Title: Statistically Recognize Faces Based on Hidden Markov Models
1Statistically Recognize Faces Based on Hidden
Markov Models
- Presented by
- Timothy Hsiao-Yi Chin
- Rahul Mody
2What is Hidden Markov Model?
- Its underlying is a Markov Chain.
- An HMM, at each unit of time, a single
observation is generated from the current state
according to the probability distribution, which
is dependent on this state. -
3Mathematical Notation of HMM
- Suppose that there are T states S1, , ST and
the probability between state i and j is Pij.
Observation of system can be defined as ot at
time t. Let bSi(oi) be the probability function
of ot at time t. Lastly, we have the initial
probability , i 1, , n of Markov chain.
Then the likelihood of the observing the sequence
o is
4Which probability function of ot?
- In HMM framework, observation o is assumed to be
governed by the density of a Gaussian mixture
distribution. - Where k is the dimension of ot , and where oi and
- are the mean vector and covariance
matrix, respectively
5Re-estimation of mean, covariances, and the
transition probabilities
6Example A Markov Model
7Represent it as a Markov Model
- States
- State transition probabilities
- Initial state distribution
8What is sequence o in this example?
- Sequence o
- The probability could be computed by the
conditional probability
9Example A HMM
10What other parameters will be needed?
- If we can not see what is inside blue circle,
what can we actually see? - Observations
- Observation probabilities
11Forward-Backward Algorithm Forward
- If Observation probability is
- then
12Forward-Backward Algorithm Backward
- If there is a
- Then
- The Forward-Backward Algorithm tells us that
- for any time t
13Face identification using HMM
- An Observation sequence is extracted from the
unknown face, the likelihood of each HMM
generating this face could be computed. - In theory, the likelihood is
- The maximum P(O) can identifies the unknown
faces. - However, it takes too much time to compute.
14Face identification using HMM
- In practice, we only need one S sequence
- which maximizes
- This is a dynamic programming optimization
15Viterbi Algorithm
- Given a S sequence, a dynamic programming
approach to solve this problem - where
- By induction, the max Probability in state i1 at
time t1 is based on the max probability in state
I at time t.
16Algorithm itself
- Initialization
- where denotes the collection of that
sequence which is based on max - Recursion
17Algorithm itself (2)
- Termination
- Sequence constructing from T to t
18So far we have this block diagram
19Face Detection
- In simple face recognition framework, the picture
is assumed to be a frontal view of a single
person and the background is monochrome. - This project assumes that with the techniques of
face detection, the performance of face
recognition may be better than the approach
presented above.
- The authors of this presentation slides would
like to give thanks to Dr. Doan, UIUC.
- 1 Ferdinando Samaria, and Steve Young,
HMM-based architecture for face identification. - 2 Jia, Li, Amir Najmi, and Robert M. Gray,
Image Classification by a Two-Dimensional Hidden
Markov Model - 3 Ming-Hsuan Yang, David J. Kriegman, Narendra
Ahuja, Detecting Faces In Images A survey - 4 T.K. Leung, M. C. Burl, and P. Perona,
Finding Faces in Cluttered Scenes using Random
Labeled Graph Matching - 5 James Wayman, Anil Jain, Davide Maltoni, and
Dario Maio, Biometric Systems, Springer, 2005