Title: Folie 1
1Optimization of artificial deadtime for the -
Timo Griesel IceCube Collaboration Meeting
04/29-05/03/2008 Madison, USA
2Correlated Noise
Time between two hits DOM 754dad1d3800 (Str49-1)
Ideal poissonian noise
Correlated noise, Afterpulses
Shown fit
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3Afterpulse origin of the correlated noise
- Causes
- Afterpulses in the PM
- ltµs
- Scintillations due to radioactive decays in
the glas sphere (238U, 232Th ) ms
Suppression of afterpulses due to artificial
Hellwig et al. AMANDA-IR/20010301
Hellbing et. al. AMANDA-IR/20030701
O. Franzen Diploma thesis 2003
N. Sido Martin Diploma thesis 2003
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4The data
Last Pole season Omicron ATWD hits data was taken
(02/06/2008) by John J. and T.Griesel with the
help of K.Hanson.
Data Format Raw ATWD hits Position String 39,
String 49 all DOMs Duration 15min Data Size
2GB Contains GMT Values
Processing Decryption of the OMICRON
hits Sorting DOM wise Building a ROOT File with
TTree objects
StrNo DOMPosition DOMHexName NoOfEntries RawHits T
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5What we already knew at the Zeuthen meeting
Paralyzing or Non-paralyzing deadtime ? ?
paralyzed ?
non-paralyzed ?
- The artificial deadtime has to be a
non-paralyzing deadtime
Is there an upper limit for the deadtime ? ?
- The artificial deadtime should not be higher
than 400µs
Deadtime ? ?
- The optimized artificial deadtime based on
oxygen - ? 256µs
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6First look at the data Rates
- Effects depending on the DOM depth ?
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7The optimization method
- Is there a maximum in the significance plot ?
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8The supernova signal
Two different SN signals were used (e.g. _at_ 10kpc)
(1.) Scaled SN1987A signal
NKAM 11?Ice 917 kg/m³Veff 51.6m³
Efth 0.8mKAM 2.14 106kgDLMC 52
kpc DSN 10 kpc
(2.) SN signal based on the Mainz Simulation
(A.Piégsa T.Griesel)
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9Significance single DOM
Scaled SN1987A signal _at_ distance 10kpc, DOM 49-11
actual ?
- Is this working out for all DOMs ?
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10Significance DOMs Str49
Scaled SN1987A signal _at_ distance 10kpc, String 49
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11?t again
- Effects depending on the DOM depth ?
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12Afterpulse vs Depth
- Subtracting poissonian noise from background
- Integration of the afterpulse based
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- Data for deadtime optimization processed
- First optimization attempt for Str49 was
- First closer look at the correlated part
Next steps
- Investigation of the background after deadtime
application still poissonian distributed ?
- How is String 39 looking ?
other ideas ?
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