Title: RISK BASED END STATES RBES U'S' Department of Energy
- Gene Schmitt
- Office of Environmental Management (EM)
- Waste Management 04
2Why RBES?
- Responds to the Top-to-Bottom Review criticism of
DOEs cleanup program. - To ensure consideration of appropriate risk
scenarios as drivers for remedial cleanup
choices. - Safe and sustainably protective closure cannot be
defined without RBES analysis.
3RBES Implementation Three Phases
Phase I Establish Framework Complexwide
Self-Assessment DOE Policy 455.1 455.1
Implementation Plan End State Vision
Guidance Public and Intergovernmental Outreach
Phase II Identify Changes Site-Specific Vision
Documents Variance Analysis and
Report Legislative Recommendations Public and
Intergovernmental Outreach
Phase III Implement Changes Renegotiate
Agreements Modify PMPs and Site
Baselines Legislative Package and
Actions Regulatory Actions Public and
Intergovernmental Outreach
FY2003 FY2004
4RBES Policy
- DOE Policy 455.1 - Use of Risk-Based End States
(7/15/03) - RBES are representations of site conditions and
associated information that reflect the planned
future use of the property and are appropriately
protective of human health and the environment
consistent with that use. - With RBES, cleanup efforts can be focused so they
are both cost effective and protective
5RBES Policy and Compliance
- RBES does not change DOEs intent to comply
with all applicable Federal, State, community and
treaty laws, regulations, and agreements.
6RBES Policy and Participation
- DOE Policy 455.1
- RBES vision will be formulated in cooperation
with regulators, and in consultation with
affected governments, Tribal nations, and
stakeholders (as appropriate). - Regulators shall be asked to concur and affected
and interested governments will be consulted in
the development of RBES.
7RBES Implementation Three Phases
Phase I Establish Framework Complexwide
Self-Assessment DOE Policy 455.1 455.1
Implementation Plan End State Vision
Guidance Public and Intergovernmental Outreach
Phase II Identify Changes Site-Specific Vision
Documents Variance Analysis and
Report Legislative Recommendations Public and
Intergovernmental Outreach
Phase III Implement Changes Renegotiate
Agreements Modify PMPs and Site
Baselines Legislative Package and
Actions Regulatory Actions Public and
Intergovernmental Outreach
FY2003 FY2004
8Where to find RBES visions and related information
9Vision Document Content Guidance
- Directs sites to define risk-based end states
that are sustainably protective of human health
and the environment. - RBES are derived from appropriate land uses and
their associated exposure scenarios. - RBES Vision documents are not decision documents.
10RBES Implementation Three Phases
Phase I Establish Framework Complexwide
Self-Assessment DOE Policy 455.1 455.1
Implementation Plan End State Vision
Guidance Public and Intergovernmental Outreach
Phase II Identify Changes Site-Specific Vision
Documents Variance Analysis and
Report Legislative Recommendations Public and
Intergovernmental Outreach
Phase III Implement Changes Renegotiate
Agreements Modify PMPs and Site
Baselines Legislative Package and
Actions Regulatory Actions Public and
Intergovernmental Outreach
FY2003 FY2004
11Potential Factors Contributing to Decisions to
Pursue RBES
- Variance Analysis
- Balance of risk to workers with risk to the
public - Sustainably protective
- Addresses all contaminants of concern
- Has been shared with and will be negotiated with
regulators and stakeholders - Benefits that accrue to the taxpayer