Title: The Art of Speaking
1The Art of Speaking
2According to most studies, peoples number one
fear is public speaking. Number two is death.
3Death is number two. Does that sound right? This
means to the average person, if you go to a
funeral, youre better off in the casket than
doing the eulogy.Jerry Seinfeld
4Some keys to public speaking
5Preparation. Be well prepared.You have much
to focus on as it is already.
6Posture.Stand upright, relaxed and
7Breathing.Breathing from the belly or
diaphragmatic breathing reduces tension and
adds depth and power to your voice.
8ArticulationDo not be afraid to overdo it.
You need maximum lip tension and mouth movement
to shape the outflowing airstream into clear
9Volume.Adjust the volume of your voice to fit
the size of the audience and the content of
10Pace.Do not rush your words, but do not turn
your presentation into a staccato of euhms
either. Vary the pace as much as possible.
11Intonation.Speak in a lively tone of voice.
Invest your voice with emotion think and feel
the words you are uttering.
12Pronunciation. Try to eliminate non-native
13Getting warmed up
14 15 16 17 18 19Listening evaluation task
- III.
- Intonation
- Articulation
- IV.
- Preparation
- Pronunciation