Title: Where is the future of libraries going?
1Where is the future of libraries going?
Several trends in technology will be responsible
for changes in libraries in future. -changes in
communication technology and the fact that
eventually technologies become obsolete - ex.
video technology - books are also a
technology - digitization of books is a key
change libraries in the future will have to
make - the increase in total amount of
information will create the need to find space
to store all the information - physical books
vs. digital books - libraries in future will
use massive computers to store books - the
demand for global information - people from
everywhere in the world have and
increasing demand for information - will be
the responsibility of future libraries to form a
network to meet the demands of global
2Future of libraries continued
Trends in technology - demand for global
information cont. - libraries will form
networks of association so that all libraries
can share physical books as well as digital
information upon request (like OhioLINK on a
global scale) - the increase in complexity of
searching technologies - ex. first libraries
simply a collection of books, now they include
VHS, DVDs, CDs, cassettes, newspaper, etc. -
since the amount of different forms of media
continue to grow methods of cataloguing and
locating all information will become
increasingly complex - future search
technologies will be more than just text text
searches. they will include searches for texture,
sound, tune, mass, opacity, speed, hardness,
etc. - involvement of ubiquitous technology
inside library -ex. smart library cards that
talk to the rest of the library
3Future of libraries continued
Trends in technology - the transition of a the
library as a place of information to a place of
culture - new rooms for different purposes
including labs, studios, classrooms,
pod-casting stations - purpose of the new
library is to stimulate new ideas and new
knowledge as well as being a resource for old