Title: Genuine Faith or Emotions
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2 Faith and Emotions
- We need to learn what part each of these plays in
our lives.
3Faith and Emotions
- Love, anger, envy, joy, zeal, tender affections,
compassion, grief, mourning, happiness, sadness,
godly sorrow, worry, anxiousness, doubt, hate,
malice, temptation, fear.
4Faith and Emotions
- We would all like to have a strong feeling of
closeness to God, an emotional attachment that is
not only possible but probable when we have faith
in Him.
5The Biblical Heart
- Intellect (understanding), Will (volition). and
Emotion (feelings). - The appeal of God is first to our intellect.
- Understanding and faith go hand in hand.
- Having our emotions stirred can move our will to
do what our intellect tells us that we ought to
6Faith and Emotions
- Doing what our intellect understands we should do
will affect our emotions. - Consider the Ethiopian treasurer. (Acts 8)
- Temptation. James 114
- In a survey, 52 of church kids say the only
intellectual way to live is to make the best
decisions you can based on your feelings at the
moment. - God expects disciplined obedience.
- 1 Cor. 926-27
7Faith and Emotions
- Undependable emotions.
- Faith is the art of holding on to things your
reason has once accepted, in spite of your
changing moods. (C.S. Lewis) - Consider Peter.
- He went from I will die with You to I do not
know the Man.
8Faith and Emotions
- What is the purpose of our assemblies?
- Entertainment or edification?
- Traditional or contemporary worship?
- Pep rallies with preachers leading the cheers?
Feel good sermonettes? - What is edification?
- Can our emotions be stirred during worship?
- We are strengthened in the inner man.
- Sing and pray with understanding.
9Faith and Emotions
- Do we have to constantly pump up some folks for
them to be faithful? - Place for encouragement 1 Thess. 514.
- Learning to have our own faith.
- Some will fall away. (parable of the soils)
- Sometimes converts who are born in excitement
die when the excitement is over. (Charles
10Faith and Emotions
- Faith or fun for our young people?
- Some dangers in the camps.
- Disenchanted with our assemblies.
- Spiritual activities and fun.
- Our service is contemporary and fun.
- What happens when life is no fun?
- Will we quit?
- Will we joyously be faithful?
11Faith and Emotions
- A greater or a more genuine faith.
- Faith comes by hearing. (Rom. 1017)
- Our faith should be based on careful thinking
(in perhaps less emotional moments) about what is
most likely true, and this foundation should be
solid enough to withstand the emotional waves
that are sure to beat against it from time to
time. (Gary Henry)
12- Strong feelings of joy, inexpressible at times,
will come with the faithfulness that endures. - 1 Peter 16-9
13So enjoy the exhilaration when it comes. Take
the ride to the heights when you get the
opportunity. But don't get hooked on the thrill
of the moment. Take charge of your emotions.
And when it comes time to do the right thing,
dont let your feelings lead you to compromise.
That is the way to live a happier, more
successful life and one that is more pleasing to
God. (Dobson)
14The light that is visible to us in this realm
may rise and fall, and with it our feelings of
courage or despair, but He does not ever cease to
be the eternal I AM. This must be our faith.
(Gary Henry)
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