Title: Regional Waste Summit 16 March 2004
1Regional Waste Summit16 March 2004
Pete Raine Director of Strategic Planning
2Current Levels of Waste in Kent
3Levels of Recycling/Composting Achieved in Kent
Strategic Planning Directorate
4How do we compare?
Waste per household
Strategic Planning Directorate
5How do we compare?
Strategic Planning Directorate
6The Economics of Recycling
- Recyclate prices received per tonne
- Over the past six years,
- recyclate prices have been
- volatile and in general
- declining
- Even a low price is still
- better than a landfill cost
- Providing- the price still
- covers the marginal costs
- of recycling, especially the
- high costs of doorstep
- collections and delivery to
- the reprocessor
7Can we learn for other Countries?
- Landfill sites are even more
- constrained in much of Europe
- So both incineration and
- recycling are higher than
- in the UK
- Especially in crowded low lying
- countries such as Holland and
- Denmark, where environmental
- awareness is higher than in the
- UK anyway
8WASTE IN KENT - 2003/2004 Forecast
Total Household waste 770 Kte
Total Recycled 28.41
9WASTE IN KENT - 2006/2007
Total Household waste 856 Kte
To processing plant Allington 53320373 Kte
To energy 60 224 Kte
Ash to landfill/recycling 25 93 Kte
10Kent's anticipated Performance against Landfill
Strategic Planning Directorate
11 Kent Household Waste Statistics
99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 Kents Waste
Growth 7.21 2.14 4.40 4.68 1.75 Civic
Amenity Recycling Rates 33.06 42.89 53.34 53.91
55.71 District Council Recycling
Rates 9.28 9.44 10.59 13.1 17.93 Overall
Recycling Rate (BV82) 11.96 13.95 17.11 19.61
24.01 PSA Target (Incl. Hardcore) 15.38 17.55
21.51 23.97 28.84 2003/04 data covers the
period April to December
Strategic Planning Directorate
12Kent Household Waste - Costs
02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 WDA Costs/Tonne
(excl. ABVs etc) 40.91 44.55 47.76 53.75 63.
20 Cost of Disposal/Recycling to
KCC 32.8m 36.9m 41.7m 46.7m 56.7m Cost of
Collection to District (est.) 27m 28m 29m 30m
Total Cost (WDA WCA) 59.8m 64.9m 70.4m
76.7m 87.7m Approx. Costs/Household per
week 2.01 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.95
Strategic Planning Directorate
13County Compost Bin Sales
Strategic Planning Directorate
14The Changing Nappies Scheme
- Cost of disposable nappy waste in Kent 2.1
million - 15,000 babies born each year in Kent
- 10 of all babies born in Kent now using cloth
nappies - All Hospitals in East Kent will have cloth
nappies on Ward in the Spring of 2004 supporting
the aims of the War on Waste Campaign. - Kent Cloth Nappy Network set up in April 2003.
Now has 200 members
Strategic Planning Directorate
15(No Transcript)
16ReMaDe Kent Medway - Helping businesses to
improve their environmental performance
- What is ReMaDe?
- ReMaDe Kent Medway is a waste market
development - programme which aims to pioneer new markets for
waste resources. - Waste Streams ReMaDe are involved with
- Paper/Cardboard Waste tyres Plastics IT
Equipment - Green Compost Glass Aggregates
- Performance to date
- Successfully diverted 16,000 tonnes away from
landfill. - Over 30 active projects.
- Organised seminars and training sessions
- Made over 500 business visits
17How ReMaDe works with KCC
- Helps to deliver an integrated waste strategy
- Gives supports and advice on green purchasing
- Providing solutions on WEEE and ELV issues
- Acts an information hub on waste issues and
legislation - Find new end markets for domestic waste
- Works with planners on applications involving
waste - Reduces waste going to landfill sites
18Strategic Planning Directorate
reduce re-use repair recycle