Title: BE, CR and cone jet finders
1The Measurement of the W massat LEP
XXXIX Recontres de Moriond, April 2004 Ann
Moutoussi, CERN
- Introduction the Standard Model and MW
- Measurement of MW
- Direct reconstruction
- Systematic errors
- QCD related errors
- Results and conclusions
3Mw within the Standard Model
- Mw can be computed
- at Born level from a, Mz , GF
- Higher order radiative corrections involve Mt,
MH -
e.g - O(a, as ,Mz , GF , Mtop, Mhiggs)
Precision measurements of Mw check the
prediction If consistent gt SM still OK,
Use measurements to
predict Mhiggs If not consistent gt Hints for New
4The LEP goal for MW
PP Colliders 80.454 0.059GeV/c2
EW fits (LEP/SLD) 80.3730.033GeV/c2
EW Fits (LEP/SLD) with Mtop
LEP Goalprecision of 40 MeV Very difficult
- First phase optimise statistical power of
analysis - Last years fight known and new systematics!
5ee- WW-
40K events in total
W decay modes Leptonic W ? ln (32) Hadronic
W ? qq (67)
6MW measurement
Event-by-event reconstruction of the invariant
masses of W decay products
- Identify and best reconstruct leptons (e,m,tau)
- Best Cluster jets and measure energy and
direction -
- Statistical sensitivity limited by resolution of
jet/lepton energies and momenta - Can improve resolutions using the knowledge of
ECM and - Energy-Momentum conservation
- optionally equal W mass constraint
7Mw Reconstruction(1) qqqq
Plus No unmeasured particles, Fully constrained
8Mw Reconstruction(2) qq ln
- Plus
- Only two jets
- no loss of information due to particle mixing or
combinatorial bkg - Considered golden channel
- MinusÂ
- Neutrino
- 3 unknowns
- only 2 constrains fit
9Reconstructed Mw
10W Mass extraction
- To relate Mreco to Mw use Monte Carlo events
- Fit Mreco with analytical function(eg BW) and
then correct it using MC - or
- Compare Mreco distribution to MC predictions at
different Mw values
In practice, only one MC sample is generated, at
a reference value MWref. Predictions at other
values of MW are obtained by re-weighting the
? Assume MC events are identical to data, except
from Mw! ? Discrepancies between data and MC are
sources of systematic errors
(Expected final statistical error for LEP ? 25
- Source Currently/MeV
- LEP Energy determination 17
- Detector Simulation
- Jet Leptons energy/direction 15
- QCD simulation
- Jet Fragmentation 18
- Jet-Jet interactions(4q) 93
13Simulation of a MC event(1)
Fragmentation (quarks ? hadrons)
- parton shower (large Q2, pQCD)
- hadronisation (phenomenological)
- Available models Jetset, Herwig, Ariadne.
- All models
- need to be tuned to data (generally Z ? qq,
LEP1). - Simulate Data as well/bad!
Jetset globaly better used as Reference MC from
all LEP experiments
14Simulation of a MC event(2)
- Fragmentation (quarks ? hadrons)
- Bose-Einstein correlations momenta of identical
bosons tend to be correlated.
Not included in reference MC
15Bose-Einstein Correlations (BEC)
- Intra-W BEI not relevant for Mreco
- Bettwen-WsBEB could cause wrong particle-dijet
association - Mw shifts 35 MeV(LUBOEI)
Main Observable distance in momentum space
between pairs of charged pions Q2(pi-pj)2
16Observation BEC in WW- events
- Inter W, BEI confirmed
- Between Ws, BEB, disfavoured
17CR models
- Based on Ariadne, AR2
- Based on HERWIG (Herwig-CR)
- Based on the JETSET string model SK1
- it has a free parameter kI controlling the
reconnection probability P
P1 DMW 400MeV P0.5 DMW
115MeV P0.3 DMW 50MeV
DMW Far too large! Any evidence for such
effects/models? Look for CR effects in data
18The particle flow analysis
- Most CR models predict a modified particle flow
in WW- events
- Measurement sensitive only to extreme scenarios,
i.e SK1 with high CR probability and not so to
Herwig, Ariadne
19LEP results from particle flow
Fit LEP measurement for free parameter k (CR P)
20Towards a less CR sensitive analysis
21The logic
- Interconnection effects mainly occur in the
inter-W region and between soft particles
Many variations of jet algorithms (cones, pcuts)
have been considered aiming for the best
combination of
Robustness against reconnection effects with
minimal information loss
22Reduction of DMW
Good reduction factors for all available models!
e.g for R0.5, 2.3-2.6 smaller DMW with 25
increase of stat. error
Model Standard R0.5rad
SK1, kI2 115 50
Herwig 40 15
23A by-product Measure CR?
- The difference between MW measured with cone/pcut
and standard analyses (DMC-S) is sensitive to CR
qq ln
80.4110.032(stat) 0.030(syst)GeV/c2
80.4200.035(stat) 0.101(syst)GeV/c2
(Weight of qqqq in combination 0.09)
26Mw and Mtop, MHiggs
Mw wants a low Higgs Mass...
27After all this work.
- Ongoing LEP efforts to find optimal jet
clustering and make qqqq measurement robust
against CR - If all experiments use them
- Total error in hadronic channel 110 ? 60 MeV.
- Total error from 42 to 39 MeV
- Weight of hadronic channel in combination
- 0.09 ? 0.29.
- Learn something about Final State Interactions
- Detector Systematics still an issue after all
these years.. - Final values for Summer?!?!
qq ln
Combined Mw80.4120.042 GeV/c2
Weight of qqqq in combination 0.05 ?
29Detector Simulation
- As measurement is calibrated using MC Systematic
errors related to the detector arise from
discrepancies in the detector simulation. - Most effort devoted to Jet Energy, Mass and
Direction - Jet Energy (mass, multiplicity,etc) calibrated,
checked - and MC tuned using Z ? qq events
- Clean enviroment, EbeamEjet,
- Jets back to back ? well separated
e.g Compare Ejet/Ebeam as a function of polar
angle q , for Data and MC (ratio) for total
energy, Ejet And for individual types of
particles (Echarged, Ephotons, etc)
30Jet Energy Simulation
2000 publication Preliminary results
Towards final results
Better simulation of Calorimeter endcaps,
photon energy calibration, treatment of small Q
calorimeter measurements ,etc etc
Small changes on Mw size of calorimeter
31Jet Direction simulation
Test done with W events Compare Data and MC DQ
qneutral- qChargerd , q being the dijet angle
- Collecting the full statistics allowed
- relevant sensitivity
- qq en ? bad surprise
- Data different from MC
- by 24mrad
32The electron channel qq en
What could make neutral dijet Q be more open in
Data than in MC? Look near the electron..
- EM shower of v.energetic electrons
- not well simulated.
- Existing algorithm to collect electrons cloud not
New electron reconstruction Mw from
qq en moved by 100 MeV
33WW production at LEP
- Theoretical precision 0.5
- Thanks to 2000 calculations
- RACOONWW, YFSWW with improved O(a)
corrections - LEP measurement precision 1
Very good agreement
34Example Jet Mass and Baryon
Jet Mass enters into Dijet-Mass (Mjet12) and also
shows some discrepancy between Data and MC
Identical W ? 2q events, Hadronised with
Jetset/Herwig Study DMjet1, DMjet12, DMreco Vs D
(No of neutrons)
35LEP Energy
Kinematic fit ? the absolute energy/momentum
scale is calibrated by the LEP beam energy
- Ebeam measured from total bending field
- Calibrated with resonant depolarization
- spin precession freq ? Ebeam
- intrinsic resolution 200keV !!
- only works up to 60GeV ? extrapolation
- At LEP2
- Error mainly from extrapolation.
- ?Ebeam20MeV (?E/E10-4!) ?
and will stay there
36ALEPH Energy resolution
- Energy resolution for a calorimeter object
adding ECAL HCAL is
- Take into account particle ID to
- use momentum measurement of
- tracks pointing to calorimeter objects
- avoid double counting of energy.
- apply specific calibrations.
- build new objects with
Total Visible Energy (GeV)
37ALEPH Jet Direction
Jet direction information is based on tracks,
addition of neutral objects improves resolution
by 15
Jet Dq and Df resolution
38Jet Direction simulation(1)
Still at the Z pole Difficult, as no refference
(like Ebeam) Tests rely on correct position of
tracks and check calorimeter objects
by comparing qneutral to
qChargerd as a function of qjet
No significant effect, small systematic
error But..
39The electron channel qq en
What is all this stuff there? Look near the
electron..at bhabha events..
Particles near an electron
40QCD models at LEP
Available Models
Model Parton Shower Hadronisation
JETSET a?bc String
HERWIG a?bc Cluster
- All models
- need to be tuned to data (generally Z ? qq,
LEP1). - Simulate Data as well/bad!
Jetset somewhat better used as Reference MC
from all LEP experiments
41Specific systematics for cones?
- Cone and standard analysis can have different
sensitivity to fragmentation - cone could be more sensitive to angular
distribution of particles inside jet
No indications of new sources of
42Angular distributions
43Inter-jet angle in WW- events
- Z ? qq events too different ? semileptonic WW-
events used. - independent sample
- free from CR effects
For Data and Jetset
No indications of new sources of
- Statistical errors exceeded all expectations
- (analyses really pushed to the limit!)
- Systematic errors dominant
- A lot of effort invested to fight against the
larger known - (eg Colour Recconection) lead to more
understanding of the causes and the design of
promisingly more robust analyses - Detector Systematics. The precision required from
Mw exceeds this of all previous analyses. Jets
and the simulation (especially of neutral part)
cannot rely on LEP1, more detail needed (10MeV!) - Effort put on guessing those unexpected
- Traditionally
- Compare different models (various dX)
- pass them through full analysis Max DMw 20 MeV
But.. DMw is due to dX between Data reference
Latest work
- Identify fragmentation variable, X, with
significant dMw/dx - Estimate dX(Data-MC) at some control sample, eg
Z events - Propagate dX(Data-MC) in refference MC Mass
distribution ? DMw
46Method for MW measurement
47Introduction The Standard Model and Mw
48QCD effects on MW
- If all particles are detected and associated to
Ws perfectly, discrepancies in fragmentation do
not bias MW measurement. - Biases come from interplays
Discrepancies MC-reality on fragmentation dx Detector fD (X) Reconstruction fA (XE)
E, p spectra Baryon rates (e.g n,p) Thresholds charged -gt mp neutrals -gt mg
Angular size of jets Acceptance
Angular size of jets Jet algorithms
50W W event selection
- Semileptonic channel (qqln) (44 )
- 2 jets
- 1 isolated lepton, 1 neutrino missing EP
- Efficiency 70
- Purity 90-95
- main bkg Wen,
qq(g) - Hadronic channel (qqqq) (36 )
- 4 jets
- large multiplicity
- spherical topology
- low missing EP
- Efficiency 80
- Purity 85
- main bkg qq(g), ZZ
Statistics Use multivariable analyses (e.g
neural networks, even for qqln events!)