Title: Poland
1 North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce.
Poland Russia - Financing / Risk mgt Robin M
Brown MICM MIEx. Senior Business Development
2Poland / Russia
- Having identified opportunities.
- Found target customers / routes to market
- Financing risk mgt.
3Different Organisations-Poland.
- Joint Stock (public or private) SA.
- Limited Liability SP Z.o.o..
- Some sole traders / partnerships.
4Different Organisations- Russia.
- Limited liability co LLC
- Joint stock (private or public) PJSC.
- Sole traders / partnerships.
5Terms of Payment- Poland
- Credit terms are essential.
- Up to 120 days.
- Engineering 30/ Food 60 days.
- Medical 75 /Steel textiles 90.
- ILC not used for consumer goods.
6Terms of Payment-Russia.
- Again credit terms essential to secure business.
- Up to 90 days.
- Retail 30-45 days.
- Retail multiples 90.
- ILC used more commonly (watch bank !).
- Payment on delivery common.
7Access to financial info-Poland.
- Very good / developed infrastructure.
- HSBC Poland.
- Coface, Euler, Atradius represented.
- Moodys, DB represented.
- Filing system for public/ private cos.
- Receivables finance (with credit protection)
growing at 33 per annum !
8Access to financial info-Russia
- Very limited.
- HSBC Russia (credit officers throughout).
- Filing limited to public companies.
- Credit bureaus not represented.
- Credit insurers not represented.
- Receivables finance (with credit protection)
growing rapidly.
9Risk management/ financing.
- Credit protection/ credit insurance.
- Factoring, including international collection.
- ILC - Confirmation discounting.
- Forfaiting of bills / promissory notes.
- Choose banks carefully.
- Form partnership with bank well represented in
10Risk management/financing.
- Currencies (Zloty Rouble)
- Convertible but mainly used domestically.
- US and Euro now most common.
- Poland a full member of EU 1.5.04.
- Poland to join Euro by 2011.
- HSBC grading Poland A.
- HSBC grading Russia B.
11HSBC Bank Polska SA.
- Wholly owned by HSBC Bank PLC.
- Based in Warsaw
- Full range of commercial banking.
- Cash management.
- Trade services.
12OOO HSBC Bank (RR)-Russia.
- Wholly owned indirect sub of HSBC Bank PLC.
- Based in Moscow.
- Full range of commercial banking.
- Cash management.
- Trade service.
- Thanks - any questions ?