Title: Track Planning ' ' '
1Track Planning . . .
- Some thoughts on planning the Ontario North
Eastern RR - Larry Skinner, 26 Feb 2009
2The Ontario North Eastern . . .
- What industries will I have?
- Period, Location, Name and Prototype
- Setting out the Main Line
- Changing Direction
- Passing Tracks
- Interchange Tracks
- Team Tracks
- What about Grades?
- Moving Freight and passengers
- My Plan for the O.N.E. . .
- What about the standards?
- What's a Square
- How many squares do I have?
- How many squares for a blob?
- Turning all the corners
- Where will my yard(s) be?
- Must Haves . . .
- What will my railroad do?
- What lets my trains do their work?
3What about the Standards?
- Minimum mainline radius 30
- Minimum industrial radius 24
- Maximum grade
- 2 on the Main line
- 4 on the Branch Line
- Minimum turnout Fast Tracks 6
- Minimum track spacing
- 2 OC - straightaways
- 2.5 OC - curves
- Spiral easements All mainline curves
- Size of Squares 36
4What's a Square
- A square is
- I used 36 squares
- This was convenient
- I knew that for sure my track would fit
Side Min Radius 2 x Centre Spacing
30 2 x 2.5 35
5How many Squares do I have?
- Room is approx
- 26 x 19 ( x 10 x 9)
- or . . .
- Or, in terms of squares
- 8 x 6 squares, and L shaped
6How many Squares for a Blob?
- It will take four squares to make a minimum
radius blob with a narrow neck
7Turning all the corners
- First - try a minimum radius circle in each place
the track will need to turn - Trial fit lines to join the circles
- Draw in approx. location of benchwork
8Where will my yard(s) be?
9Must haves . . .
- Staging 5 tracks
- Freight East, Freight West
- Passenger East, Passenger West
- Main (remains clear)
- Passing tracks
- Interchange tracks
- Car Ferry
- Team tracks
- Passenger Stations
- Engine Servicing area
- Some grades
10What will my railroad do?
- Trains will have their road engines serviced and
turned at the main yard - Switchers will make and break trains
- Passenger service between towns but run through
only no coach yard - Mixed freight to and from industries
- Mining branch
11What lets my trains do their work?
- In any track arrangement you need a runaround if
the engine has to escape - This can be at the site or require that the
engine run around and push the car(s) from a
nearby passing track or yard
12What industries will I have?
- Imaginary freight on my RR will be shipped from
one industry to another industry - Passengers will travel from one town to another
- Paired industries eg. Gold Mine and Stamp Mill
- Raw materials in products out
- Car ferry, hidden tracks, interchange tracks are
both sources and destinations - Structure kits that I already own!
13Period, Location, Name, Prototype
- Circa late 1950s Steam, early Diesel
- North Eastern Ontario, hence Ontario North
Eastern RR - Fictional with as many Canadian road names as I
can manage - This allows for US road freight rolling stock
- Engines and passenger cars will be Canadian roads
14Setting out the Main Line
- Out and back to main yard
- 5 tracks staging yard
- Continuous loop without having to reset turnouts
- Multiple towns
- Provision for turning entire trains in both
15Changing Direction . . .
- Need at least one way to change direction from
each direction - That is a train doing the loop CW can turn and
run CCW - Or, a train doing the loop CCW can turn and run
16Passing Tracks
- Along the main, need at least one long passing
track - Staging yard tracks will also work for this
17Interchange Tracks
- If any goods are to come in or leave via rail
from outside the area of my layout, they need to
come in and out on interchange tracks - Interchange tracks can be functional or suggested
- They can run off the edge . . .
18Team Tracks
- Team tracks allow local loading of RR cars
- Not related to a specific industry
- Team referred to teams of horses or oxen, etc.
that pulled wagons to and from these loading
tracks - Later, goods arrived and left the rails by trucks
19What about Grades?
- There will be grades
- Down and up to hidden staging tracks
- Up to the mining branch
- Down to the car ferry
- Main down to go under the mining branch trestle
- Ill calculate in Cadrail to ensure they are
within my grade standard - 2 on the Main line
- 4 on the Branch Line
20Moving Freight and Passengers
- To have a rational purpose, the railroad will
exist to - Move freight from one location to another
- Move passengers from one station to another
- Freight origins and destinations can be
- Industries
- Team tracks
- Car Ferry
- Imaginary places hidden team tracks
21My Plan for the O.N.E.
- Here is my plan for the Ontario North Eastern . .
. - See my .pdf files