Classification of melody by composer using hidden Markov models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Classification of melody by composer using hidden Markov models


Extraction of melodic data uses ad hoc algorithms developed in MAX/MSP and MATLAB. ... The melodic data is the soprano line extracted from a type 1 MIDI file. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Classification of melody by composer using hidden Markov models

Classification of melody by composer using hidden
Markov models
  • Greg Eustace
  • MUMT 614 Music Information Acquisition,
    Preservation, and Retrieval

  • Project description
  • Software and dataset
  • Representations of melody
  • HMM parameters
  • The learning process
  • Training and testing HMMs
  • Summary

Project description
  • The goal of this project is to use Hidden Markov
    Models (HMM) for the automatic classification of
    symbolic melodic data by composer.
  • Research questions
  • Are there significant statistical differences
    between melodies written by different composers?
  • How do different representations of melody affect
    the performance of the classifier?
  • How do different types of HMMs affect the

Representations of melody
  • C major scale
  • 1. Absolute pitch (normalised to the octave).
  • (e.g. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12)
  • 2. Absolute pitch with rhythm
  • (e.g. 1, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12)
  • The note number is given once if equal to a
    quarter note, twice for a half note, etc. (Chai,
    and Vercoe 2001).
  • 3. Interval
  • (e.g. 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1)

Representations of melody
  • 4. Melodic Contour
  • (e.g. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
  • The convention is that intervals of a unison 1,
    intervals of second 2 and all other intervals
    are 3.
  • 5. Alternative contour representations?

Software and dataset
  • Extraction of melodic data uses ad hoc algorithms
    developed in MAX/MSP and MATLAB.
  • Classification uses the HMM Toolbox by Kevin
  • http//
  • A large collection of links to MIDI files has
    been compiled by Cory McKay
  • http//
  • The melodic data is the soprano line extracted
    from a type 1 MIDI file.
  • It is hoped that composers of contrasting style
    will show the greatest statistical differences.

Hidden Markov models
  • A Hidden Markov model (HMM) is a doubly imbedded
    stochastic process with an underlying stochastic
    process that is not observable (i.e. is hidden)
    but can only be observed through another set of
    stochastic processes that produce the sequence of
    observations (Rabiner 1989).
  • An HMM is defined by the parameters
  • M number of distinct observation symbols (e.g.
    for absolute pitch these are the numbers 1-13
    corresponding to the 12 notes of the octave).
  • N number of states in the model (these may not
    have physical significance).
  • A aij state transition probability
  • B bj(k) observation symbol probability
  • p pi the initial state distribution
  • The set of hidden model parameters are given by ?
    (A, B, p).

The learning process
  • The Baum-Welch learning algorithm is used to find
    the hidden parameters (?) of the HMM .
  • This process uses maximum likelihood parameter
    estimation. In general, the likelihood is
    maximized when a given test sequence corresponds
    to a specific model. It is also common to attempt
    to maximize the logarithm of the likelihood.

Training and testing HMMs
  • The training procedure corresponds to one of the
    three fundamental problems associated with HMMs
    as defined by Rabiner (1989). That is, for a
    given observation sequence O O1, O2, On and
    a model with parameters ? (A, B, p) what is the
    value of ? that maximizes the probability of the
    observation sequence P(O ?)?
  • The first fundamental problem is essential to the
    classification of an unknown sequence. Given an
    observation sequence O O1, O2, On and a
    model ? (A, B, p) how do we efficiently compute
    P(O?) (Rabiner 1989)?

Training and testing HMMs
  • The process can be summarised as
  • Train a different model on data from each
  • Once the models have been trained compute the
    log-likelihood for a test sequence for each
  • Classify the training data according to the model
    which gives the highest value for the
  • Repeat the process for all representations of

Training and testing HMMs
  • Using different types of HMMs may affect
  • Fully connected (ergodic) models every state is
    connected to every other state.
  • Left-right (Bakis) models states are connected
    to themselves and to the adjacent state
    (proceeding from left to right). These are
    typically used for modelling time varying

  • A summary of variables which may affect
  • Composer
  • Size of the dataset
  • Nature of the pieces used
  • MIDI transcription
  • Melodic extraction
  • Melodic representation
  • Type of HMM
  • Number of model states

  • Chai, W., and B. Vercoe. Folk music
    classification using hidden Markov models. 2001.
    Proceedings of the international conference on
    artificial intelligence.
  • Rabiner, L. 1989. A tutorial on hidden Markov
    models and selected applications in speech
    recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE 77 25786.
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