Title: Dr' Danielle Hollar Collaborating on Elementary Nutrition Education
1Nutrition Education Works! Especially When
Modeled in School Cafeteria Offerings!
Bonnie J. Rowe Family Nutrition Program
Assistant University of Florida St. Johns
Extension Office St. Augustine,
Florida University of Florida Family Nutrition
Program St. Johns County Extension St Johns
School District Crookshank Elementary
School Osceola Elementary School South Woods
Elementary School Otis Mason Elementary School
Dr. Danielle Hollar - Collaborating on Elementary
Nutrition Education
2My Family Nutrition Program Role
- Provide classroom-based nutrition education in
Title 1 schools - Carry out educational programming in 4-H youth
development and community, economic development,
and leadership - Assess local needs, facilitate discussions, and
develop educational programming to meet the needs
of the community - Create partnerships with educational, government,
and human resource agencies
3Family Nutrition Program and HOPSComplementary
- Overall nutrition education aims are the same
encourage children to eat, and live, healthily - Consume lots of fiber (whole grains, fruits,
vegetables) - Consume good fats (olive oil, lean meats) avoid
saturate and transfats - Avoid added sugars as much as possible
- Exercise regularly
- USDA Team Nutrition materials, Florida 4-H
curriculum, 5-A-DayThe Florida Way, Snack
Smart, Move More - HOPS tools complement FNP education materials for
4Bringing FNP andHOPS Roles Together
HOPS and FNP Natural Collaboration
- Use HOPS materials as part of FNP classroom-based
nutrition education - Assist school nurses and other HOPS Coordinators
with nutrition and healthy living educational
activities - Assist after-school educators with nutrition
education in lesson plans including HOPS and FNP
materials - Engage school foodservice staff in nutrition
education - Connect schools with Extension Master Gardeners
5HOPS and FNP Natural Collaboration
- HOPS Foods of the Month Newsletters
- Nutritional aspects of nutritious foods
- Healthy recipes
- HOPS Foods of the Month Activity Packets
6HOPS and FNP Natural Collaboration
- HOPS School Gardens Extension Master Gardeners
7HOPS and FNP Natural Collaboration
- Nutrition Education with School Foodservice
Tastings Fun and Educational!!
8HOPS and FNP Natural Collaboration
- Healthy reading displays in media
9HOPS and FNP Natural Collaboration
- The OrganWise Guys making HOPS info fun!!
10Nutrition Education Works! Especially When
Modeled in School Cafeteria OfferingsHealthier
Options for Public Schoolchildren (HOPS) Study
- For more information about HOPS contact Ms.
Michele DiBono - Michele.DiBono_at_agatstonresearchfoundation.orgwww