Simulation 9'Simulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Simulation 9'Simulation


To look at a number of more advanced topics in the application of Handel-C ... Handel-C's variable width integer types can be passed to C functions using the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Simulation 9'Simulation

  • Dr. E.Kazanavicius

Advanced Topics
  • To look at a number of more advanced topics in
    the application of Handel-C
  • Interface buses and ports
  • User-defined interfaces
  • Using FPGA library components
  • EDIF bus formats and properties
  • Using multiple clocks
  • Co-simulation

  • Using the "Netlist" Simulator
  • If you need to use the old "netlist" simulator,
    you need to do two things.
  • Select the option Use netlist simulator on the
    Linker tab of the ProjectSettings dialog.
  • Change the Simulator DLL command line on the
    same tab.
  • The Simulator DLL command line will depend on
    which C or C compiler you are using. The slide
    shows the command line for Microsoft Visual C.
    The command lines for GCC and Borland C, which
    are the other compilers supported by DK1, are
    different. Details can be found in the DK1 user
    manual or in the online help. (Look for "Default
    simulation command lines".)

Using the "Netlist" Simulator
  • Go to "Project Settings", select the "Linker"
    tab, and check the box marked "Use netlist
  • Change the Simulator DLL command line
  • cl /LD /Oitybl /Gs /nologo /I"InstallDir\sim\inclu
    de"/Tc"l" /Fe"2" "InstallDir\dkl\sim\lib\numlib
    .lib"/link /nodefaultliblibc.lib

  • "Fast" and "Netlist" Simulators
  • The DK1 Design Suite includes two simulators. The
    default one is the "fast" simulator, which was
    introduced in DK 1.1. The other one is called the
    "netlist" simulator. You would only need to use
    the netlist simulator if you were using a
    simulator plugin that reads or writes data faster
    than the system clock. It is about 100 times
    slower than the fast simulator.
  • The fast simulator supports the ability to call C
    and C functions directly from Handel-C
    functions and allows a standalone executable to
    be created - think of the executable as a
    cross-compiled version of the Handel-C code.

"Fast" and "Netlist" Simulators
  • A new "fast" simulator was introduced in DK1.1
  • Cycle accurate
  • Up to 100 times faster than the "netlist"
  • Standalone simulation executables can now be
  • Use of inline C/C can allow user interaction
  • The original DK1 "netlist" simulator can still be
  • Required for asynchronous I/O paths between
    plugins which produce and read data faster than
    the Handel-C clock

  • Handel-C File Name Extensions
  • This table shows the file extensions for Handel-C
    files. The default extension changed with the
    introduction of DK 1.1 to support the inclusion
    of C and C source code in a Handel-C project.
    Previously, Handel-C files used the extension .c.
  • Backwards compatibility is provided in DK 1.1
    because you can mark a .c file as a Handel-C file.

Handel-C File Name Extensions
  • File name extensions changed with the
    introduction of DK 1.1

  • DK 1.1 File Name Extensions
  • This explains the rationale for the file
    extension changes in DK 1.1.

DK 1.1 File Name Extensions
  • New file name extensions are required with DK 1.1
  • Why? - Because DK 1.1 can include Handel-C, C and
    C files
  • Different file types are recognized by their
  • Backward compatibility
  • New files will use the new extensions
  • Language type can be selected for existing files,
    overriding the default extension

  • Selecting Source Language Type
  • The language of a source file is specified when
    the file is created or when an existing file is
    added to a project. The DK 1.1 software
    automatically adds the proper file extension when
    a new file is created. You shouldn't include the
    file extension in the dialog, otherwise the file
    name may end up as "mycppfile.cpp.cpp" or similar.

Selecting Source Language Type
  • Source language can be specified at file creation

  • Selecting Source Language Type
  • When adding an existing file, make sure that the
    correct language is selected in the dialog box.
    For example, the extensions .c and .h might
    indicate an ISO-C file or they might indicate a
    pre-DK 1.1 Handel-C file.

Selecting Source Language Type
  • Source language is specified when adding an
    existing file
  • Language is selected according to filter in
    dialog box

  • Changing the Source Language Type
  • If you get the source type wrong, all is not
    lost. You can change the language using the File
    properties dialog. To get this, select the file
    in the File View pane. Then select menu
    ViewgtProperties (or right-click on the file name
    and select Properties from the context menu).

Changing the Source Language Type
  • Source file language can also be changed later
  • Select the file in the File View pane
  • Select "Properties" from the "View" menu

  • Calling C/C Functions from Handel-C
  • We have already seen that it is possible to call
    C and C library functions from a Handel-C
    function by declaring them extern "C"or extern
    "C" respectively. It is also possible to call
    user-defined C and C functions in the same way.
    Conversely, Handel-C functions can be called from
    C or C functions.
  • A call to a C or C function takes no clock
    cycles. If several are called in sequence, the
    calls should be separated by delay statements.
  • Handel-C's variable width integer types can be
    passed to C functions using the C Wide Number
    Library, which is supplied with the DK1 software.
  • Including user-defined C or C code in a
    Handel-C project requires a "custom build" step
    for each file - DK1 needs to be told how to
    compile these files - this will be discussed in
    the following slides.
  • The ability to mix Handel-C with C and C is
    very useful for porting existing C or C code to
    Handel-C and when creating tests for Handel-C
    models. C and C functions are only meaningful
    in simulation - hardware must be described purely
    in Handel-C.

Calling C/C Functions from Calling Calling
C/C Functions from Handel-C
  • C/C library and user-defined functions can be
    called fromHandel-C and vice versa
  • Useful when porting C/C to Handel-C
  • Useful for creating test benches in C/C
  • Only meaningful in simulation
  • Take no clock cycles to run
  • Supported by C Wide Number Library (hcnum.h)
  • User-defined C/C functions require "Custom
    build steps"

  • Calling User-defined C/C Functions
  • Here is an example showing some C functions
    being called from a Handel-C model. The C
    functions are declared extern "C". Notice the
    use of Handel-C data types (e.g. unsigned 12) for
    the C functions' arguments.

Calling User-defined C/C Calling Calling
User-defined C/C Functions
extern "C" void get_data (unsigned 12
data, unsigned 12 data_copy) void
software_algorithm (unsigned 12 data) void
compare_results (unsigned 12 datal, unsigned 12
data2) extern void hardware_algorithm(
unsigned 12 data) set clock external void
main (void) unsigned 12 data 8, data_copy
8 software_algorithm(data)
compare_results (data, data_copy)
Sequential and Parallel Statements
  • Handel-C to C/C Type Conversions
  • If a Handel-C data type is to be passed to a C
    function, the C Wide Number Library must be
    used. This requires the header file hcnum.h,
    which includes definitions in the namespace
  • This header file includes class template
    definitions for Into and Ulntltgt These correspond
    to Handel-C's int and unsigned types
    respectively. The template parameter gives the
    size of the Handel-C variable. In the example,
    Ulntlt12gt corresponds to Handel-C's unsigned 12.
  • These class templates include several member
    functions. The most useful are probably UlntOff),
    IntOfQ and PrintStringQ which convert Ulnt and
    Int to the standard C 32-bit unsigned and
    signed integer types and null-terminated string
    respectively. This is necessary when using
    standard library functions, such as printf, as
    there is no automatic type conversion in C. An
    example using PrintStringQ will be given shortly.
  • For full details of the wide number library, see
    the documentation supplied with DK1.

Handel-C to C/C Type Conversions
  • Handel-C to C/C Type Conversions
  • This table shows what type conversions are needed
    between C/C and Handel-C. The template classes
    Hint and Int are only available in C, so
    function arguments with non-standard widths must
    be written using C, not C.

Handel-C to C/C Type Conversions
C only
  • Printing Wide Numbers
  • Earlier in the course, we saw that the standard C
    library function printf could be called directly
    from Handel-C, but that it may not work for
    integer values greater than 32 bits wide or for
    signed numbers less than 32 bits wide. One way to
    print these values is to write a function in C
    that uses the wide number library to convert the
    values to a type that can be written using printf
    or a C output stream.
  • In the example, we want to print the value of a
    33-bit wide unsigned integer. We shall write a
    C function, print_output to do this. The
    Handel-C declaration for the C function
    print_output is shown opposite.

Printing Wide Numbers
  • You can't call printf directly from Handel-C for
    wide numbers
  • Use a C function instead

  • C Code for Printing Wide Numbers
  • Here is the C definition of the function
    print_output. The Handel-C declaration is also
    repeated here for reference.
  • The C function uses the template class Ulnt
    from the wide number library. Ulntlt33gt
    corresponds to unsigned 33 in Handel-C. The class
    Ulnt has a member function, PrintString, which
    converts the value of a Ulnt to a string and
    writes it to a char array as a standard C
    zero-terminated string. PrintString has three
    parameters the char buffer, the size of the
    buffer and the base to be used for conversion.
    The base can be 2, 8, 10 or 16 (i.e. the value
    can be converted to a binary, octal, decimal or
    hex string). PrintString returns the number of
    characters written, including the terminating 0.
    The buffer can then be printed using printfln the
    usual way.
  • buflen is declared to be of type uint32. This is
    a type declared in the wide number library which
    is guaranteed to be 32 bits long (i.e. it's a
    like a C long, but with a portably defined width).

C Code for Printing Wide Numbers
  • Custom Build Steps
  • If a file other than a Handel-C file is to be
    included in a project, a "custom build step" is
    required for the file. This will be the case when
    C/C functions are used in a Handel-C project,
    but is not limited to these file types. Any file
    type can be included in a DK1 project, as long as
    a suitable custom build step is defined. For
    example a VHDL or Verilog file could be included,
    and compiled to EDIF using a third-party
    synthesis tool. (VHDL and Verilog are widely used
    hardware description languages.) Custom build
    steps can also be used to run place and route
    tools and even download the resulting bit file to
    a development board. In this case, the project
    itself will need a custom build step.
  • The custom build settings are specified in the
    Project Settings dialog, and must be re-specified
    for each separate file (except for Handel-C

Custom Build Steps
  • Allows other language source files to be included
    and built in aDK1 project
  • E.g. C/C, VHDL, Verilog
  • Usage
  • Custom build steps are specified in "Project
    Settings" dialog
  • Build commands and output targets must be
    specifiedseparately for each source file
  • Any custom build command can be issued
  • E.g. PAR, download to board, clean up files

  • Custom Build Steps
  • This shows how to specify the custom build
    settings for a C or C file. Remember that the
    following instructions must be repeated for each
    separate C or C file in the project.
  • In the Project Settings dialog, make sure that
    the C/C file is selected and go to the Build
    commands tab.
  • Select Commands from the View drop-down list and
    add the build command. For C or C this will be
    the command-line for the C or C compiler you
    are using, e.g. Microsoft Visual C. You can use
    the variable (lnputName) for the file name. This
    variable does not include the file extension. For
    Microsoft Visual C the command line is this,
  • cl /I C\Progral\Celoxica\DKl\Sim\Include /c
  • (InputName).cpp /Fo(TargetDir)\(InputName).ob
  • Now select Output from the View drop-down list
    and add the name of the output file from the
    build command. This should include the directory
    (TargetDir). For example,
  • (TargetDir)\(InputName).obj
  • Please refer to the DK1 User Manual or online
    help for further details, including the command
    lines for GCC and Borland C.

Custom Build Steps
  • Custom Build Steps
  • Once custom build commands have been added for
    all the non Handel-C files, you must edit the
    Linker settings. This is to tell the linker to
    link the object files that the custom build steps
    have generated. Enter the name(s) of the object
    file(s) in the Additional C/C Modules field. If
    there is more than one, the names should be
    separated by commas.

Custom Build Steps
  • Calling Handel-C from C
  • As well as calling C or C functions from
    Handel-C, it is also possible to have a C
    program that calls Handel-C functions. The
    Handel-C functions must be declared extern "C"
    as shown.
  • You can't simulate such a project in DK1, instead
    you must create an executable in DK1 and run it
    separately. This is described on the next page.

Calling Handel-C from C
  • Building an Executable (.exe)
  • To build an executable, it is a good idea to
    create a new configuration first. Use menu
    BuildgtConfigurations and select the Add... button
    from the Configurations dialog. In the Add
    Configuration dialog, type a name for the new
    configuration, e.g. Executable. Select Copy
    settings from Debug from the list of existing
  • In the Project Settings for the new configuration
    edit the Linker settings so that an executable is
    created instead of a DLL. The example shows how
    to do this with Microsoft Visual C. This uses
    the following command line,
  • Cl/G2/nologo/I" C\Progral\Celoxica\DKl\Sim\Incl
    ude Tpl"/Fe"3".exe"4"
  • You will need to refer to the online help for
    DK1, the DK1 User Guide or the documentation for
    your C compiler for more details.

Building an Executable (.exe)
  • Simulator Plugins
  • The DK1 simulator allows you to use plugins. A
    plugin is simply a Windows DLL that connects to a
    Handel-C program via a clock or interface.
    Plugins are usually written in C, but can be
    written in any language that supports C calling
    conventions, provided that a suitable compiler is
    available. Some plugins are supplied with DK1 and
    you can write your own using the supplied plugin
    application programming interface (API).

Simulator Plugins
  • A plugin is a (Windows) program that connects to
    a Handel-Cclock or interface
  • Plugins can be written in any language that
    supports C callingconventions
  • A plugin API is provided with DK1

  • Plugins Provided with DK1
  • These plugins are supplied with DK1.

Plugins Provided with DK1
  • DK1Share.dll
  • Allows a port to be used by more than one plugin
  • DK1Sync.dll
  • Synchronises DK1 simulations - used to simulate
    designswith multiple clocks also used for
  • DK1Connect.dll
  • Connects two simulations together - used to
    simulate twodesigns together also used for
  • 7segment.dll
  • Provides a seven-segment decoder window
    duringsimulation (simulates a seven segment

  • Example - Using 7segment.dll
  • As an example of a simulator plugin we are going
    to use the 7segment.dll plugin. This provides a
    simulation model of a standard seven segment
    display that can be driven from a Handel-C
  • A seven segment display has seven inputs - one
    for each display segment. Many commercial
    displays have an eighth segment, which is a dot
    at the bottom right. To display a 4-bit binary
    value as a hexadecimal digit, a seven segment
    encoder is needed. This is a combinational
    function that "knows" which segments are needed
    for each hexadecimal digit. One possible
    implementation of this uses an array acting as a
    small ROM, with the encoded values being stored
    at the sixteen array locations. In Handel-C,
    variables must be declared static to be
    initialised and declared at the same time, as

Example - Using 7segment.dll
  • Interfacing to 7segment.dll
  • Our Handel-C model is connected to the seven
    segment display plugin using an interface. The
    interface definition includes the name of the
    plugin DLL, a user-defined instance name for the
    display and the name of the plugin function to
    use. This is described in the documentation.
  • In the simulation, whenever a value is written to
    the interface, the plugin responds by displaying
    the value.

Interfacing to 7segment.dll
  • Simulating with 7segment.dll
  • This shows what the simulation looks like for a
    design that has two seven segment displays.

Simulating with 7segment.dll
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