Title: Engaging Community Colleges A First Look
1(No Transcript)
2Angela Oriano-Darnall, Ph.D.Assistant Director,
Survey of Entering Student Engagement
(SENSE)Community College Center for Student
Engagement (CCCSE)Community College Leadership
Program (CCLP)University of Texas at Austin
Focus Up Front Engaging Entering Students
3Why focus on entering students?
- Community colleges typically lose half of their
students prior to the second year - Achieving the Dream Round One colleges (41,008
students) 14 earned NO credits during first term
- Helping students succeed through the equivalent
of the first semester (1215 credit hours) can
dramatically improve subsequent success rates
Survey of Entering Student Engagement
4- CCSSE data show students typically described as
high risk are more engaged in their college
experience than their low-risk peers. - Why?
- Highly-engaged students are the students who
survive to the second term!
- When there are differences in engagement
between low- and high-risk students.
5SENSE A Tool for Improvement
- SENSE provides data that
- are grounded in research about what works to
retain and support entering students - identify and help colleges learn from practices
that engage entering students, and - identify areas in which we can improve.
6CCSSE SENSE Comparison
- Sampling Frame All credit courses excluding ESL
Distance Learning - Drawn from Course Registration File Actual
Enrollments - Administration Throughout Spring Semester
- Paper Reports End of July
- Sampling Frame All developmental courses and
first college-level English and math course(s)
excluding ESL Distance Learning - Drawn from Course Schedule File Projected
Enrollments - Administration 4th and 5th weeks Fall Semester
- Electronic reports via SENSE Website- End of
7SENSE Overview
- Qualitative companion project MetLife
Foundation Initiative on Student Success - Special-Focus Modules (up to 2 per college)
- Piloted in fall 2007 with 22 colleges
- Launched Entering Student Success Institutes
- Field Test fall 2008 with 89 colleges
- First national administration fall 2009
registration open through April 3rd at
82008 Selected Findings
9Overview of Field Test Respondents
Race/Ethnicity of 2008 Field Test Respondents
10Field Test Respondent Characteristics
11 Selected Findings Entry Processes They do
have information available, but I found that
trying to navigate their Web page is like trying
to figure out a calculus problem when you have
no clue what calculus is. --Female
12First Impressions
- Entering Students First Impressions of Their
The very first time I came to this college, I
felt welcome.
13Getting to Know You
15One Colleges ResponseReorganize and Improve
- Although Durham Technical Community College had a
pre-enrollment orientation program, its SENSE
data led college to revise program. 67 of
entering students indicated they were not aware
of orientation and only 22 actually attended. - Durham focused on two goals increase
participation and maintain quality by developing
learning outcomes for orientation. - Resulted in a 350 increase in new student
attendees over the previous year. 92 indicated
(based on end-of-program assessment) they learned
the skills needed to get a good start at the
16 Selected Findings Financial Assistance They
say our parents make too much, but really they
dont. So, maybe we can pay the tuition, but
then they want another 200-300 for
books Thats the reason a lot of students drop
out they just cant afford the
books. --Male Student
17Financial Assistance
- 17 disagree or strongly disagree they will have
money to pay tuition required to meet their goals - 15 disagree or strongly disagree they will have
money to pay for books and supplies required to
meet their goals - YET.
18Financial Assistance
- How often did you use Financial Aid advising?
(Never) - Never 56.5
- I applied for financial assistance. (Yes/No)
- Yes 68.4 No 25.0
19Special Focus Module Financial Assistance If
you did not complete the FAFSA, what was the MAIN
reason you did not?
20Special Focus Module Financial AssistanceHave
you submitted the form for financial assistance
known as FAFSA to pay for your expenses at this
21Special Focus Module Financial Assistance
Students who completed the FAFSA report The
financial assistance office staff members were
available to help me complete my application.
22One Colleges Response Take Pre-enrollment
Services to High School Campuses
- Austin Community College Districts (ACCD)
College Connection Program provides
pre-enrollment services (including financial aid)
to 15,000 seniors on high school campuses - Day evening information sessions for parents
students to help understand process, deadlines,
materials needed for financial aid application.
Provide one-on-one assistance for students and
parents to complete the FAFSA - FAFSA completion continues to increase
- 2007-08 1,423 seniors completed the FAFSA by
April, 2008. - 2008-09 (through January 2009) 2,007 seniors
have file FAFSA, for an increase of 29
23Selected Findings Academic Advising
Planning Students have their dreams and goals in
hand, but their action plan is blank. We, as
professor, educators, and staff, should be able
to help them fill in the blanks. --Facult
y Member
24Please Advise Me!
25Academic Advising Where Do Entering Students
What has been your primary source of academic
advising (academic advising, course
recommendations, graduation requirements, etc.)?
Survey of Entering Student Engagement
26Academic Advising PlanningAn Advisor helped me
to select a course of study, program or major
(65 Agree or Strongly Agree)
27Academic Advising PlanningAn Advisor helped
identify the courses I needed to take during my
first semester/quarter (76 Agree or Strongly
28Academic Advising PlanningAn Advisor helped me
to set academic goals and to create a plan for
achieving them (39 Agree or Strongly Agree)
29Selected Findings Student Success Courses The
class was mandatory for financial aid. They
should put a class like this in high school.
Weve learned about note taking, how to handle
stress and time Management. Lots of different
things. Its very helpful and useful. --M
ale Student
30Motivation and Goal Commitment
- 51 Strongly Agree and 37 Somewhat Agree they
are prepared academically to succeed in college. - 68 Strongly Agree and 24 Somewhat Agree they
have the motivation to do what it takes to
succeed in college.
31Academic Advising PlanningA college staff
member talked with me about my commitments
outside of school to help me figure out the
number of courses to take(28 Agree or Strongly
Agree 36 Disagree or Strongly Disagree)
32Academic Preparedness
- Based on placement tests entering students
report - 25 needed developmental reading
- 26 needed developmental writing
- 51 needed developmental math
- 13 needed remediation in all 3 areas
- 84 of developmental students were required to
take courses indicated by placement tests during
first term
Survey of Entering Student Engagement
33Its About Time
34Student Success CoursesIntegrating Support
- Students Responding to the Special-Focus Module
on Student Success Courses Indicate Agree or
Somewhat Agree This course - Helped me to be a better student 63
- Helped me to feel more connected to the college
51 - Should be mandatory for new students 74
35Student Success CoursesSpecial-Focus Module
36Student Success Courses Special-Focus Module
37One Colleges Response Wrap Advising and
Planning into the Classroom
- Houston Community Colleges Student Success
Course requires students to explore careers,
learn about HCC program offerings, work with
academic advisors to declare a major, and to file
a degree plan. - Positive effects for student retention.
Strongest gains have been among Hispanic and
African American Students. HCC reports retention
increases over previous year of - Hispanic African American
- Fall-to-Fall 14.4 5.3
- Fall-to-Second Spring 26 13.1
- Course is now required for all new students with
fewer than 12 credits and who have not declared a
major and filed a degree plan.
38SENSE Helping Your College Focus Up Front
- Students dont know what they dont know
- Sometimes we dont even know what our entering
processes really are - Our advising needs to become more holistic
- Students want us to mandate experiences that we
know they need - Too many students are avoiding things that are
critical to their success - Students dont do
39SENSE Helping Your College Focus Up Front
- Systematically collect data on
- First Impressions, expectations and goal
commitment - Entry processes
- Orientation and student success courses
- Classroom experiences and academic support
- When combined with other institutional data
course completion rates, retention and focus
groups can help to target the areas most in
need of attention and where the pay off can be
the greatest - Entering Student Success Institutes Develop a
strategic action plan
40Imagine Success
- How many times have we hear (or said ourselves),
- We cant afford to do that
- Or, That would be great, but we would have to
hire more counselors - Or, Our faculty will never go for that its not
in the master contract.
41Imagine Success
- Imagine all the extra resources that would be
available at our institutions if we simply
retained 5 or 10 more students semester after
semester! - Imagine how our communities and our nation
might be transformed if most, or all, of our
students started right and finished what they