Title: Turro Group Meeting Phosphorescence and the Triplet State
1Turro Group MeetingPhosphorescence and the
Triplet State Radical Pair Recombination and
- Jeffrey Lancaster
- November 11, 2008
- How do we know triplet (T) states exist?
- How do we know that phosphorescence comes from
the triplet state? - What effect does an external magnetic field have
on - triplet lifetimes?
- rates of intersystem crossing?
- product yields?
- enantiomeric excess (e.e.)?
- in confined systems?
- What effect does nuclear spin (via isotopes)
have on the above?
3Identification of the Phosphorescent State with
the Triplet or Biradical State
- A molecule excited to T (phosphorescent state)
can relax to S via b or with thermal excitation
to S (fluorescent state) - S relaxes to S via a
- At low temperatures, there is no a pathway from T
- Observation molecules in T can be excited to
T, T - then will relax back to T, NOT to S,
S, S - Hypothesis Phosphorescent state is unique
- will not change (change likely from degradation,
1 e- oxidation)
Lewis, G.N. Kasha, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1944,
66, 2100-2116.
4Identification of the Phosphorescent State with
the Triplet or Biradical State
- Hypothesis Long lifetime of phosphorescent
state is due to prohibition of fall from
phosphorescent (T) state to normal state (S) - Explain as either
- different multiplicities
- tautomers (distortion of molecule)
- With vibrational energy released in T, T,
return to T would be unlikely under tautomer
- b is not the only deactivation mechanism, also
non-radiative deactivation (dissipation) - Rate of deactivation is sum of b and dissipation
- rate is only b when no dissipative deactivation
Lewis, G.N. Kasha, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1944,
66, 2100-2116.
5Identification of the Phosphorescent State with
the Triplet or Biradical State
- Observation increasing the temperature and/or
fluidity of a sample decreases the
phosphorescence - Explanation rigidity of the medium protects
from dissipative deactivation - Predication triplet state should have a
measurable paramagnetic susceptibility - (A TESTABLE PARADIGM!)
- Definitions of fluorescent state and
phosphorescent state adjusted to include
species like O2 where T is lower in energy than S - Define fluorescence (a) and phosphorescence (b)
Lewis, G.N. Kasha, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1944,
66, 2100-2116.
6Radical Pair Recombination as a Probe of Magnetic
Isotope and Magnetic Field Effects
Scheme 1_at_NaY Faujasite Zeolite?
Lem, G. Turro, N.J. Chem. Commun. 2000, 293-294.
7Radical Pair Recombination as a Probe of Magnetic
Isotope and Magnetic Field Effects
Scheme 1_at_NaY Faujasite Zeolite?
- External Magnetic Field - no effect
- Magnetic Isotope Effect - 2-fold increase in
e.e. of dl-1 - Can interpret based on T-S ISC for triplet
biradicals - Separation of Angstroms leads to decreased T-S
energy gap, increased hyperfine couplings,
increased nuclear spin interactions - 13CO may have faster ISC - decrease in
decarbonylated products - 12CO may have slower ISC - increase in
decarbonylated products - Lack kinetic model to explain experimental
results - Can probe radical pair dynamics in zeolites!
Lem, G. Turro, N.J. Chem. Commun. 2000, 293-294.
8One-Line Title
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