Title: Structural Description Approach to Human Object Recognition
1Structural Description Approach to Human Object
2Structural Descriptions
- Specify features and their relations
- Usually specified with respect to 3D objects.
- E.g., cars, airplanes, flowers, etc.
3Structural Descriptions
- Biedermans Recognition By Components (RBC)
- Used simple primitives called Geons
- Specified Geons and their inter-relations
- Other Structural Descriptions
- Marr Nishihara
- Dickinson, Pentland, and Rosenfeld
4Structural Descriptions
- Primitives are set of geometric parts
- Decompose object into simple volumetric parts
- Describe the parts and their inter-relations
- Cone-above
- Brick below
5Structural Descriptions
- Biedermans Recognition by Components
- Small set of primitives can specify large set of
6Structural Descriptions
- Parts are described on a series of non-accidental
shape attributes - Cross-section
- Constant
- Expanding
- Expand Contract
7Structural Descriptions
- But how do we determine the appropriate shape
attributes from image? - Use non-accidental imageproperties.
- E.g., Parallel inimage, parallel onobject.
8Structural Descriptions
Hummel Biederman, 1992
9Empirical Studies
- Want to understand underlying representation and
process mediating shape perception - Develop studies that test explicit assumptions in
both approaches - Preview Discuss Biederman Cooper priming
10Logic of Priming Studies
- Want to know what information is made explicit
about an image - E.g., Store image features or simple volumetric
parts? - Do object classification study on images
11Logic of Priming Studies
- Priming study procedure
- Prime Phase
- Present subject with stimulus (I.e., a picture)
and have subjects process the stimulus (e.g.,
identify the object) - Probe Phase
- After a period of time, either present the
identical stimulus again, some variant of the
stimulus (e.g., different contours) or an
unprimed (not previously seen) stimulus.
12Logic of Priming Studies
Prime Phase
13Logic of Priming Studies
Prime Phase
14Logic of Priming Studies
Prime Phase
15Logic of Priming Studies
Prime Phase
16Logic of Priming Studies
17Logic of Priming Studies
Probe Phase
18Logic of Priming Studies
Probe Phase
19Logic of Priming Studies
Probe Phase
20Logic of Priming Studies
Probe Phase
21Logic of Priming Studies
Probe Phase
22Logic of Priming Studies
Probe Phase
23Logic of Priming Studies
- Measure response time to stimuli presented in
probe phase. - Compare response time of primed images to
unprimed images. - Priming RT(Unprimed) - RT(Primed)
- If identical image priming is equal to variant
stimulus then visual system does not store
information about variation.
24Identical Image Identical Shape Identical Concept
Identical Probe
Different Image Identical Shape Identical Concept
Variant of Prime (Left-Right Reflected)
Different Image Different Shape Different Concept
Prime Image
Unprimed Baseline
Different Image Different Shape Identical Concept
Different Exemplar
25If Orientation is not encoded.
Prime Image
Response Time
Different Exemplar
Variant of Prime (Left-Right Reflected)
Identical Probe
Unprimed Baseline
26If Orientation is encoded.
Prime Image
Response Time
Different Exemplar
Variant of Prime (Left-Right Reflected)
Identical Probe
Unprimed Baseline
27Parts versus Image Features
28Parts Versus Image Features
- One significant difference between View-based
models (Tarr Pinker) and Structural
Descriptions (Biederman) is the set of primitives
used to represent shape. - View-based uses image features
- Pixels, edges, vertices, etc.
- Structural descriptions use volumetric parts
- E..g, Cones, Cylinders, Bricks, etc.
- Use image features to extract simple volumes
- Image features are not stored in memory.
- Part description stored in memory
29Parts Versus Image Features
Image Feature Deleted A
Image Feature Deleted B
Same Name Different Exemplar
30Parts Versus Image Features
Probe Images
Different Exemplar
31Parts Versus Image Features
Response time to identical image
Significantly faster thanunprimed recognition
32Parts Versus Image Features
Response time to image withnon-overlapping image
33Parts Versus Image Features
Recognition times for identicalimages or
complement imagesshows identical priming
advantage. Suggests that the priming is notin
the image features. Is the advantage in priming
dueto saying the same name twice? No. Objects
that have the samename but are different
exemplarsare slower than identical and
complement. Some of the priming is visual
34Parts vs. Image Features
- Are the data conclusive?
- Suggests that priming is not in the simple 2D
features. - But is the priming in the parts?
- Not conclusive
- How would you go about testing?
35Parts Versus Image Features
- Second experiment
- Same as first, but complementary images differ in
the set of parts.
36Parts Versus Image Features
37Parts Versus Image Features
Prediction if priming is in Parts?
Prediction if priming is in something other than
parts or features?
Different Exemplar
Parts Complement
38Biederman Cooper Exp. 2 Results
- Priming for complementary parts is same as
control. - Suggests that priming is in the parts.
- Combined with Exp. 1 suggests that priming is not
in edges, but in parts.
39Parts Versus Image Features
- Is the priming in the parts?
- Yes.
- A significant response time advantage for
identical over different exemplar. - No advantage for part complement.
- If priming were not in parts we would expect the
same advantage for identical and part complement
- Priming studies
- Reactivation of previously stored representation
should be processed faster - Use logic to see what information is made
explicit - Compare identical image to variant response times
(relative to unprimed, and different exemplar
- Used Priming study to determine the use of image
features versus parts. - Used complementary images
- Complementary image features showed no difference
between identical and complement - Complementary part objects showed a reliable
difference between identical and complementary
- Does this support Biedermans RBC approach?
- Why/why not?
- Does this demonstrate that we dont do
multiple-views plus alignment or mental rotation? - Why/why not?