Title: Advanced Level Synthesis Portfolio
1to validate that the candidate has successfully
met all course and program objectives and to
document how course work has enhanced attainment
of program objectives.
Advanced Level Synthesis Portfolio
knowledge of core content, literature, and
theoretical base 2.Display detailed knowledge of
learners, learning theory, and pedagogy 3.Utilize
knowledge of learned society standards and best
practices 4.Demonstrate application of
instructional strategies 5.Incorporate global and
multicultural strategies in all aspects of
profession 6.Demonstrate accommodations for
diverse learners 7.Exhibit a variety of
assessment procedures for documentation of
student growth and curricular effectiveness 8.Demo
nstrate skill in classroom environments and
operations 9.Utilize and apply technology 10.Activ
ely participate in school change process via
field experiences 11.Be involved in the community
beyond the classroom 12.Participate in advanced
application of quantitative and qualitative
research with ongoing contributions to the
knowledge base and practice 13.Model the role of
a leader 14.Demonstrate advanced skills in spoken
and written language and critical thinking
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Reflective essay discussing the candidates
personal and professional development during the
program of study - Papers, projects and examples of scholarly work
for each course in the candidates program of
study as they have contributed to the candidates
mastery of advanced program competencies