Title: Top Physics at the LHC
1Top Physics at the LHC
- Manchester Christmas Meeting 2006
- Chris Tevlin
- Experimental Work
- Comparison of two jet algorithms for
reconstructing the top mass - Theoretical Work (to do!)
- Understanding/extending the dipole subtraction
method - Resummation
- Application of these to ttbar cross section
3Experimental Work
4Introduction - Jet Algorithms
- QCD - confinement (only colour singlets propagate
over macroscopic distances) - No unique method of assigning (colourless)
hadrons to (coloured) partons - Require a sensible definition of a Jet - two of
the main types of algorithm are - Cone Algorithms
- Cluster Algorithms
5- Cone Algorithms
- Geometrically motivated
- Fixes the angular extent of a jet with Radius in
?-? space (R invariant under boosts along the
beam direction) - Requires some prescription for removing overlaps
between jets - Not manifestly Infrared and collinear safe
Atlfast! - Some Cone Algorithms Unsafe
- Mid-point Cone Algorithms Safe
- Clustering Algorithms (KtJet)
- Kinematically motivated
- undoing the parton shower
- Theoretically favoured
- Manifestly Infrared and Collinear Safe
- All objects assigned exclusively to one jet
6Motivation (Theoretical Issues)
- Infrared safety - the algorithm is insensitive to
the addition arbitrarily soft partons - Collinear safety - the algorithm is insensitive
to the replacement of any (massless) object by a
pair of (massless) collinear objects - Infrared safety - IR and Collinear safety
- Some Algorithms are classified as Infrared
Almost Safe. The algorithm is rendered safe in
the presence of a detector with finite energy
resolution and angular granularity - this is
dangerous for several reasons - In order to perform a perturbative calculation
one would need to know geometry of detector, cell
thresholds etc - Since the angular extent of calorimeter cells,
and cell energy thresholds are small, each term
in such a calculation would be large - poor
7Motivation (Experimental Issues)
- In the Golden Channel the top mass
reconstructed from 3 jets - By clustering to a specific jet multiplicity, one
may hope to - Remove the soft underlying event (Exclusive Mode)
- Solve Combinatorial issues
- Increase the purity of the sample (pay in
8The algorithm (Exclusive Mode)
- For each object, j, compute the closeness
parameter djB, (Ej?jB)2 for ?jB?0 and for each
pair of objects compute the parameters djk
min(Ej,Ek)2?jk2 for ?jk?0 - Find the smallest object from djB,djk. If this
is a djB, remove it from the list of objects.
Else, if it is a djk combine the two objects
according to some recombination scheme - eg 4momentum addition
- Repeat stages 1 - 2 until some stopping criteria
is fulfilled - eg some Jet Multiplicity
9Analysis - Cuts
- Require
- gt20GeV missing pT
- At least one isolated lepton with pTgt20GeV,
?lt2.5 - Remove all isolated leptons from the list of
objects, and run the jet finder - Cone (Radii of 0.4 and 0.7)
- KtJet (Exclusive Mode - Cluster to 4 jets)
- Require at least 4 jets with pTgtptcut and ?lt2.5
Cone like - Require 2 b-tagged jets Truth
10W reconstruction
- Choice of two light jets as W candidate - for
events with only two light jets, plot their
invariant mass - Keep W candidates that lie within 5? of the peak
value, mjj. - From the remaining W candidates, the W which
minimises ?2 is chosen - If this W lies in a mass window of ?2?W then it
is accepted Cone like?
PxCone (R0.4)
11W purity
Before the ?2?W cut
Seems to reconstruct the W better than PxCone
12Top Reconstruction
- To reconstruct the top, choose the b quark which
results in the highest pT top combined with the W
candidate later on use leptonic top - missing
PxCone (R0.4)
13Top purity/efficiency
(Slightly) higher purity for low ptcut
Lower efficiency
14Sub-Event Analysis
- Merging scales - eg the scale at which the event
changes from 5 jets to 4jets - One can cut on the different merging scales
(peturbative observables) in the event
Eg ptcut 40GeV Red - good top candidates Blue
- bad top candidates
Cut? ?
15A fifth jet (Hard Gluon emission)
- So far always ran KtJet in the Exclusive mode,
clustering until there were 4 jets - The signal (ttbar - Golden Channel) could include
an additional jet from - The emission of a hard gluon - O(?S) effect
- Extra jets from soft underlying event (In a
fraction of events the hardest 4 jets may not
be from the signal) - Expect increase in efficiency
- The emission of a hard gluon will alter the
structure of the event - sub jet analysis
16Results - W purity
Before the ?2?W cut
- Drop in purity
- expected!
- Can we improve with
- Subjet analysis?
17Results - Top purity/efficiency
Significant increase in efficiency - factor of 2
18Theoretical Work
19- Dipole subtraction Method
- In general at NLO a jet observable will have two
contributions - Real emissions
- Virtual loops
- These graphs are integrated over different
phase spaces (m parton, m1 parton) - A method for canceling all infrared and collinear
divergences for a general jet observable, that
could be implemented in a Monte Carlo - Nuc. Phys. B 485 (1997) 291-419
- Nuc. Phys. B 627 (2002) 189-265
- Possible extension is to a case with a massive
parton in the initial state (eg tops) - Interesting phenomenology?
- Resummation
- First measurement of bb cross section at
Tevatron disagreed with NLO calculation by a
factor of 2
20Extras - (1) Mid-point Cone
- The IR safety of an Iterating Cone Algorithm is
ensured by considering the mid-point of any pair
of proto-jets as a seed direction
(Figure courtesy of Mike Seymour)
21Extras - (2) Infrared Safety
- At NLO individual Feynman diagrams contain IR
divergences - in any observable, these should
cancel (eg the ee-?jets cross section) - When we define some observable, eg the 3 jet
cross section, we must make sure that if a
diagram with a divergence contributes to this,
the diagram(s) which cancel it also contribute
3 jet
2 jet