Title: Creating Engaging Classrooms
1Creating Engaging Classrooms
Christine White Team Leader LifeKnowledge
Center for Agricultural Education National FFA
Organization cwhite_at_ffa.org
2Lesson Retention
- How many of you are confident that your students
retain all the information that you teach them
all the time? - However the following is probably more close to
the truth - Day 1 Teach the Unit
- Day 2 85 Retention
- Day 5 60 Retention
- Day 10 40 Retention
- Day 25 20 Retention
- Semester Exam 10 Retention
- These are moments when students become
- engaged
- get connected
- personal meaning
- Of content being learned
- E-Moments are designed around one of these three
modalities - Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic
E-Moments build on students natural
intelligences Spatial Linguistic
Interpersonal Musical Naturalistic
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Logical-M
6How Do I Create Engaging Classrooms?
7E-Moments in Action!
- As a group read over the E-moment.
- Discuss the key directions for conducting the
E-Moment. - Capture the Key directions for the
E-Moment on Flip Chart Paper. - Develop an example lesson where the
E-moment can be used to support teaching and
learning. - Be prepared as a group to explain the
E-Moment and model it for the large group.
8You Will Have 15 Minutes
9For More Information about E-moments
check-out Strategies for Great Teaching By Mark
Reardon and Seth Derner
Now Available to be Purchased from
10For more information about LifeKnowledge and
products available check-out http//lifeknowledg