Title: Which Pedestrian Tool Where
1Which Pedestrian Tool Where?
2This Presentation for General Guidance Only
- Recommendations provide guidance as to where
devices are COMMONLY used - Engineering judgment necessary for each location
- Other devices may be needed
3High-Visibility Crosswalk
- At all marked crosswalks
- Priority should be with wider and busier streets
and streets with greater numbers of pedestrians
4Advanced stop bar
- Can be used at all crosswalks
- Advance 20 to 50 at mid-block crosswalks
- Advance 4 at signalized intersections
5Mid-block crosswalk
- Pedestrian-oriented areas with blocks longer than
400 - At needed crossing points
- At uncontrolled crossings
- Warning sign before the crossing
- Arrow sign at the crossing
7Center Pedestrian Sign
At uncontrolled crossings in pedestrian-oriented
areas, school areas, etc.
8Portable sign
- Near schools
- Near and during events with significant
pedestrian traffic
9Flashing Beacon
- At uncontrolled crossings of multi-lane roads
with lt 25,000 to 30,000 ADT - At uncontrolled crossings of multi-lane roads
with gt 12,000 to 15,000 ADT - Use at more multi-lane roads if no crossing
island is present
10Countdown signal
- Wherever walk/dont walk signals exist
- Most important at wide intersections
- Any multi-lane crossing
- Any crossing of two-lane street where traffic
calming is desired - Most needed at uncontrolled crossings of
multi-lane roads
12Perpendicular curb ramps
- At every street crossing
- Priority in retrofitting should be with wider and
busier streets
13Intersection Crossing Island
- At any wide intersection or any intersection
where left-turning vehicles conflict - Most important at uncontrolled crossings of
multi-lane roads
14Mid-Block Crossing Island
- At any mid-block crossing
- Most important at uncontrolled crossings of
multi-lane roads
15Hawk crossing signal
- Still experimental
- Used at otherwise uncontrolled crossings of
multi-lane roads with significant traffic
16Raised crosswalk
- Crossing of two-lane roads where significant of
pedestrians are present like a campus, or
ped-oriented retail district - Airports
- Next to senior centers and medical clinics
17Scramble intersection
At signalized intersections in districts with
heavy pedestrian traffic
18Tactile warning device
On all curb ramps
19Audible Pedestrian Signal
- At all signalized intersections
- Prioritize locations with most pedestrian traffic
and where significant numbers of
visually-impaired people walk
20Freeway Ramp Treatment
At freeway ramps that have obtuse angles
- Narrow
- Square off
- Add ramps and crosswalk
21Common Treatments at Uncontrolled Crossings
ofTwo-Lane Streets
- Marked crosswalks
- Signs
- Perpendicular curb ramps
- Tactile warning devices
- Advanced stop/yield bars
22Common Treatments at Uncontrolled Crossings
ofThree-Lane Streets
- Marked crosswalks
- Signs
- Perpendicular curb ramps
- Tactile warning devices
- Advanced stop/yield bar
- Crossing islands
- Bulb-outs
23Common Treatments at Uncontrolled Crossings
ofFour and Five-Lane Streets ADTs lt 25,000 to
- Marked crosswalks
- Signs
- Perpendicular curb ramps
- Tactile warning devices
- Advanced stop/yield bar
- Crossing islands
- Bulb-outs
- Flashing beacons
- Use more devices
24Common Treatments at Crossings of Four-Lane
Streets ADTs gt25,000 to 30,000
- Signals
- Advanced stop bars
- High-visibility crosswalks
- Countdown signals
- Bulb-outs
- Crossing islands