Title: Variance reduction and Brownian Simulation Methods
1Variance reduction and Brownian Simulation Methods
- Yossi Shamai
- Raz Kupferman
- The Hebrew University
2(No Transcript)
3Dumbbell models
All (incompressible) fluids are governed by
mass-momentum conservation equations
u(x,t) velocity ?(x,t) polymeric stress
4Dumbbell models
The polymers are modeled by two beads connected
by a spring (dumbbell) . The conformation is
modeled by an end-to-end vector q.
less affect
more affect
?(q,x,t) pdf.
5The (random) conformations are distributed
according to a density function ?(q,x,t), which
satisfies an evolution equation
The stress is an ensemble average of polymeric
g(q) q?F(q)
6Conservation laws (macroscopic dynamics)
The stress
Polymeric density distribution (microscopic
- Problem high dimensionality
7Closable systems
In certain cases, a PDE for ?(x,t) can be
derived, yielding a closed-form system for
u(x,t), ?(x,t).
1. Brownian simulation methods 2. Some
mathematical preliminaries on spatial
correlations 3. A variance reduction mechanism in
Brownian simulations 4. Examples
9Brownian simulations
The average stress ?(x,t) is an expectation with
respect to a stochastic process q(x,t) with PDF
q(x,t) is simulated by a collection of
realizations qi(x,t). The stress is approximated
by an empirical mean
10- A reminder real-valued Brownian motion
- B(t) is a random function of time.
- Almost surely continues.
- Independent increments.
- B(t)-B(s) N(0,t-s).
11Spatial correlations
B(x,t) is characterized by the spatial
correlation function
12Spatial correlations (cont.)
- An L2 - function is a correlation function iff
- a. c(x,x) 1.
- b. It has a square root in L2
13Spatial correlations (cont.)
- No spatially uncorrelated L2-valued Brownian
- Spatially uncorrelated noise has meaning only
in a discrete setting. It is a sequence of
piecewise constant standard Brownian motions,
uncorrelated at any two distinct steps, that
converges to 0.
14Spatial correlations (cont.)
Spatial correlations can be alternatively
described by Correlation operators
- C is nonnegative, symmetric and trace class.
- No Id-correlated Brownian motion (trace Id 8 ).
15SDEs versus SPDEs
SDEs (Stochastic Differential Equations)
Itos integral
16SDEs versus SPDEs
PDE (Fokker-Plank)
- q(x,t) has spatial correlation.
17Brownian simulationsunifying approach
- Equivalence class insensitive to spatial
18Brownian simulation methods
The stochastic process q is simulated by n
realizations driven by i.i.d Brownian motions.
Expectation is approximated by an empirical mean
with respect to the realizations
19Brownian simulation methods
The approximation
The system
Correlation affects approximation but not the
exact solution
CONNFFESSIT (Calculations of Non Newtonian Fluids
Finite Elements and Stochastic Simulation
Techniques) - Piecewise constant uncorrelated
noise (Ottinger et al. 1993) BCF - Spatially
uniform noise (Hulsen et al. 1997)
Error reduction ?
The error of the Brownian simulations is
- Prove that e(n,t)?0.
- Reduce the error by choosing the spatial
correlation of the Brownian noise - Step 1. Express e(n,t) as a function F(c).
- Step 2. Minimize F(c).
The idea of adapting correlation to minimize
variance first proposed by Jourdain et al. (2004)
in the context of shear flow with a specific FEM
An integral-type system
n 2000 with spatially uniform noise ( c(x,y)
1 ).
Brownian simulation
Brownian simulation
The stress
n 2000 with piecewise constant uncorrelated
The Brownian simulation at t20 (dotted curve)
noisy simulations
24Error analysis
We want to analyze the error of the Brownian
Lets demonstrate the analysis for semi-linear
25Closable systems
In certain cases, a PDE for ?(x,t) can be
derived, yielding a closed-form system for
u(x,t), ?(x,t).
26Error analysis for Semi-linear systems
We want to estimate the error of the Brownian
In semi-linear systems, the stress field ?(x,t)
satisfies a PDE
27? Linearized system
28Theorem 1. To leading order
and k is a kernel function determined by the
29Error analysis for Closable systems
Theorem 1. To leading order in n,
- F is convex
- In principle, the analysis is the same
- Proof is restricted to closable systems
30The optimization problem
Minimize F(c) over the domain S c(x,y) c
has a root in L2, c(x,x) 1
- In general, there is no minimizer
- Difficulties
- A. Infinite dimensional optimization problem.
- B. S is not compact.
31Finite dimensional approximations
1. Set a natural k. 2. Discretize the problem to
a k-point mesh
32The F-D optimization problem
- We want to minimize F(ck) over Sk.
- ck(x,y) is indexed by k2 mesh points (xi ,xj)
(matrix). - Symmetric Positive-Semi-Definite.
- ck (xi ,xi) 1.
The F-D optimization problem is Minimize
F(A), A is k-by-k symmetric
PSD Subject to Aii 1, i1,,k
F is convex ? SDP algorithms (Semi-Definite
33So what did we do?
- Developed a unifying approach for a variance
reduction mechanism in Brownian simulations. - Formulated an optimization problem (in infinite
dimensions). -
- Showed that it is amenable to a standard
algorithm (SDP).
34Example 1
A linear advection-dissipation equation in 0,1.
35The error is
Variance independent of correlations (no
reduction) Insights the dynamics (advection and
dissipation) do not mix different points in
space. Thus, the error only sees diagonal
elements of the correlations, which are fixed by
the constraints.
36Example 2
An integral-type system (x?0,1)
n 2000 with spatially uniform noise ( c(x,y)
1 ). (BCF)
Brownian simulation
Brownian simulation
The stress
n 2000 with piecewise constant uncorrelated
The Brownian simulation at t20 (dotted curve)
noisy simulations
? the optimal error is obtained by taking c ? 0
40Example 3 1-D planar Shear flow model.
(Jourdain et al. 2004)
41To leading order, the error of the Brownian
simulations is
- C - the spatial correlation operator.
- K(t) - a nonnegative bounded operator.
42So is CONFFESSIT always optimal?
- No!
- We can construct a problem for
- which e(n,t) n-1(const TrK(t)C)
- for K(t) bounded and not PSD.
- Theorem. If the semi-groups are Hilbert-Schmidt
(they have L2-kernels) then CONNFFESSIT is
43Some further thoughts
- The spatial correlation of the initial data
q(x,0) may also be considered. - Non-closable systems?
- Gain insights about the optimal correlation by
understand relations between type of equation and
optimal correlation.