Title: LieAlgebras in Elementary Particle Physics
1Lie-Algebras in Elementary Particle Physics
- Alexander Merle
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
- University of Heidelberg
- E-Mail Alexander.Merle_at_mpi-hd.mpg.de
2- Users Manual how to attend this talk
- as a High School Student dont be disappointed
if you dont understand all the formulae try to
fol-low the basic principles and to get a clue of
the idea behind - as a University Student try also to understand
the mathematics a bit deeper and maybe to
cal-culate some things yourself - as a lecturer always keep in mind that Im a
physicist so please forgive me the following
equations! - Lie Algebra Lie Group Symmetry ep3
3- Table of Contents
- The particles in our nature and where we know
them from - The description of particles by fields
- The gauge principle
- QED (U(1)) vs. QCD (SU(3))
- Effects of the group structure
- Conclusions
4I. The particles in our nature and where we know
them from
exchange bosons
Spin ½
Spin 1
5Question How are forces mediated??
from http//www.physics.ohio-state.edu/klaus/ph
6Feynman diagrams
Feynman diagrams serve as a nice short
description for complicated mathematics.
e.g. electron-positron scattering via
electromagnetic interaction exchange boson
7Particle Accelerators
LHC_at_CERN (Geneva/Switzerland) p p
HERA_at_DESY (Hamburg/Germany) p e-
and many more
8- Some properties of the elementary particles
- u-quarks (up, charm, top) electrical charge
2/3 (fractional elementary charge!!!), color
charge (red, green, blue) - d-quarks (down, strange, bottom) electrical
charge -1/3, color charge - charged leptons (electron, muon, tauon)
electrical charge -1, no color charge - neutrinos (electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino,
tau-neutrino) no electrical no color charge - ? Question Where do we know that from???
- ?Answer R-ratio, particle production,
9The R-ratio
? one of many proofs for number of colors
frac-tional electrical charges
10II. The description of particles by fields
The Pauli principle
All particles have either integer spin (s0,1,
bosons) or half-integer spin (s1/2, 3/2,
fermions). ? Fermions obey the Pauli exclusion
principle two fermions can NEVER have exactly
the same state (space-time point, spin
(projections), orbital angular momentum,) ? this
is one of the reasons that our world looks like
it does electrons are fermions ? existence of
atomic shells due to the Pauli principle ?
chemistry as we know it
11Mathematical notation
- space-time point
- metric
- scalar product of 4-vectors
- momentum operator in QM
- dAlembert operator
- Feynman slash
- ?-matrices
- Pauli matrices
- 2x2 unity matrix
- Lagrangian density energy density
- it contains fields F(x) they are functions of
the space-time and describe the different
particles ? one needs dif-ferent fields depending
on the spin of the particle - there exist 3 types of terms in the Lagrangian ?
struc-tures - -kinetic terms e.g. (field) x (field) or
(field) x (field) - -mass terms (field)2
- -interaction terms contain 3 or more fields
- ? these terms are enough to describe all
particles and in-teractions
13Scalar fields spin s0
- equation of motion Klein-Gordon equation
- free Lagrangian
- -real scalar field neutral particles
- -complex scalar field charged particles
- physical particles Higgs, pion, kaon,
kinetic term
mass term
kinetic term
14Spinor fields spin s1/2
- equation of motion Dirac equation
- has 4 degrees of freedom particle
anti-particle, each with spin up or spin down - 4-component object needed spinor (?vector!!!)
- free Lagrangian
- physical particles electron, neutrino, quarks,
kinetic term
mass term
15Massless vector fields spin s1
- equation of motion Maxwell equations
- field strength tensor
- free Lagrangian
- ? has NO mass term ? reason will become clear
later - physical particles photon, gluon,
(only kinetic term)
16III. The gauge principle
- S special ? unit determinant
- U unitary ?
- N dimension ? NxN-matrix
- every group element can be written as
- Ts generators? fulfill the Lie-Algebra
- ? x,yxy-yx commutator
- (N2-1) Hermitean (TT) traceless (Tr(T)0)
generators - fs structure constants ? characterize the
17example SU(2)
- unitarity
- ? this is fulfilled for Hermitean generators
- determinant relation
- ? this is fulfilled for traceless generators
- for N2, these generators are simply the 22-13
Pauli mat-rices (times ½) ? every group element
can be written as - commutation relation of the Pauli-matrices
- ? e is the totally antisymmetric tensor of 3rd
18- hence, on gets for the commutation relation of
the genera-tors - and for the structure constants
- hence, we now know how every group element U
from SU(2) has to look like! - the basic principles remain the same for higher
values of N, but the number of generators grows
like (N2-1) - - generator complex NxN matrix ? 2N2 degrees of
freedom - - Hermitean generators ? 1 equation for each
element of the matrix ? only 2N2-N2N2 degrees of
freedom left - - Traceless generators ? 1 more equation for
all entries together ? finally N2-1 degrees of
freedom left ? there can be
only N2-1 independent generators!
19Global transformations
e.g. global SU(N)-transformation of a spinor
field Important CONSTANT coefficients ?a!!!
20Local (gauge) transformations
e.g. local SU(N)-transformation of a spinor
field Important the ?a have to be a
CONTINOUS function of x!!!
21The invariance of the action
- the action S is defined as the space-time
integral over the Lagrangian density - hence, it has the dimension of (energy) x
(time), like ? - basic principle The action has to be invariant
under all gauge transformations!!! - reason a gauge is nothing physical, just
something like giv-ing names to certain things
(e.g. strong interaction should not depend on
what we call red, green, and blue, even if
this naming is different for different points in
space-time) - this means for the Lagrangian, that it (in
principle) also has to be invariant (up to total
derivatives) ? no artificial pro-duction of
22IV. QED (U(1)) vs. QCD (SU(3))
- interaction electromagn.
- fermions electron positron
- exchange boson photon (electrically neutral)
- spinor
- U(1)-symmetry (scalar pre-factor)
- interaction strong
- fermions quarks and anti-quarks, each with 3
possible (anti-)colors - exchange bosons 8 gluons (carry color
anti-color!!!) - spinor
- SU(3)-symmetry (3 components ? 3x3 pre-factor)
23Lagrangians without interactions
- particle content 1 fer-mion ( anti-particle)
and 1 boson (photon) - QED-Lagrangian
- no terms that couple the photon with the
electron (all contain either one or the other
one) ? No interactions!!! (yet)
- particle content 6 fermions (
anti-particles) and 8 bosons (gluons) - QCD-Lagrangian
- no terms that couple gluons with the quarks (all
contain either one or the other one)
? No interactions!!! (yet)
24The rise of interactions
- interaction terms that couples electron with
photons ? by covariant
derivative - new term
- interaction terms that couples quarks with
? by covariant derivative - new term
25The gauge transformation
- U(1)
- question What happens to the Lagrangian??
- electron mass term
- ? invariant! v
- SU(3)
- question What happens to the Lagrangian??
- quark mass term
- ? invariant! v
26- QED
- electron kinetic and in-teraction term
- only invariant, if the photon also transforms
- quark kinetic and interaction term
- only invariant if the gluons also transform
27V. Effects of the group structure
Physical consequence massless gauge bosons
- a photon mass term would look like
- How does such a term behave?
- mass terms for gluons would look like
- How does such a term behave under a gauge
transformation? Weiß
28- QED
- a photon mass term would NOT be gauge-invariant!
- consequence
- Photons have to be mass-less to ensure
gauge-in-variance of the QED-La-grangian under
U(1)! - ? This is exactly what is seen in all
experiments! - ? (Free) photons always propagate with the speed
of light!
- mass terms for the gluons would NOT be
gauge-invariant! weiß - NOT ALLOWED!!!
- consequence
- Gluons have to be massless to ensure
gauge-invariance of the QCD-Lagrangian under
SU(3)! weiß - ? This is exactly what is seen in all
experiments! - ? Free gluons (if they existed) would always
propagate with the speed of light!
29Further physical consequence self-interaction
gauge bosons
- alternative definition of the field strength
with the covariant derivative
- here, this definition of the field strength is
in fact the more natural one
30- QED
- Photon-Lagrangian
- only kinetic terms (quadratic in A) weiß
- no-interaction between photons (at lowest order)
- Photons are electrical-ly neutral!
- weiß
- weiß weiß
- Gluon-Lagrangian
- additionally to the kinetic terms cubic (G3)
and quartic (G4) terms weiß - weiß
weiß - weiß
weiß - weiß
- Self-interaction Gluons carry color!
31VI. Conclusions
- we have a good knowledge about the particles in
our world coming from excellent experiments - gauge transformations seem to be the right way
to describe interactions physical properties of
the ex-change particles as well as the
possibility and im-possibility, respectively, of
certain processes are predicted correctly - direct consequences of the group structure can
be seen directly in nature - the understanding of Lie algebras is necessary
for the understanding of symmetries in nature
- B. Schrempp Theory of Elementary particles
- L. Ryder Quantum Field Theory
- T.-P. Cheng L.-F. Li Gauge Theory of
Elementary Par-ticles - B. Povh et al. Teilchen und Kerne
Further Questions??? ? Contact me Alexander.Merle