Title: The Sixth Research Framework Programme
1- The Sixth Research Framework Programme
- Towards the European Research Area (ERA)
- Aeronautics and Space
- (2002-2006)
- DG Research - Aeronautics
- May 2002
B2 Aeronautics and Space in FP6
2RTD Funding forSpecific Aeronautics Research on
EU Level) Budget 2002 - 2006 for Aeronautics,
Air Transport Space
3Technologies Integration and Validation
- Design
- Manufacturing
- Quality control
- Aerodynamics
- Structures
- Propulsion
- Systems
- equipment
- Avionics
- Pollutant
- emission
- External noise
- Cabin environm,
- ATM related
- airborne systems
- Operational
- maintenance
- Accident prevention
- Accident survivability
Examples 1. Advanced wing
configuration 2. Power optimised aircraft 3.
Low external noise aircraft 4. Integrated
and modular aircraft electronic systems
Critical Technologies
Improving Capacity and Safety.
Improving Efficiency
Reducing Development Cost and Time to Market
Improving Environmentally Friendliness
New Perspectives in Aeronautics
4Implementing the European Research Area for
Aeronautics Space
- Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in
Europe (ACARE) defines the Strategic Research
Agenda (SRA) providing guidance to - the Sixth Framework Programme and beyond
- national programmes of the Member States
- stakeholders initiatives
- Joint efforts with EUROCONTROL towards a Single
European Sky - European Strategy for Space developed jointly by
EU and ESA - Complementary efforts to ESA, national space
agencies and industry
5The Sixth Framework Programme of the European
Community for research, technological
development and demonstration activities(2002-20
- Total Budget 17500 million Euro
- Towards the European Research Area (ERA)
- Concentration on 8 selected Thematic Priority
Areas - Structuring effect on research activities in
Europe - Specific activities on
- Research for SMEs
- International co-operation
6Integrating European Research (17500 M)
- Priority thematic areas of research
11285 - Genomics and biotechnology for health 2255
- i) Advanced genomics and its applications for
health. 1100 - ii) Combating major diseases. 1155
- Information Society technologies 3625
- Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, and new
production processes 1300 - Aeronautics and space 1075
- Food safety and health risks 685
- Sustainable development 2120
- i) Sustainable Energy Systems 810
- ii) Sustainable surface transport 610
- iii) Global change and ecosystems 700
- Citizens and governance in an open European
knowledge-based society 225 - Specific activities covering a wider field of
research 1300 - Anticipating the EUs scientific and
technological needs 555 - Specific research activities for SMEs 430
- Specific international co-operation activities
315 - Structuring strengthening ERA 2925
- Joint Research Centre activities 1990
7Sixth Research Framework Programme (2002-2006)
- Thematic Priority Area
- Aeronautics Space
- Budget 1075 million Euro
- Research Priorities Aeronautics
- Strengthening competitiveness
- Improving environmental impact
- Improved safety
- Increased operation capacity and safety
- of the air transport systems
- Research Priorities Space
- GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and
Safety) - Telecommunications, etc.
8The Aeronautics Priority in the 6th F. P.
- Research Objectives
- reducing, in the short and long term,
respectively, - aircraft development costs by 20 and 50
- aircraft direct operating cost by 20 and 50,
- improving passenger comfort
- Research Tasks
- integrated design systems and processes
- new aircraft configurations
- advanced aerodynamics
- materials and structures
- engine technologies
- mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems
- improved cabin-environmental conditions and
utilisation of multimedia services to improve
passenger comfort
Strengthening Competitiveness
9The Aeronautics Priority in the 6th F. P.
- Research Objectives
- reducing CO2 by 50 in the long term and NOx by
20 and 80, in the short and long term - limit the noise nuisance outside the airport
boundary, the target is to reduce noise levels by
4-5 dB in the short term, and 10 dB in the long
- Research Tasks
- low-emission combustion and propulsion concepts
- Engine technologies and related control systems
- Low-drag aerodynamic concepts
- Low-weight airframe structures and high
temperature materials - Improved flight operational procedures
- Engine and power-plant technologies
- Aero-acoustics for airframe noise reduction
- Advanced noise-control systems and novel flight
operational procedures in the vicinity of airports
Improving environmental impact by engine
emissions and noise
10The Aeronautics Priority in the 6th F. P.
- Research Objectives
- Two-fold reduction in accident rates in the
short-term - Five-fold reduction the long term, in order to
compensate for the growth in air transport
- Research Tasks
- investigation of systemic safety models,
- improve fault-tolerant systems and human-centred
cockpit - design enabling a controllable situation
awareness for the crew - improved materials and structures as well as
advanced safety systems.
Improving aircraft safety