Title: Consumer Behavior
1Consumer Behavior
2Factors influencing Consumer Behavior
- Psychological variables
- Problem-solving processes
- Social influences
3Psychological Variables
- Motivation
- Needs
- Wants
- Drives
4Psychological Variables
- Learning
- Behavioral learning
- drive
- cue
- response
- reinforcement
5Psychological Variables
- Learning (contd)
- Cognitive learning
- problem identification
- information search
- evaluation of alternatives
- purchase
- postpurchase evaluation
6Psychological Variables
- Perception
- Selective exposure
- Selective distortion
- Selective retention
- Perceived risk
- Just noticeable difference
7Psychological Variables
- Evaluating alternatives
- Evaluative criteria
- Evoked set
8Psychological Variables
- Beliefs vs attitudes
- Beliefs
- What a person thinks about something
- Relatively easy to change
9Psychological Variables
- Beliefs vs. attitudes (contd)
- Attitudes
- enduring points of view
- slow to change
- formed by
- a consumers beliefs about product attributes
- the importance the consumer attaches to those
10Psychological Variables
- Beliefs vs. attitudes (contd)
- Brand loyalty
- favorable attitude toward and consistent purchase
of a brand over time
11Psychological Variables
- Lifestyles
- activities
- interests
- opinions
12Problem-Solving Processes
13Problem-Solving Processes
Complex Buying Behavior
Variety-seeking buying behavior
Significant differences between brands
Dissonance-reducing Buying Behavior
Habitual Buying Behavior
Few differences between brands
High Involvement
Low Involvement
14Problem Solving Processes
- Complex Buying Behavior
- Beliefs
- Attitudes
- Purchase Decision
15Problem Solving Processes (contd)
- Dissonance-Reducing Behavior
- Purchase
- Dissonance
- New Beliefs
- Attitude
16Problem-Solving Processes (contd)
- Habitual Buying Behavior
- beliefs
- passive learning
- purchase behavior
- evaluation (sometimes)
17Problem-Solving Processes
- Variety-seeking buying behavior
18Problem-Solving Processes
- Relationship between involvement, learning, and
buying behavior - High involvement
- cognitive learning
- complex buying behavior
- dissonance-reducing buying behavior
19Problem-Solving Processes
- Relationship between involvement, learning, and
buying behavior (contd) - Low involvement
- behavioral learning
- habitual buying behavior
- variety-seeking buying behavior
20Problem-Solving Processes
- Strategic Implications
- To sell products under conditions of complex
buying behavior and dissonance-reducing buying
behavior - present fact-based information
- use rational arguments
21Problem-Solving Processes
- Strategic Implications (contd)
- To sell products under conditions of habitual
buying behavior, increase involvement by - high repetition of messages
- focus on an involving issue (bad breath,
dandruff) - use strong emotions in messages
22Problem-Solving Processes
- Strategic Implications (contd)
- To sell products under conditions of
variety-seeking buying behavior - offer multiple brands
- use sales promotions to encourage switching
23Social Influences
- Word-of-mouth communication
- Family influences
- Social class
- Reference groups
- Opinion leadership
- Culture