Title: Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse Reinforcement Learning
1Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse Reinforcement
- Pieter Abbeel
- Andrew Y. Ng
- Stanford University
- Typical RL setting
- Given system model, reward function
- Return policy optimal with respect to the given
model and reward function - Reward function might be hard to exactly specify
- E.g. driving well on a highway need to trade-off
- Distance, speed, lane preference
3Apprenticeship Learning
- task of learning from observing an
expert/teacher - Previous work
- Mostly try to mimic teacher by learning the
mapping from states to actions directly - Lack of strong performance guarantees
- Our approach
- Returns policy with performance as good as the
expert as measured according to the experts
unknown reward function - Reduces the problem to solving the control
problem with given reward - Algorithm inspired by Inverse Reinforcement
Learning (Ng and Russell, 2000)
- Markov Decision Process (S,A,T, ?,D,R)
- R(s)wT?(s)
- ? S ? 0,1k k-dimensional feature vector
- Value of a policy
- Uw(?) E ?t ?t R(st)? E ?t ?t wT?(st)?
- wT E ?t ?t ?(st)?
- Feature distribution ?(?)
- ?(?) E ?t ?t ?(st)? ? 1/(1- ?) 0,1k
- Uw(?) wT?(?)
- For t 1,2,
- IRL step Estimate experts reward function R(s)
wT?(s) by solving following QP - maxz,w z s.t.
- Uw(?E)- Uw(?t) ? z
- for j0..t-1(linearconstraint in w)
- w2 ? 1
- RL step compute optimal policy ?t for this
reward w.
6Algorithm (2)
7Feature Distribution Closeness and Performance
- If we can find a policy ? such that
- ?(?) - ?E 2 ? ?
- then we have for any underlying reward R(s)
wT?(s) (with w2 ? 1) - Uw(?) - Uw(?E) wT ?(?) - wT ?E
- ? ?
8Theoretical Results Convergence
- Let an MDP\R, k-dimensional feature vector ? be
given. Then after at most - O(poly(k, 1/?))
- iterations the algorithm outputs a policy ? that
performs nearly as well as the teacher, as
evaluated on the unknown reward function
RwT?(s) - Uw(?) ? Uw(?E) - ?.
9Theoretical Results Sampling
- In practice, we have to use sampling estimates
for the feature distribution of the expert. We
still have ?-optimal performance with high
probability for number of samples - O(poly(k,1/?))
10Experiments Gridworld (ctd)
128x128 gridworld, 4 actions (4 compass
directions), 70 success (otherwise random among
other neighbouring squares) Non-overlapping
regions of 16x16 cells are the features. A
small number have non-zero (positive) rewards.
Expert optimal w.r.t. some weights w
11Experiments Car Driving
12Car Driving Results
Collision Offroad Left Left Lane Middle Lane Right Lane Offroad Right
1 Feature Distr. Expert 0 0 0.1325 0.2033 0.5983 0.0658
Feature Distr. Learned 5.00E-05 0.0004 0.0904 0.2286 0.604 0.0764
Weights Learned -0.0767 -0.0439 0.0077 0.0078 0.0318 -0.0035
2 Feature Distr. Expert 0.1167 0 0.0633 0.4667 0.47 0
Feature Distr. Learned 0.1332 0 0.1045 0.3196 0.5759 0
Weights Learned 0.234 -0.1098 0.0092 0.0487 0.0576 -0.0056
3 Feature Distr. Expert 0 0 0 0.0033 0.7058 0.2908
Feature Distr. Learned 0 0 0 0 0.7447 0.2554
Weights Learned -0.1056 -0.0051 -0.0573 -0.0386 0.0929 0.0081
4 Feature Distr. Expert 0.06 0 0 0.0033 0.2908 0.7058
Feature Distr. Learned 0.0569 0 0 0 0.2666 0.7334
Weights Learned 0.1079 -0.0001 -0.0487 -0.0666 0.059 0.0564
5 Feature Distr. Expert 0.06 0 0 1 0 0
Feature Distr. Learned 0.0542 0 0 1 0 0
Weights Learned 0.0094 -0.0108 -0.2765 0.8126 -0.51 -0.0153
- Our algorithm returns policy with performance as
good as the expert as evaluated according to the
experts unknown reward function - Reduced the problem to solving the control
problem with given reward - Algorithm guaranteed to converge in poly(k,1/?)
iterations - Sample complexity poly(k,1/?)
14Appendix Different View
- Bellman LP for solving MDPs
- Min. V cV s.t.
- ? s,a V(s) ? R(s,a) ? ?s P(s,a,s)V(s)
- Dual LP
- Max. ? ?s,a ?(s,a)R(s,a) s.t.
- ?s c(s) - ?a ?(s,a) ? ?s,a P(s,a,s)
?(s,a) 0 - Apprenticeship Learning as QP
- Min. ? ?i (?E,i - ?s,a ?(s,a)?i(s))2 s.t.
- ?s c(s) - ?a ?(s,a) ? ?s,a P(s,a,s)
?(s,a) 0
15Different View (ctd.)
- Our algorithm is equivalent to iteratively
- linearize QP at current point (IRL step)
- solve resulting LP (RL step)
- Why not solving QP directly? Typically only
possible for very small toy problems (curse of