Title: Person Centered Planning Is Not Just About a Meeting
1Person Centered PlanningIs Not Just About a
With Lots of Good Examples!
- Camille Mayhall, MS, CRC
- Rehabilitation Services Supervisor
- DRS/Maine and Niles High Schools
- cammay_at_niles-hs.k12.il.us
2Person Centered Planning is
- about choices, decisions and dreams. It is also
about listening, respect, and commitment. - a voyage of discovery. On this voyage there is
shift of power and control from the supporters
to the individual and his/her family. This
shift in power and control must begin with a team
commitment to the individual. Listening to the
person and those who love the person is at the
heart of this beginning. - LISTENING to what the person and his/her family
and significant others want to see happen in the
persons life. The educators and agency people
take their lead in decision making from the
person. - Person Centered Planning is not just about a
meeting. - Adapted from Whose life is it anyway A look at
person-centered planning and transition. (2001).
St. Augustine TRN Publishing.
3Traditional to Current Best Practice
4Benefits of Person Centered Planning
- Focus on the total person
- Recognition of individual desires and interests
- Discovering new ways of thinking about the future
of the person-being open minded
5Benefits of Person Centered Planning
- Establishing relationships among agencies
- Focusing on capacities instead of deficiencies
- Services are chosen to meet the goals based on
the individual, regardless of whether the
services already exist - Plan is used to create the persons IPE, IEP,
IHP, etc.
6Person Centered Planning Is Not.
- Setting unrealistic goals
- Ignoring limitations and constraints
- Limited to current services available
- A one-time event
- A segmented view of a persons life
7The Process of Person Centered Planning
- Involves personal and community networks in
planning for the future - Includes articulating a vision, as well as
desires and needs, barriers - Coordinates resources and supports to make the
vision a reality
8The Process of Person Centered Planning
- Problem solving and resource development
- Developing an action plan to implement to achieve
the desired outcome
9The Process of Person Centered Planning
- Reviewing and revisiting the action plan
- Determining the success of a planning process is
how facilitators, family members and others
influence the individuals participation
10Throughout the planning process, it is important
to remember
- The individuals
- Values
- Goals
- Expectations
- Fears
- Likes and dislikes
11The Plan Should Be Personal And
- Should not be limited to existing services
- Should be created services that meet the
individuals needs
12Factors That Encourage Participation From The
Focus Person
- Speaking directly to or directing questions
toward the individual. - Verifying or checking with the focus person on
the meaning of his/her answers, responses and
suggestions before moving on. - Speaking at the individuals language level.
13Factors That Encourage Participation From The
Focus Person
- Waiting for a response from the individual.
- Using accommodations to support the focus
persons understanding and communication. - Following the individuals lead to change the
subject, take a break or talk more about a topic.
14Factors That Encourage Participation From The
Focus Person
- Setting and maintaining a positive tone.
- Setting aside fears and concerns while the vision
is developed. - Institute For Community Inclusion (UAP),Research
- and Training Center on Promoting Employment
- Childrens Hospital
15Factors That Decrease Participation
- Using jargon
- Using third person
- Using patronizing language
16Factors That Are Important For The Group Process
- Writing suggestions or statements made by group
members - Using good group facilitation skills
- Actively involving the focus person in the group
17Individual participation in planning meetings.
- Provides individuals with an opportunity to be
involved in planning their own services, to look
into the future, to voice their preferences and
concerns, and desires to be heard, and to share
in making decisions that directly affect them.
18How to Promote Person Centered Planning
- Assist individuals with disabilities in planning
and running their own meeting - Allow them to invite the people they want to
their meeting - Let them set the agenda and talk about things
that are important to them - Let them choose where the meeting should be held
and when it should be - The Arc Michigan
19How to Promote Person Centered Planning
- Allow them to feel in control of the meeting and
make sure people listen to what they have to say - Make sure that people respect their opinions and
wishes - Make sure they agree with the solutions that were
20How to Promote Person Centered Planning
- Make sure people come up with ideas to help them
be a part of the community - Make sure people identify accommodations to help
get what they want - Make sure they get real commitments to a time
line from the people who promised to help get
what they want
21Evaluation Questions After the Planning Meeting
- Did the individual have the opportunity to
actively participate in the development of
his/her plan? - Did family and/or friends have the opportunity to
participate? - Does the plan include a statement about the
individuals needs, preferences, and futures
lifestyle choices?
22Evaluation Questions After the Planning Meeting
- Do the goals reflect the opportunity to learn
skills of self-determination and independence? - How will the services meet goals/needs?
- What services/supports will be obtained form
generic agencies or natural supports?
23Things to remember
- Individuals with disabilities are in the drivers
seat - Its about supporting the many different
- ways that people choose to live
24Q A