Title: Part 5: Network Security
1Part 5 Network Security
- Network Attacks
- Intrusion Detection
- Servers and Security
- Authentication
- Secure Communication
- Cryptography Applications
2Network Security Basics
- Network security protocols have been designed and
deployed, early in the life of the open Internet - Network security is a complex arena, but most of
the simple protocols are effective, efficient and
widely deployed - Internet Threat ModelThe network is insecure
and subject to attacks, the end systems are
secure. - Assumes there are no viruses and other system
level threats - Solves the network insecurity problem, but leaves
the more important threat not addressed
3Basic Network Attacks
- Port Scans or mapping attacks (nmap)
- Create blueprint of network
- Find what listens to the network, what ports are
open - Reconnaissance
- Sniffing non-switched networks
- Many tools exist
- ARP Spoofing
- Switched networks use intelligent switching of
packets - Capture packets on switched networks
- MAC flooding/ARP poisoning
- Overflow the MAC table in switches
- MAC duplication
- Fool switches, similar to the ARP spoofing attack
Countermeasures IP filtering Port Security on
4Network and TCP attacks
- Routing Attacks
- Attacking routers, NATs and firewalls
- Attacking BGP hosts
- Changing routes
- DNS Attacks
- Provide false DNS information
- Pharming attacks
- SYN Attacks
- Malicious headers, non conforming responses
- Various TCP attacks
- Bad packets, malformed headers
Countermeasures Routing Security (no
workstations for routing, use proper
routers) Secure DNS TCP has been hardened and
many attacks do not work.
5WiFi Attacks
- Eavesdropping on WiFi networks
- Open radio network, cannot be prevented
- VPN and SSL usage is highly recommended
- Evil Twin attack
- Set up access point with same SSID
- WEP attack
- WEP is badly broken and is not secure
- MAC spoofing
- Access MAC filtered networks (all paid networks)
- WiFi seems to be inherently insecure, but use
of encryption can make it as secure as wired
networks - Standards keep changing and more security
features keep getting added
- Overloading a resource with a flood of spurious
traffic - Network routers
- Servers
- Network Stacks (e.g. the sync attack)
- Authenticators
- The DDoS attack uses zombies to generate traffic
to a particular victim resource - No good solution exists
- A threat to the Internet Infrastructure
7Intrusion Detection
- A phrase used for a variety of techniques to
detect malicious access - Basic techniques
- Statistical Anomaly Detection
- Pattern Matching
- Deep packet inspection
- More techniques
- File Integrity checkers (Tripwire)
- Some are quite intricate advances and obscure
BorderRouter Firewall
8Intrusion Detection
- IP Filtering
- Can stop many port scans from outside
- Cannot stop internal attacks from viral
infections - Packet Inspection
- Statistical checks and content checks
- cat gt ./rhosts
- Honeypots
- Open, often unpatched matching in DMZ
- Used to see what attacks are happening
- File Integrity
- Get hashes of files and store them, and check
against actual files - Not too difficult to attack and disable
- Host based IDS
- One system only
- Network based IDS
- Listens to packets
- Layered approached
- Many techniques
- Knowledge based
- updates
- Bastion hosts
- ..more
- Firewalls are effective against some buffer
overflow attacks and some Trojan software - Stops the silly tricks, lets the smart ones go
- Firewalls can be implemented in hardware and
software - They each have their share of advantages
- Firewalls can implement NAT Network Hardware
Translation - Best reasons to have a firewall
- Stops access to open ports where default, poorly
configured servers listen - Stops access to several buffer overflow exploits
- NAT makes the computer essentially invisible to
10Software Firewalls
- Built into the kernel, handles messaging into and
out of the machine - Can monitor programs that send data out, useful
for detecting malware (not effective) - Can close and/or monitor some open ports
- Can have smarts
- Disadvantages
- Can be easily turned off by malware
- A lot of confusing warnings
- Cannot detect stealthy programs (e.g. one that
piggybacks over the email program or web browser) - Incoming connection protection is doubtful, and
can introduce more vulnerabilities
11Hardware Firewalls
- Essentially a NAT server
- NAT network address translation
- Hides the machine at a fictitious IP address, all
incoming messages go to the firewall - Allows only outgoing connections from the machine
- Others can reply to the host, but cannot initiate
communications to the host - Stops all network attacks
- Except the ones that can figure out how to mimic
responses rather than initiations (connection
hijack attacks) - Disadvantages
- Cannot monitor outgoing traffic
- No Smarts
12Denial of Service
- Protection against DoS and DDoS
- Hard to do, not many effective techniques
- Packet filtering has to be done
- How to detect, what to throw?
- Fooling DoS detectors can cause DoS attacks
- Global traffic shaping
- Internet has no central control
- Backbone Networks
- Autonomous Systems
13Network Application Security
- Web server security
- Attacks on web servers
- Scripting attacks, injection attacks
- Data compromise attacks
- Denial of Service Attacks
- Mail Server Security
- Spam filtering is essential
- Open relays, sendmail configurations
- Containing Hoaxes
- DNS security
- DNS attacks and configuration
- Database server security
- SQL checkers
- Scripting attacks
- Backdoors
14ISP protection
- Many forms of packet filtering
- Ports are blocked
- For SMTP servers
- Inbound and outbound port blocks
- Some are done for profit
- Traffic Shaping
- Net Neutrality debate
15Network Security and Cryptography
- Network Security makes heavy use of cryptography
- Different from system security
- Cryptographic Algorithms
- Encryption, hashing, random numbers, identities
- Cryptographic Protocols
- A set of steps executed by multiple parties such
that no one trusts each other, but if everyone is
truthful, the end goal is reached - Self Enforcing Protocols
- Authentication, Key Exchange, Challenge response,
Message Authentication Codes (MAC), secret sharing
16Secret Communication
- Alice send a message to Bob, encrypted using a
key (k). - Many encryption algorithms, known and trusted
- An attacker cannot read the contents of the
message - Alice also embeds a cryptographic hash in the
message, that is also encrypted with k as well as
a timestamp or sequence number - Bob and ensure an attacker did not replace the
message with a random bit string, or is replaying
an older message from Alice - Problem Alice and Bob have to prearrange a key
k - Use PKI to exchange keys
- Watch out for MITM attacks
- Preinstalled keys can be used ltltlt more
complicated than it seems
- Used to ensure Alice and Bob are sure about who
they are communicating with - Also helps in key exchange
- Passwords
- Public Key based Protocols
- Simple authentication (passwords, hash chains)
- Multi Factor Authentication
- PKI Authentication used in SSL/IPSec
- Certificate based Authentication
18Authentication - passwords
- Ubiquitous and insecure
- A shared secret scheme, prone to leakage
- Dictionary attacks, keyboard sniffing attacks,
phishing attacks - PIN usage in debit cards bad
- Biometrics bad
19Authentication hash chains
- Create a chain of hashes
- Seed S
- H1 h(S)
- H2 h(H1)
- H3 h(H2)
- Server stores HN1 and gives the client the
- Client uses HN for 1st login
- Client uses HN-1 for 2nd login
- A more practical scheme using time is used in
the RSA secure-id card
20Authentication Challenge Response
- Shared secret challenge response is secure if the
shared secret can be kept securely - Client and Server know a secret S
- Challenge Server sends to client a random number
R - Response Client responds with ES (R)
- PKI based challenge response is better, covered
in Cryptography section.
21Single Sign on Systems
- Sign on once and access a variety of services
- Eliminates multiple username/password problems
- Passwords do not get propagated to service
providers - Has met with limited success
- Microsoft passport is essentially dead
- Liberty Alliance is struggling
- Microsoft CardSpace is tying a fresh start
- Cardspace is the only one using public keys and
has provisions for securely storing private keys
on smartcards - Late, but much needed
- Kerberos is old technology but widely used in
22Kerberos (three-headed guard dog)
- A popular methods for single sign on for
organizations - Client authenticates with an Authentication
Service - Client contacts ticket granting service to get a
ticket for a particular server - Client provides server with ticket and server
provides client with service - Based on a lot of pre-arranged shared secrets
Ticket granting server
23Simplified Kerberos Protocol
- Client C contacts Kerberos K and authenticates
- Client asks for ticket to Server S
- Client sends Server
- Server Acks,
Ticket granting server
Tk, L, Kcs, S,
Tk, L, Kcs, C
Tk timestamp at KL Ticket LifetimeKkc, Kks
prearranged shared secretsKcs temporary shared
Tk, L, Kcs, C
C, Tc
Tc 1
24Secure Communication SSL or IPSec
- SSL (Secure Sockets layer) is pervasive, IPSec
is a standard - Most VPNs use IPSEC
- End to end, security, with server authentication,
and optional client authentication - Servers have certificates issued by a CA
- Client authenticates the server certificate,
using challenge response - Clients can authenticate to server via
certificates, or via password - Has a wide range of supported underlying
algorithms for session key, public key and hashes
25SSL Protocol
- SSL Protocol (basic)
- Alice ? Bob Hello RA ltrandom numbergt
- Bob ? Alice Hello ltBobs Certificategt, RB
ltrandom numbergt - Alice ? Bob Prove it!
- Bob ? Alice EK2B ( h (RA, RB))
- Alice ? Bob EK1B (session key)
- SSL Communications
- EKEY(message, EKEY( h (message)))
- The SSL protocol is an implementation of the
basic protocol with lots of bells and whistles - Well designed
- Attacks against the implementation have been
found, but have been fixed - Current implementation is considered robust and
safe - Features
- Cipher Suite negotiation
- Compatibility
- Client and Server generated random numbers
- No Challenge-Response actually needed (!)
27SSL Protocol
ClientHello (224 bits)
ServerHello (224 bits)Server Certificate
Verify Server CertificateGenerate
Pre-Master-Secret 384-bits
Cipher Negotiation
Send pre-master-secret, encrypted with Server
Public Key
Generate Key Material
Generate Key Material
- Client Hellostruct ProtocolVersion
client_version Random random SessionID
session_id CipherSuite cipher_suites Compress
ionMethod compression_methods - Server Hello struct ProtocolVersion
server_version Random random SessionID
session_id CipherSuite cipher_suite
CompressionMethod compression_method
29Key Material
- master_secret
- MD5(pre_master_secret SHA('A'
pre_master_secret - ClientHello.random
ServerHello.random)) - MD5(pre_master_secret SHA('BB'
pre_master_secret - ClientHello.random
ServerHello.random)) - MD5(pre_master_secret SHA('CCC'
pre_master_secret - ClientHello.random
ServerHello.random)) - key_block
- MD5(master_secret SHA('A'
master_secret ServerHello.random - ClientHello.random))
- MD5(master_secret SHA('BB'
master_secret ServerHello.random - ClientHello.random))
- MD5(master_secret SHA('CCC'
master_secret ServerHello.random - ClientHello.random)) ...
- Key block is then partitioned into client write
key, server write key, client MAC, server
30Problems with SSL
- CA public keys stored in browser, can be attacked
- After an SSL connection is opened, a virus can
use the secure connection to defraud or steal
information - Earlier known attacks
- Weak encryption
- Timing attacks
- Buffer overflow attacks
31Email Privacy
- Email is not private
- Email privacy can be achieved with encryption
- Key exchange issues
- Public Key Management
- If we had certificates, email privacy would be
easy to achive - Currently, sending/receiving encrypted email
arouses suspicion - Workaround is steganography
- Email privacy is supported via PGP and GPG
- Several commercial solutions that do not
interoperate - Hushmail
- Pretty Good Privacy and Gnu Privacy Guard
- Email and encrypted file systems
- Public keys for email transport and signatures
- Web of Trust
- Alice can sign Bobs public key, if she knows Bob
- P2P version of certificate authorities
- How private keys are generated and stored depends
upon the implementation - How public keys are distributed also depends upon
implementation - Signatures are supported
- Spam is not just an irritant, it is a security
risk - Spam is the carrier of choice for
- Viruses
- Phishing attacks
- Malformed URLs
- Various fraudulent scams
- Luring users to dangerous websites
- More to come
- Fighting spam is not working, due to many
technical issues - Compatibility
- Signed email can combat spam, but would create
segregated email communities
34Email Signing
- Digital signatures on email can identify sender
and stop spam and spoofed emails - DomainKey A email signature scheme developed by
Yahoo and used by Yahoo Mail and Google Mail - All mail sent via Yahoo or Google servers have a
domainkey signature - Cannot be spoofed, signature cannot be lifted
- Yahoo and Google ensures spam is not sent from
their servers (and a few more) - Ensuring all received mail has valid domainkey
would make spamming difficult - Would also stop all email not originating from
yahoo/google - Domainkey signatures are never checked as of now
35Security Policies
- A catchall phrase that encompasses all rules and
enforcement used by an organization to ensure
security - Has to be dynamic and flexible
- Covers
- Networking systems
- Computer systems
- User rights
- Data policies
- Resource usage policies
- Email policies
- File systems
36More issues
- Advisories
- Patches
- Attack recovery
- Perimeter Safety
- Service Security
- Baseline Security
- Physical Security
- Transport Security
- File systems
- BGP and routing protocols
- Hoaxes
- Mobile Security