Title: EcoSchools
Towards a Sustainable Lifestyle
- The Eco-Schools programme helps schools to
improve their environment, reduce waste and
become more sustainable. - The pupils take the lead role in deciding how to
tackle issues such as Litter, Waste, Healthy
Lifestyles, Energy and Water saving, Transport to
school, and developing the School Grounds. - The Eco-Schools programme enables environmental
education to be integrated into the running of
the whole school in a flexible and
straightforward way.
- There are 3 awards that schools working on
the scheme can aim for -
- Bronze Award Self Assessed
- Silver Award Self Assessed
- Green Flag Externally Assessed
4The seven elements
- The structure of the eco-schools process is made
up of seven element. All aspects of the
environmental management are not expected to be
tackled in one go. - However, you must have gone some way towards
establishing each of the seven elements before
applying for one of the three level of awards.
5The seven elements
- The seven elements are
- Eco-Committee
- Environmental Review
- Action Plan
- Monitoring action evaluating progress
- Linking to the curriculum
- Involving the whole school and wider community
- Eco- Code
6Informing students on progress
Information can be spread throughout the school
to inform all students and staff about the
progress on eco-school by setting up boards like
the ones shown above.
7Eco-Schools themes
- These are some of the issues your school may face
- Many of these issue are closely related
- You may often find that, by making progress in
one area, you are taking steps towards improving
your performance in another
8Eco-Schools themes
- Litter
- Waste Minimisation
- Energy
- Water
- Transport
- Healthy Living
- School Grounds
9School grounds
Two pupils from Albourne CEP school planting new
plants to improve the school grounds.
10Solar Panels
A solar panel is a device that collects and
converts solar energy into electricity or heat.
11Local Eco-School
A solar panel is installed at Cliffe house
(shepley). It provides energy for the entire
coach house building
Why not compost your food using a compost bin as
the one shown above.
12Local Eco-School
A recent study found that 24 of the infant
school day and 21 of the junior school day was
taken up by break times.So why not try and
brighten up the school grounds by installing a
school pond. This can be used as an exciting way
to teach children about pond life animals. This
is an image taken of one of the few ponds with in
Cliffe house grounds.
13Local Eco-School
By enabling certain parts of the school grounds
to grow they will quickly become enriched with
wild life. The ideal method is to section off a
certain area of the grounds with string so the
people who cut grass will leave alone enabling
the grass to grow.
Why not grow your own fruit and vegetables with
in the school grounds. This can be used in food
technology lessons and dinner times. Costs can be
saved once again.
14Local Eco-School
Young people between the ages of 8 and 16 spend
300 million every year buying snacks on the way
to and from school. Healthy eating is essential
with a guide of 5 portions of fruit and
vegetables everyday.
Recycle all your paper by placing it in a recycle
bin similar to one shown above or even use the
paper as scrap paper.
15Decomposition Time
16Useful Eco-School links
- www.eco-schools.org.uk In order to begin
eco-schools then this website is essential for
registration. - http//www.ecoschoolsscotland.org/home/index.asp?l
inkID126 This website will aid in the process
of working towards establishing each of the
elements of eco-schools. - http//www.eco-schools.org/schools/brightideas.htm
Energy Ideas are provided about the themes.
The ideas are provided by actual schools who are
also working towards eco-schools. - http//www.suschool.org.uk/ - A nice website for
ideas on how to improve on themes and achieve