Title: Cally Bear Goes On A Narrowboat
1Cally Bear Goes On A Narrowboat
2Nanny and I are going on holiday on a
narrowboat said Papa Jack. Would you like to
come with us Cally Bear ?Oh yes please!So
Cally Bear packed his suitcase.
3Cally felt very excited as he fastened his seat
belt and set off.
4Soon they arrived at the boat yard.Papa Jack and
Cally Bear were really happy as they sat on the
boat in the sunshine.
5You can help to steer the boat if youre good
said Nanny kindly.
6As they sailed along the canal Cally Bear saw
lots of interesting things.Did you know that
cows like to paddle in water?
7Look at the mother duck and her ducklings. How
many are there?
8There were even some horses at a gymkhana. I
dont think I could jump over those fences
thought Cally.
9Cally loved the narrowboat. At breakfast time
Nanny cooked black puddings. Mmmm said Cally
these are delicious.
10There was even a toilet on the narrowboat.
Thats very important thought Cally Bear.
11But one day Cally Bear was very frightened when
they went through a long, dark tunnel. Close
your eyes we will soon be at the end whispered
Papa Jack.
12Best of all Cally Bear liked it when he was
allowed to help. Turn on the tap Cally shouted
Papa Jack.
13Then Cally filled the water tank so they could
all have a wash.
14After all that work I think we deserve a scone
said Papa Jack taking a very big bite.
15That night Cally Bear was so tired he went
straight to sleep in his own special bed. Night
night, sleep tight, mind the bugs dont bite
said Nanny as she tucked him in.
16Soon it was time to sail back home. Its been the
best holiday ever said Cally Bear, smiling.
Thank you Nanny. Thank you Papa Jack.