Title: Calorimetry
1Calorimetry muon/p-id summary
Dhiman Chakraborty Northern Illinois University
- Performance goals
- Electromagnetic Calorimetry (ECal)
- Hadronic Calorimetry (HCal)
- Digital
- Analog
- Particle-flow algorithms (formerly energy-flow)
- Simulations
- Particle identification (Digi/Ana)
- Test Beam
3Performance goals
- Jet energy measurement precise enough to separate
Ws and Zs in hadronic decays on an event-by-event
basis ?E 0.3 sqrt(E GeV) - Use track momenta for charged clusters cal only
for for neutrals particle-flow algorithms - Identify non-pointing neutral clusters
- Excellent hermeticity
- Si-W (OregonSLAC)
- Si-W-Scint (Kansas)
- Scint-W (Colorado)
- Crystal (IowaCaltech)
- Cerenkov-compensated (IowaFairfield)
- All analog
5Si-W ECal
- 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm
- 0.3 mm Si
- 3.5 mm/layer
- 30 layers
- Rin 142 cm
- Zmax 2.1m
- 20X0, 0.8?0
- Sampling 2
- 5T field
- Small Rm and fine segmentation aids PFAs
- Europe on board
- Design well under way
- Electronics rough draft complete
- Mechanical conceptual design started.
- Tests, more simulations in the offing
6Si-W-Scint. Scint.-W
- More affordable than Si-W
- Somewhat coarser segmentation limited by fiber
routing - Fine sampling and timing
- Efficiency and uniformity need to be established
gang 3-5 tiles - Choice of photodet, fiber coupling
- Europe, Asia on board on scint. option
- Detailed simulation studies in progress
7Crystal Cerenkov
- Cerenkov-compensated precision calorimetry
- Uses Cerenkov light to measure e,? ionization
for hadrons, e combine the two - Not much known
- Inexpensive
- Excellent E resol.
- (100 sampling)
- No longitudinal segmentation limitation to PFA?
- Still in early stage
- Extensive simulations needed and planned
- RPC Digital (ANL, U. Chicago, Boston, FNAL)
- Scintillator Digital (?) (NIU, UIC)
- GEM Digital (U Texas - Arlington)
- Scintillator Analog (Colorado)
- 34 layers, 3.5 cm thick w/ 2.5 cm thick
stainless steel or similar absorber - 4?0, 6 sampling
- 1-10 cm2 cells
- Multiple gas gaps, glass substrate, graphite/ink
resistive layer - Avalanche mode operation
- Prototypes constructed, electronics, DAQ in
place, initial studies are very encouraging - Extensive testing, readout chip design in
progress - Backed by detailed simulation
10Scintillator DHCal
- Proven technology
- Somewhat larger cells
- Cheap production by in-house extrusion
- MANY options for fiber routing, surface
treatment, groove shape, transducer tested with
encouraging results - Cosmic ray prototype stack ready
- Bolstered by extensive simulation
- New technology
- Double-gap
- First prototype w/electronics assembled,
operational - Initial tests with CR, source at par with results
shown by developers - Multichannel prototypes under construction
- Backed up by extensive simulation
12Scint. HCal (analog)
- Similar to Scint DHCal, but 2.5 times larger
tiles - Improve lateral resolution by staggering
- Cell prototyping done
- Stack prototype next
- Simulation studies in progress
13Particle-flow algorithms
- Several calorimeter groups are deeply involved in
simulation and software development as well as
PFA development (NIU, ANL, Colorado, UTA, ) - First jet reconstruction results are most
encouraging, prompting us to more realistic
simulations and sophisticated reco algorithms - Much effort invested
14LC TB Goals and Organization
- Detector groups have made significant progress
- Individual detector groups have been working on
TB efforts independently - ECAL and HCAL testbeam performed already in
Europe and Asia - US Calorimeter group leading the effort
- Some documents for requirements exist e.g.
Calorimeter group - It is time for more systematic organization for a
coherent effort for Test Beam - Better if groups work together for preparing
common needs - One communication channel to outside ? Provides
stronger arguments and accomplish better supports - Provide focus to detector development efforts
- Information on available TB facilities compiled
- E. Ramberg from FNAL gave detailed status report
on MTBF - Need to collaborate with European and Asian
15Summary of TB Needs
16- Kick-off LCTB group with the responsibilities
- Sets the goals and determines directions for
coherent TB preparation for all detector groups - Keep up with progress through regular meetings
- Sets priorities if conflict arises
- Represents LC TB efforts to outside and
facilities - Collaborate with European and Asian TB groups
- Discussion session had some 30 members
- Set action items for the next few months
- Setup communication (mail list, web page and
meetings) by Sept., 2003 - Compile a TB requirement document that includes
all detector groups, if possible, in all regions,
by Jan meeting - Contact the leaders of LCRD and UCLC for separate
sections in the upcoming proposals Sept. 2003 - Complete the list of subgroup reps. Sept. 2003
Groups Rep.
Cal Repond/Magill
TRK D. Karlen
MUO Fisk will take to the group
Beam Monitoring M. Woods will work on the document
Beam-line Will recruit later
Trigger/DAQ Will recruit later
Facility Infrastructure Will recruit later
18Muon PID Summary
- R. Wilson CSU Particle ID Software
Infrastructure - Embedding PID in the overall LCD/JAS s/w
infrastructure? - Fast Simulation/Reconstruction dE/dx tool
code checks muon fast simulation. - Cross subsystem PID.
- A. Maciel NIU Simulation Software Development
- Extension of generalized and universal
simulation - framework new worldwide effort.
- Planar muon detector example with 45o
strips. - Big advance!
u vs. v for 2 tracks
19Muon PID Summary (cont.)
- C. Milstene NIU Muon ID Software Development
- Resurrection of m code.
- Verification of M. Piccolos muon ID
- for single particles and b-b events.
- G. Fisk Fermilab Scintillator Muon Detector
- Prototype Planes Description
- General description of scintillator strip layout.
- M. Wayne UND Fiber Connections Routing
- Discussion of fiber associated with bringing the
WLS light out of the scintillator strips and onto
a multi-anode photomultiplier.
20Muon PID Summary (cont.)
- P. Karchin WSU MAPMT Readout and Calibration
Issues - Test results on Hamamatsu M-16 multi-anode PMT.
Calibration ideas. - R. Wilson CSU Geiger Photodiode Array Readout
Test - Description of tests performed on prototype APD
(avalanche photo-diode). - M. Piccolo INFN RPC Prototype Design Issues
- First test results for new glass RPCs.
- Rate capability studies
- Test Beam at Frascati
Plateau curve
21Prototype Module Layout
5.0 m
43 full strips
43 short strips
3.6m (L) x 4.1cm (W) x 1cm (T)
3.6m gt 0m long
Read out both ends of full strips one end of
short strips (except the shortest 22). 2(43
21) fibers/side 128 channels 8 (1.2mm dia)
fibers/pix 16(4 x 4mm2) pixels gt
Equivalent of One MAPMT/prototype plane