LIS650 lecture 2 Major CSS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LIS650 lecture 2 Major CSS


Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document ... or _at_import ''; these two ways appear to be equivalent ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LIS650 lecture 2 Major CSS

LIS650 lecture 2Major CSS
  • Thomas Krichel
  • 2006-02-17

  • Introduction to style sheets
  • How to give style sheet data
  • Basic CSS selectors
  • Some important properties
  • Some less important properties

style sheets
  • Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to
    add style to your document
  • We will cover Cascading Style Sheets CSS.
  • This is the default style sheet language.
  • We are discussing version 2.1. This is not yet a
    W3C recommendation, but it is in last call.
  • You can read all about it at http//

what is in a style sheet?
  • A style sheet is a sequence of style rules.
  • In the sheet, one rule follows the other. There
    is no nesting of rules.
  • Therefore the way rules are written in a style
    sheet is much simpler than the way elements are
    written in XML.
  • Remember that in XML we have nesting of elements.

what is a style rule about?
  • It is about two or three things
  • Where to find what to style? --gt selector
  • How style it?
  • Which property to set? --gt property name
  • Which value to give to the property? --gt
    property value
  • In this lecture I will use the following syntax
  • Write property names as property-name
  • Write property values as value

why are they cascading?
  • You can have many style sheet in different
    places. Style sheets comes in the form of rules
    at this place, do that.
  • Where there are many rules, there is potential
    for conflict. We do not learn the exact rules
    here but note
  • Some rules are read after others other. Later
    rules override earlier rules.
  • Some rules concern more specific locations than
    others. The specific rules override general

in-element style
  • You can add a style attribute to any element
    that admits the core attributes as in
  • ltelement style"style"gt .. ltelementgt
  • where style is a style sheet. There is no
  • Example
  • lth1 style"color blue"gtI am so bluelt/h1gt
  • Such a declaration only takes effect for the
    element concerned.
  • I do not recommend this.

document level style
  • You can add a ltstylegt element as child of the
    ltheadgt. The style sheet is the contents of
  • ltheadgtltstylegt stylesheet lt/stylegtlt/headgt
  • ltstylegt takes the core attributes.
  • It takes a type attribute, "text/css" is the
    default value.
  • It takes the media attribute for the intended
    media. This attribute allows you to set write
    different styles for different media. See later

linking to an external style sheet
  • This is the best way! Use the same style sheet
    file for all the pages in your site, by adding to
    every pages something like
  • ltlink rel"stylesheet" type"text/css"
  • href"URI"/gt
  • where URI is a URI where the style sheet is to
    be downloaded from. On wotan, this can just be
    the file name.
  • type and href are required attributes here.
  • Example
  • ltlink rel"stylesheet" type"text/css"

in our situation
  • ltlink rel"stylesheet" type"text/css"
  • href"main.css"/gt
  • Then create a file main.css with a simple test
    rule such as
  • h1 color blue
  • main.css is just an example filename, any file
    name will do.
  • Try it out!

basic style syntax
  • selector property1 value1 property2 value2
  • selector is a selector (see following slides)
  • property is the name of a property
  • value is the value of a property
  • note colon and semicolon use!
  • all names and values are case-insensitive
  • Examples
  • h1 color grey text-align center
  • .blue color blue / yes, with a dot /

comments in the style sheet
  • You can add comments is the style sheet by
    enclosing the comment between / and /.
  • This comment syntax comes from the C programming
  • This technique is especially useful if you want
    to remove code from your style sheet temporarily.

some selectors
  • The most elementary selector is the name of an
    HTML element, e.g.
  • h1 text-align center
  • will center all lth1gt element contents.
  • But the selectors can be more precise, we are
    only look at one alternative here, class

class selectors
  • The is the standard way to style up a class
  • .class property1 value1 property2 value2
  • will give all the properties and values to
    any element in the class class.
  • Recall that in HTML, you can say
  • ltelement class"class"gt ... lt/elementgt
  • to place the element element into the class
    class. Note that you can place an element into
    several classes. Use blanks to separate the
    different class names.

id selectors
  • The standard way to style up a single element is
    to use its id
  • id property1 value1 property2 value2
  • will give all the properties and values to
    the element with the identifier id attribute set
    to id.
  • Recall that in HTML, you can identify an
    individual element element by giving it an id
  • ltelement id"id"gt ... lt/elementgt

visual style sheets
  • In this class we ignore aural style sheets and
    work only on visual ones.
  • We have two important concepts.
  • The canvas is the support of the rendering. There
    may be several canvases on a document. On screen,
    each canvas is flat and of infinite dimensions.
  • The viewport is the part of the canvas that is
    currently visible. There is only one viewport per
  • We will now examine some important property
    values in visual style sheet regarding
  • colors
  • distances

property values colors
  • they follow the RGB color model.
  • expressed as three hex numbers 00 to FF.
  • The following standard color names are defined
  • Black 000000 Green 00FF00
  • Silver C0C0C0 Lime 008000
  • Gray 808080 Olive 808000
  • White FFFFFF Yellow FFFF00
  • Maroon 800000 Navy 000080
  • Red FF0000 Blue 0000FF
  • Purple 800080 Teal 008080
  • Fuchsia FF00FF Aqua 00FFFF
  • other names may be supported by browsers.

values measures
  • relatively
  • em the font-size of the relevant font
  • ex the x-height of the relevant font
  • px pixels, relative to the viewing device
  • absolutely
  • in inches 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.
  • cm centimeters
  • mm millimeters
  • pt points 1 point is equal to 1/72th of an
  • pc picas 1 pica is equal to 12 points
  • percentage, depending on other values. That other
    value may be
  • some property for other element
  • same property of an ancestor element
  • the value used in a formating context.

the default style sheet (extract)
  • blockquote, body, dd, div, dl, dt, h1, h2, h3,
    h4, h5, h6, ol, p, ul, hr, pre display block
  • li display list-item
  • head display none
  • body margin 8px line-height 1.12
  • h1 font-size 2em margin .67em 0
  • h2 font-size 1.5em margin .75em 0
  • h3 font-size 1.17em margin .83em 0
  • h4, p, blockquote, ul, ol, dl, margin 1.12em 0
  • h5 font-size .83em margin 1.5em 0
  • h6 font-size .75em margin 1.67em 0

the default style sheet (extract)
  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, b, strong font-weight
  • blockquote margin-left 40px margin-right
  • i, cite, em, var, address font-style italic
  • pre, tt, code, kbd, samp font-family monospace
  • pre white-space pre
  • big font-size 1.17em
  • small, sub, sup font-size .83em
  • sub vertical-align sub
  • sup vertical-align super
  • del text-decoration line-through
  • hr border 1px inset
  • ol, ul, dd margin-left 40px
  • ol list-style-type decimal

important properties
  • We will now look at the properties as defined by
    CSS. These are the things that you can set using
  • We group properties into six groups
  • colors, and background
  • boxes and layout
  • fonts
  • text
  • lists
  • element classification

color background properties
  • color sets the foreground color of an
  • background-color gives the color of the
  • background-image url(URI) places a picture
    found at a URI URI.
  • background-repeat can take the value repeat
    (default), repeat-x, repeat-y, and
  • background-attachment can take the value of
    fixed or scroll (default) to say if the image
    scrolls with the viewport.

color background properties II
  • background-position property places the
    background image. It can take values
  • '0 0' to '100 100'
  • 'length length' to put length of offset from top
  • mixing both is allowed
  • top, center,bottom and left, right,
    center can be used too

normal flow
  • In general, every piece of HTML is placed into a
    conceptual thingy called a box.
  • In visual formatting, we can think about the box
    as a rectangle that fills the material that is
    being visualized.
  • For text-level elements, boxes are set
    horizontally next to each other.
  • For block-level elements, boxes are set
    vertically next to each other.

the box model
  • The total width that the box occupies is the sum
  • the left and right margin
  • the left and right border width
  • the left and right padding
  • the width of the boxs contents
  • The margin concept here is the same as the
    spacing in the tables.
  • A similar reasoning holds for the height that the
    box occupies.

box border properties
  • border-style border-top-style
    border-right-style border-bottom-style
    border-left-style take the following values
  • none No border. border-width becomes zero.
    This is the default.
  • hidden Same as 'none', except in terms of border
    conflict resolution
  • dotted The border is a series of dots.
  • dashed The border is a series of short line
  • solid The border is a single line segment.
  • double The border is two solid lines.
  • groove The border looks as though it were carved
    into the canvas.
  • ridge The border looks as though it were coming
    out of the canvas.
  • inset The border makes the box look like
    embedded in the canvas.
  • outset The border makes the box look like coming
    out of the canvas.

box properties I
  • border-color can hold up to four colors,
    separated by blanks
  • one value means all borders have the same color
  • two values mean first number for top and bottom,
    second for left and right
  • three values mean first sets top, second left
    and right, third bottom
  • four values mean first sets top, second sets
    right etc.
  • border-width can hold up to four widths, as
    well as the words 'thin', 'thick' and 'medium'.

box properties II
  • border-top-width , border-bottom-width ,
    border-left-width and border-right-width
    also exist.
  • same properties exists for margin-top ,
    margin-bottom etc and padding-top ,
    padding-bottom etc.
  • width sets the total width of the box and
    height sets the total height of the box, both
    take a dimension or the word 'auto' e.g. img
    width 100px height auto

box properties III
  • clear tells the user agent whether to place
    the current element next to a floating element or
    on the next line below it.
  • value 'none' tells the user agent to put contents
    on either side of the floating element
  • value 'left' means that the left side has to stay
  • value 'right' means that the right side has to
    stay clear
  • value 'all' means that both sides have to stay

  • 'static' The box is a normal box, laid out
    according to the normal flow.
  • 'relative' The box's position is calculated
    according to the normal flow. Then it is offset
    relative to its normal position. The position of
    the following box is not affected.
  • 'absolute' The box's position is specified by
    offsets with respect to the box's containing
    element. There is no effect on sibling boxes.
  • 'fixed' The box's position is calculated
    according to the 'absolute' model, but the
    reference is not the containing element but
  • For continuous media, the box is fixed with
    respect to the viewport
  • For paged media, the box is fixed with respect to
    the page

properties with position
  • top, right, bottom, left set offsets
    if positioning is relative, absolute or fixed.
  • They can take length values, percentages, and
  • the effect of 'auto' depends on which other
    properties have been set to 'auto
  • Now check the examples page.

box properties V
  • z-index let you set an integer value for a
    layer on the canvas where the element will
  • If element 1 has z-index value 1 and element 2
    has z-index value number 2, element 2 lies on top
    of element 1.
  • A negative value means that the element contents
    is behind its containing block.
  • the initial value is 'auto'.
  • browser support for this property is limited.

general background to foreground order
  • For an element, the order is approximately
  • background and borders of element
  • children of the element with negative z-index
  • non-inline in-flow children
  • children that are floats
  • children that are in-line in-flow
  • children with z-index 0 or better
  • not worth remembering for quiz

box properties VI
  • The visibility property sets the visibility
    of a tag. It takes values
  • 'visible' The generated box is visible.
  • 'hidden' The generated box is invisible (fully
    transparent), but still affects layout.
  • 'collapse' The element collapses in the table.
    Only useful if applied to table elements.
    Otherwise, 'collapse' has the same meaning as
  • With this you can do sophisticated alignments.

box properties VII
  • We now look at overflow and clipping. When a box
    contents is larger than the containing box, it
  • overflow can take the values
  • visible contents is allowed to overflow
  • hidden contents is hidden
  • scroll UA displays a scroll device at the edge
    of the box
  • auto leave to the user agent to decide what
    to do

list properties
  • list-style-position can take the value
    inside or outside. The latter is the default,
    the property refers to the position of the list
    item start marker
  • list-style-property
  • takes the values disc, circle, square,
    none with an unordered list
  • takes the value decimal, lower-roman,
    upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha with
    ordered list, and some others
  • list-style-image define the bullet point of a
    list as a graphic, use url(URL) to give the
    location of the graphic.

classification properties I
  • display sets the display type of an element,
    it take the following values
  • 'block' displays the contents as a block
  • 'inline' displays the contents as inline
  • 'list-item' makes contents an item of a list. You
  • then attach list properties to
  • 'none' does not display the contents.
  • 'run-in' (see later)
  • 'compact' (see later)

classification properties II
  • display also takes the following values
  • table table-footer-group
  • table-row table-row-group
  • table-cell table-column
  • table-caption table-column-group
  • inline-table table-header-group
  • These means that they behave like the table
    elements that we already discussed.

run-in box
  • If a block box (that does not float and is not
    absolutely positioned) follows the run-in box,
    the run-in box becomes the first inline box of
    the block box.
  • Otherwise, the run-in box becomes a block box.
  • Example on next page

example for run-in box
  • ltheadgtlttitlegta run-in box examplelt/titlegt
  • ltstyle type"text/css"gt
  • h3 display run-in
  • lt/stylegt lt/headgt ltbodygt
  • lth3gta run-in heading lt/h3gtltpgtand a paragraph
    of text that follows it and it continues on the
    line of the h3lt/pgt
  • lt/bodygt

compact box
  • If a block-level box follows the compact box, the
    compact box is formatted like a one-line inline
    box. The resulting box width is compared to one
    of the side margins of the block box,
  • left margin if direction is left-to-right
  • right margin if direction is right-to-left
  • If the inline box width is less than or equal to
    the margin, the inline box is given a position in
    the margin as described immediately below.
  • Otherwise, the compact box becomes a block box.

compact box example
  • ltdiv style"dt display compact
  • dd margin-left 4em gt
  • ltdlgtltdtgtshort lt/dtgtltddgtdescription is herelt/ddgt
  • ltdtgttoo long for the marginlt/dtgt
  • ltddgtdescription goes
  • lt/divgt

classification properties III
  • The whitespace property controls the display
    of white space in a block level tag.
  • 'normal' collapses white space
  • 'pre' value similar to ltpregt tag
  • 'nowrap' ignores carriage returns only
  • It seemed not to work in firefox last time I

text properties I
  • letter-spacing set the spacing between
    letters, takes a length value or the word
  • word-spacing same as for letter-spacing
  • line-height sets the distance between several
    lines of an element's contents,
  • in pt or pixel numbers
  • age (referring to a percentage of current font
  • with a number (referring to a multiplicity of
    the size of the text)
  • 'normal'

text properties II
  • text-align can take the values left right
    center and justify.
  • text-decoration can take the values
    underline, overline, line-through and
  • text-indent , margin-left take length
    units but are best expressed in the relative "em"
  • vertical-align can take the values
    baseline, middle, sub, super, text-top,
    text-bottom, top, bottom, as well as
  • text-transform can take the value
    uppercase, lowercase, capitalize and

font properties I
  • font-family accepts a comma-separated list of
    font names
  • there are five generic names, one should be
    quoted last as a fall-back
  • serif sans-serif cursive
  • fantasy monospace
  • example
  • lang(ja-jp) font-family "Heisei Mincho
    W9", serif

font properties II
  • font-size accepts sizes as npt, n, npt,
    -npt where n is a number, or some sizes like
  • xx-small x-small small medium
  • large x-large xx-large larger
  • incremental font sizes may not be handled
    properly by the browser.
  • font-style can be either italic, oblique
    or normal

font properties III
  • font-variant can be either normal or small
  • font-weight can be
  • a number between 100 for the thinnest and 900 for
    the boldest. 400 is normal.
  • normal bold bolder lighter
  • font-stretch can be any of
  • ultra-condensed extra-condensed
  • semi-condensed normal semi-expanded
  • expanded extra-expanded

other font properties
  • There is a whole bunch of other properties
  • unicode-range stemv stroke
  • units-per-em stemh bbox
  • definitions-src ascent dscent
  • baseline widths mathline
  • centerline topine panose1
  • There also is a font property that allows you
    to put several of the previous properties
  • But all that is not worth learning. Keep fonts

table properties I
  • caption-side says where the caption should go,
    either 'top' or 'bottom'
  • border-collapse allows to choose the
    fundamental table model. It can take two values
  • 'separate' implies that each cell has its own
  • 'collapse' implies that adjacent cells share the
    same border

table properties II
  • The properties on this slide are only useful if
    you choose the separated border model.
  • You can set the distance between adjacent cells
    using the border-spacing property. Set it to
    two distances to specify different horizontal and
    vertical values
  • empty-cells can be set to
  • 'show' shows empty cells with their border
  • 'hide' does not show the border around an empty
  • there are some other table properties

Lesk in HTML/CSS
  • I have struggled to reproduce the Lesk tables in
    the examples area.
  • It is at doc/examples after the directory of the
    course home page.
  • You can see a version with CSS and a version
    without CSS.

advice for cheaters
  • Within a style sheet, for example the contents of
    a ltstylegt element, you can import another file
    using the _at_import command
  • _at_import url(http//
  • or
  • _at_import "http//"
  • these two ways appear to be equivalent

style sheet media types
  • Different media, different style.
  • CSS has a controlled vocabulary lof media
  • projection handheld
  • print braille
  • screen (default) tty
  • embossed aural
  • all
  • Note that style sheet media are not the same as
    the MIME types. MIME types are a controlled
    vocabulary for file types.

media dependent styles
  • Remember the media CSS knows about ?
  • Using _at_import, you can import different types for
    different media
  • _at_import "URI" medialist
  • where medialist is a list of one or more
    media, separated by comma
  • Example
  • _at_import challenged.css" braille, handheld

advice about spacing
  • Traditionally only use horizontally, the em
    nowadays is the height of the font, and should be
    used vertically as well, as in padding
    1.5em margin 1.5em
  • For body, use ages, as in body margin-left
    15 margin-right 0
  • To create a menu, do something like
    float left width 15em

the 'inherit' value
  • Each property can have the 'inherit' value. In
    this case, the value of the property for the
    element is determined by the containing element.
  • Sometimes, 'inherit' is the default value.

validating CSS
  • It is at http//
  • Check your style sheet there when you wonder why
    the damn thing does not work.
  • Note that checking the style sheet will not be
    part of the assessment of the web site.

  • Thank you for your attention!
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