Title: Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks
1Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity
- Scott A. Crosby and Dan S. Wallach
- Rice University
2The attack
- Is a denial of service
- Worst case versus typical case
- Exploits the algorithm choices
- Algorithms are now part of the attack surface
3Average vs. worst case behavior
- Hash tables O(1) vs. O(n)
- Binary trees O(log n) vs. O(n)
- Quicksort O(n log n) vs. O(n2)
- Regexp matchers O(n) vs. O(2n)
- Can an attacker induce interesting worst-case
behavior on real software? - This talk primarily about hash tables
4The hash table under attack
Invulnerable or not under attack
Vulnerable and under attack
Total Cost 11
Total Cost 28
Assume scan whole chain before inserting into it
5Requirements of attack
- Sufficient input to the program
- Search space of possible inputs is large enough
- Deterministic function
- Ability to get input to table
6Insufficient input limiting impact
- Explicit application limits
- Implicit
- Max sockets
- Max processes
- System RAM
- O(n2), but microscopic constant factor
- Need thousands of collisions
7Hash collision
8Bucket collision
9Which attack to use?
- Limited search space may make hash collisions
impractical (e.g., 32 bit IP addr hash values) - Hash collision
- Work regardless of bucket count
- May be harder to generate
- Bucket
- Easier to derive collisions
- Attack dependent on bucket count
- Multiple possible bucket counts
- Attack less efficient
10Finding collisions
- Break the hash
- Guess and check
- Cryptographic hash functions
- Exploit structure in the hash
- Fast attack on incremental hash functions
- Only need to do once offline, then reuse
11Guess and check
- Hardest to collide is cryptographically secure
hash functions - E.g. MD5, SHA-1
- Still deterministic
- Not a magic bullet
- Nobody will use all 128/160 bits.
- Use guess-and-check to find bucket collisions
- 9,000 20-bit MD5 collisions in 1 hour
- P2-450
12Exploit structure
- Incremental hash functions
- 32 bit internal state
- Input mixed one word at a time
- e.g. Perl 5.8.0, Perl 5.6.1, Java 1.4.1, Glib,
Linux dcache, Python, TCL - For Perl 90,000 in 1 hour, millions overnight
13Fast collision
- If hash one byte at a time
- Find fixed points about 40 an hour
14Fast collision
h(XYabc) h(abc)
h(XZabc) h(abc)
15Now for the results
- Applications examined
- Perl 5.6.1
- Perl 5.8.0
- Dan Bernsteins DNS cache (djbdns) 1.05
- Squid 2.5STABLE1
- Bro IDS 0.8a2
16Attacking perl
- Three order of magnitude difference in
performance in inserting 90,000 keys
7200 seconds 2 hours
17Attacking CGI scripts
- Recent results remote CGI DoS
- Scripting languages and other CGI systems
- Verified for Perl and Python
- Insert keys of POST request into hash table
- 10000 key test attack
- 250KB of data
- Saturate CPU for 3 minutes
18Other applications
- djbdns DNS cache
- Has explicit check for chain gt100 long
- Bail out of chain scan if so and return miss
- Application specific compromise
- Squid HTTP proxy cache
- Uses MD5
- 40 more CPU consumption
19Attacking an IDS
- IDS Intrusion Detection System
- Designed to identify scans and network intruders
- Attractive target
- Likely to have large state
- To better track connections and slow scans
- Unlikely to have other exposed vulnerabilities
20Attacking Bro
- Bro intrusion detection system Paxson 98
- High performance, scriptable, open-source IDS
- Used by U.C. Berkeley/LBL to study their network
- Hash function cumulative XOR
- Demo port scanning detector
- Attack 16 kbit/second
- 50 SYN packets/second
- Carefully chosen source IP and dest port number
- We only cause at most 64k hash collisions
21Bro performance under attack
- 16kbit/second attack
- Slam CPU in 7 minutes
- 60 seconds processing latency
- 31 drop rate
22Results Summary
23Wouldnt it be nice?
24Wouldnt it be nice?
25Wouldnt it be nice?
26A fix old, but unfollowed
- Universal hashing
- Has deep theory provable results
- Original paper Carter, Wegman 79
- Also mentioned Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest 90
- Popular widespread algorithms textbook
- Warns about attacks against unkeyed hash
functions - Carter Wegmans implementation
- Dot product input with fixed random vector
- About as fast as Perls hash function (on
27Another fix UMAC
- Fast, universal hash function
- Black, Halevi, Krawczyk, Krovetz, Rogoway 99
- Can be very fast
- UMAC (internet draft) hash function is
asymptotically 80 the speed of Perls hash
function - Significantly faster than HMAC-MD5
- Much slower than Perl for short 10 byte inputs
28Another fix HMAC-MD5
- Defined in RFC 2104
- Construction of keyed hash function
- from a cryptographic hash function
- Security not provable without assumptions
- Very slow
- Half the speed of UMAC for long strings
- Twentieth the speed of Perl for short strings
29Possible fix the Jenkins hash
- Popular, fast, keyed hash function
- http//burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/evahash.html
- Built primarily for speed, good distribution
- Two different functions
- No multiplies or modulo
- These are fast on x86, slow on SPARC
- Used for performance reasons
- No serious cryptanalysis
- No obvious weaknesses, either
30Since this paper was published
- Systems got fixed
- Linux
- Network routing cache vulnerable and fixed
- Directory-entry cache vulnerable and fixed
- EXT2 filesystem predicted the attack, safe
- Bro
- Fixed
- Perl 5.8.1 (not yet released)
- Fix exposes latent bugs
31Related work
- QuickSort worst case input McIlroy 99
- Perl hash worst case runtime Dominus 97
- Attacking port scanning detectors Solar
Designer 98 - Defensive programming Qie, Pang, Peterson 02
- Using client puzzles Dean, Stubblefield 01
32Is hash randomization enough?
- Collisions introduce latency
- Latency can be measured on real networksBoneh,
Brunley 03 - Can an opponent determine collisions?
- Possibly determine the hash functions key
- Attackers will go after your worst-case
performance - Better hash functions available, not widely used
- Where else are there vulnerable data structures?
- Routers?
- P2P / DHT systems?
- http//www.cs.rice.edu/scrosby/hash/
34Advertisement for my WiP talk
- Regular expression matchers
- Use backtracking
- Try one alternative, then the other
- Can match irregular languages
- Can take exponential time!
- (aaa)Y
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX
36Bro performance under attack
- 16kbit/second attack
- Slam CPU in 7 minutes
- 50 seconds processing latency
- 31 drop rate
37Our fix wcHASH
- CW needs storage for random vector
- 4 times length of longest input to hash
- UMAC is slow for short keys
- Our approach hybrid
- Use CW dot-product for small inputs
- Use UMAC for large inputs
- Worst case 50 of Perls hash performance
38Finding collisions Trivial
- Simple hash functions reverse engineer
- e.g. XOR
39Keying hash functions is hard
- BUZHash
- Any 64 byte input concatenated with itself
collides. - All multiplicative hashes
- Keying initial state doesnt affect collision
- Future work needed
- Current hash functions too slow
- Fast hash functions not known to be secure