Title: one great University, two great campuses
- one great University, two great campuses
- Although the terms and conditions have not yet
been finalized for many employees receiving
offers from UBC, we have included benefits and
pension information from various employee groups
at UBC so that you may have a point of reference
and comparison as you contemplate your offer of
3UBC Benefit Plans
for Staff Employment Groups
- Natasha Malloff, Manager, Benefits
- Presentation for UBC-Okanagan
- December 1-2 6-8, 2004
- Overview of Staff Benefit Plans
- General
- Coverage
- Cost-Sharing Arrangements
- Navigating UBC Benefits Website
- Next steps
5What are the plans?
- Health Benefit Plans
- Medical Services Plan
- Extended Health
- Dental
- Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
- Life Insurance
- Basic Group Life Insurance
- Optional Employee and Spousal Life and ADD
6What are the plans? (cont...)
- Income Protection for Illness or Injury
- Short-term Sick Leave
- Income Replacement Plan (long-term disability)
- Leave of Absence
- Vacation
- Professional Development Support
- Tuition Waiver Benefit
- Post-Retirement Benefits
7Health Benefit PlansEligible Dependents
- A legally married or common-law spouse, or
partner of the same sex - Any dependent child who is
- 18 years of age or younger or,
- between 19 and 25 years of age in full-time
attendance at a school or university - for Employee and Family Assistance Program, in
addition to the above - dependent parents who are living with you and
financially dependent on you.
8Health Benefit PlansMedical Services Plan of BC
- Enrollment on UBC group MSP plan is optional
- Coverage
- Medically required services of physicians and
9Health Benefit PlansExtended Health
- Provides for reimbursement of medically necessary
services and supplies - Optional benefit
- Annual deductible of 25 per single or family
- 1,000,000 lifetime maximum per person
10Health Benefit PlansExtended Health
- In-province eligible expenses
- Semi-private or private hospital room, medical
equipment and supplies, paramedical coverage and
prescription drugs - 80 reimbursement 100 reimbursement after
1,000 in paid claims per person per year - Pay-direct prescription drug card
- CUPE 2950 Prescription Drug Plan
- 85 reimbursed for drugs listed in the PharmaCare
Formulary - 70 reimbursed for other drugs not listed in the
PharmaCare - Pay-direct prescription drug card
11Health Benefit PlansExtended Health
- Vision Care (includes prescription frames, lenses
and contact lenses) - 100 reimbursement up to a maximum of 400 per
person in any 24 month period - ..for CUPE 2950 eligible expenses include
routine eye exams, laser eye surgery,
prescription sunglasses - Out of country coverage
- 100 reimbursement in the event of an emergency
only - Out of country medical assistance service
available - 100 of contributions are employer paid
12Health Benefit PlansDental
- Optional
- Coverage
- 100 of Basic Preventative and Restorative
services - Cleanings, check-ups, fillings, and x-rays
- 70 of Major Restorative services
- Crowns, bridges, and veneers
- 65 of Orthodontic services (lifetime maximum of
3,000 per employee or dependent)
13Health Benefit PlansDental
- Reimbursement based on current year Dental Fee
Guide - 100 of contributions are employer paid
14Health Benefit PlansEmployee and Family
Assistance Program
- Compulsory benefit
- Provides confidential counselling for employees
and their family members (including dependent
parents) - Contributions are based on utilization under the
program - 30 of contributions paid by the employee
(1.20/mth) - 70 of contributions paid by the employer
(2.80/mth) - For appointments employees call Interlock
directly at 431-8200 - Jointly sponsored program between employee groups
and UBC
15Life InsuranceBasic Group Life Insurance
- Compulsory benefit
- Coverage based on your age and annual basic
salary at death - Death benefits paid to your designated
beneficiary - 100 of premiums are employer paid
16Life InsuranceOptional Employee and Spousal Life
- Must be enrolled in Basic Group Life coverage
- Coverage available to employee and/or spouse or
partner - Cost depends on employees and/or
spouses/partners age and smoker/non-smoker
status - Coverage
- 25,000 to a maximum of 250,000 (in multiples of
25,000) - Dependent children automatically covered at no
extra cost at the rate of 5,000 per 25,000 of
spousal insurance (or 5,000 per 25,000 of
employee coverage for single parents)
17Life InsuranceOptional Employee ADD
- Must be enrolled in Optional Life Insurance
coverage - Equivalent dollar value to Optional Life
Insurance coverage (no spousal ADD available) - 100 of premiums are employee paid
18Life InsuranceBasic Group and Optional Life
- Following the end of employment, employees may
convert their coverage to an individual policy
available from the insurance carrier during a
31-day conversion period (maximum amount 200,000
between all life plans)
19Income Protection for Illness or
InjuryShort-term Sick Leave
20Income Protection for Illness or InjuryIncome
Replacement Plan
- Long-term Disability
- Qualifying period is 6-months
- 100 of contributions are employee paid
21Income Protection for Illness or InjuryIncome
Replacement Plan
- Provides a non-taxable monthly income benefit
22Income Protection for Illness or InjuryIncome
Replacement Plan
- University maintains health, dental, efap, basic
life under the terms of the those plans - Optional Life plan includes disability waiver of
premium provision - Paid for duration of disability to recovery,
death, or normal retirement at age 65 - Credited years of service are maintained by the
Staff Pension Plan
23Leave of AbsenceVacation
- Executive Administrative and CUPE 2950
24Leave of AbsenceVacation
- Maximum carry-over is 10 working days
25Professional Development Support Tuition Waivers
- 12 credits of UBC undergraduate credit courses
per year - (transferable to eligible dependents)
- OR
- Dollar equivalent in non-credit courses offered
through UBC Continuing Studies - for Management and Professional includes 12
credits of UBC normal graduate credit courses per
year or normal graduate program fees as indicated
in the UBC calendar - Tuition Fee portion of course only
- Yearly renewal does not accumulate from year to
year - Effective September 1, 2004 12 undergrad
credits 1,604.40
26Post-Retirement BenefitsRetiree and Survivor
Benefits Program
- What are the plans available?
- Extended Health Plan
- Dental Plan
- Employee and Family Assistance Plan (EFAP)
(Interlock) - Medical Services Plan (MSP)
- 100 of premiums are retiree/survivor paid
27Post-Retirement BenefitsRetiree and Survivor
Benefits Program
- Extended Health Plan
- Annual deductible of 1,000.00 per person or
family - 100,000 lifetime maximum per person
- 80 of in-province eligible expenses
- 100 of out-of-province eligible expenses
(emergency medical treatment) - Out-of-country medical assistance service
28Post-Retirement BenefitsRetiree and Survivor
Benefits Program
- Dental Plan
- 70 of Basic Preventative and Restorative
services 50 of Major Restorative services - 1,500 combined annual maximum per calendar year
per person covered - A choice of either Direct Pay or Reimbursement
method of payment
29Post-Retirement BenefitsRetiree and Survivor
Benefits Program
- Employee and Family Assistance Plan
- Confidential counselling service for retirees and
their dependents - Medical Services Plan
- Medically required services of physicians and
surgeons - Life Insurance Coverage
- No retiree life plan, however, Conversion
privilege available
30Post-Retirement BenefitsRetiree and Survivor
Benefits Program
- Looking for more information?
- See www.hr.ubc.ca/retiring/rsb
31Navigating UBC Benefits Website
- UBC-O transition website www.okanagan.ubc.ca
32Next Stepsfor your Benefit inquiries
- Visit UBC Okanagan website (www.okanagan.ubc.ca)
- Navigate through benefits information
- Visit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Other Questions benefitsinfo_at_hr.ubc.ca
33Understanding the UBCStaff Pension Plan (SPP)
- Jay Parker
- Executive Director Operations
- December 2004
- Municipal Pension Plan (MPP)
- UBC Staff Pension Plan (SPP)
- Municipal Pension Plan Benefits
- SPP Examples
- Sources of Information
- Next steps
35Municipal Pension Plan
A defined benefit plan is one in which the
benefit to be paid is established by formula.
36Municipal Pension Plan (contd)
- 1 Unreduced pension available at earliest of
- age 55 and rule of 90 (age plus service 90)
- age 60 with 2 years service
- age 65
37UBC Staff Pension Plan (SPP)
38UBC SPP (contd)
39Municipal Pension Plan Benefits
- Retain MPP benefits accrued to transition date
- Usual MPP termination options available
- Deferred pension payable at future retirement
date, OR - Transfer CV to RRSP
- Ultimate pension at retirement will be MPP
pension (if deferred) SPP pension - You can get an estimate of your MPP pension from
the Pension Corporation website
40SPP Contribution Example
Salary 45,000
YBE (CPP Years Basic Exemption) is frozen at
3,500 for all future years YMPE (CPP Years
Maximum Pensionable Earnings) is 40,500 for 2004
41MPP Contribution Example
Salary 45,000
1 Average 2003 employer contributions for other
than police and firefighters.
YBE (CPP Years Basic Exemption) is frozen at
3,500 for all future years YMPE (CPP Years
Maximum Pensionable Earnings) is 40,500 for 2004
42SPP Retirement Examples
43SPP Retirement Examples (contd)
Age 65, 35 years service, average earnings 50,000
1 Maximum CPP Retirement pension in
2004. 2 Maximum benefit effective October, 2004
assumes full eligibility.
44Sources of Information
- UBC Staff Pension Plan
- Pension Administration Staff
- Web-site www.hr.ubc.ca/pensions/staff/
Brochures, Newsletters, General Information - E-mail address pensioninfo_at_hr.ubc.ca
45Sources of Information (contd)
- Municipal Pension Plan
- Pension Administration Staff
- Web-site www.pensionsbc.ca
- Brochures, Pension Estimator, Investment
- Info/Rates of Return, General Information
- E-mail address mpp_at_pensionsbc.ca
46Next Stepsfor your Staff Pension Plan inquiries
- Visit SPP website for general information
- Access pension estimator on Municipal Pension
Plan website - Arrange individual information session if desired