.bc.ca
- www.deltasd.bc.ca/sd/career_centre/careers.htm