Title: The Researcher's Guide Online at the BUFVC
21. The Researchers Guide 2. RGO going
online 3. A collection of collections looking
for a standard 4. The implementation process 5.
Ongoing project
31. The Researchers Guide
- The Development of the RGO was based on
- The Researchers Guide to British Film
Television Collections (5 editions bewtween 1981
and 1997) - The Researchers Guide to Moving Image, Radio
and Related Documentation Collections in the
United Kingdom - MIRRDOC (A
survey undertaken in Autumn 1999/Spring 2000) - The last edition of the Researchers Guide, a
widely used reference, gave details of over 300
moving image collections in the UK. - This extension was encouraged following a meeting
of a working group under the RSLP.
42. RGO going online
- RSLP grant support enabled the gathering and
updating of data and subsequent publication
online. - with advantages being
- Continuous updating of data
- Provision of links to the listed collections and
other resources - Integration with other online BUFVC information
52. RGO going online
The RGO in print The 6th edition was
renamed The Researchers Guide Film,
Television, Radio and Related Documentation
Collections in the UK. Over 500 collections
including additional information on radio
collections and on documentation collections
relating to audio-visual works - scripts, scores,
posters, still pictures and equipment.
62. RGO going online
- Data
- 2 collections of collections
- 315 moving image, 118 radio, 113 documentation
- square peg/round hole problem
73. A collection of collections looking for a
- Where to find a standard
- Prospecting the ac.uk web for standards
- RSLP promotes the Collection Description Schema
- Collection Description Schema - 2 in 1
- A flexible standard for collection-level
descriptions - RDF/XML encoding - supported by most databases
- paves the way to interoperability both through
standard metadata and encoding format.
83. A collection of collections looking for a
94. The implementation process
- The database was developed on FilemakerPro.
- Off-the-shelf database
- Web deployment solution included - fully
customisable - Data was re-structured in a one-off change to
better fit the CDS - XML data export was setup and tested
- In ONE day RGO was ready to be harvested
- Released on the 20th April 2001
- http//www.bufvc.ac.uk/rgo
105. Ongoing project
RGO WEB STATISTICS Since its launch on the 20th
April 2001 the following results were recorded
on the RGO website (20th September
2001). ac.uk users BUFVC members Total Simple
searches 1944 494 2438 Advanced
searches 219 56 275 Search/retrieval
operations 6078 1277 7355
115. Ongoing project interoperability through CDS
The Moving Image Gateway (MIG) is a new service
that collects together websites that relate to
moving images and sound and their use in higher
and further education. The sites are classified
by academic discipline, over forty subjects from
Agriculture to Women's Studies, collected within
the four main categories of Arts Humanities,
Bio-Medical, Social Sciences and Science
Technology. Sites are highlighted which have
video or audio streaming. There are some 500
sites on the MIG database at present.
Luis Carrasqueiro BUFVC 77 Wells Street London
W1T 3QJ Tel. 020 7393 1509 Fax 020 7393
1555 www.bufvc.ac.uk