Title: Recent Developments in Turkish Banking Sector
1 Recent Developments in Turkish Banking
Sector Basar Ordukaya Executive Vice
President Financial Institutions Correspondent
Banking Group 7 October , 2004 CTBC - Toronto
- Where are we today?
- What is working for and against us?
- Comparisons with Emerging Europe and Europe,
- Threats and opportunities.
- Challenges
3Interest rates
- Market rates have come down and stabilized ...
Maximum rates for the crisis periods, average
rates for others
Source BRSA
4Number of banks down to 50, still too many?
Source BRSA
5Restructuring financial sector is (not only for
Turkey) costly business ...
Source BRSA
39 Treasury, 8 Private sector Total gt 47
billion Imarbank bill
6Banking outlook
- Concentration The share of top 5 banks have
increased from 54 (2001) to 60 2003 - The share of top 5 private banks have not changed
during this period, - Loans started to pick up,(Consumer financing has
shown a dramatic improvement) - Investment in public sector debt still one of the
main items on the asset side of the balance
sheets. - Liquidity remains at good level
- Non performing loans (dramatically increased
right after the crises) started diminishing .
7Financial sector is in recovery phase after the
2000 2002 2003 Assets 43 36
36 Loans 35 18 20 Deposits 53 39 41
Source BRSA (Banking Regulatory and Supervisory
8Share of public sector (SDIF State banks)
Savings and Deposit Insurance Fund
Source BRSA
9Non-performing loans (NPL)
- Share of NPLs in total loans have declined to
12 from 29, while coverage has also improved to
Source BRSA
10Currency mismatch
- Open position of banks have reduced to 348
million level from 18.4 billion before the crisis
Source BRSA
11Capital adequacy
- Noticeable improvement after the crises, but?
Capital Adequacy Ratio
Source BRSA
- Banking sector profitability has improved
Source BRSA
13Capital Adequacy is high
Too many branches?..
14... but share of state banks higher
Similar concentration with EU...
15Share of international banks is low ....
Turkey June 2003 4.9
Chez Republic
Source Bankscope IMF, 2000.
16Over 300 billion GNP in 4 years
Years billion 2001 144 2002 182 2003 238
2004 262 2005 268 2006 285 2007 294 2008
- Stable markets, disinflation progress,
- Human resources (competence and education),
- Technology, and adaptation skills,
- Crisis management ability and experience,
- Uunderstanding of customer needs and product
development skills.
18Things to be improved
- Reputation needs to be strengthtened further,
- Public sector involvement is still too high,
- Asset quality (stock problem),
- Istanbul approach (as of Dec 2004 5.4
billion), - Asset Management Companies (nothing yet in
sight), - Lack of capital to sustain further growth ,
- Shallow capital markets,
- High intermediation costs,
- Savings rate low,
- Dynamic private sector,
- Population potential, education level, young
etc. - Low level of commercial and SME loans
- Foreign Direct Investment,
- Outsourcing and sharing,
- Regional advantages
- Great potential in mortgage financing
- Sustainable profitability derived from real
customers, - Unregistered economy,
- Macro stability, (Improving)
- Global developments and Turkeys sensitive
geopolitical position.
21What is in the agenda of BRSA ?
- Reduction of intermediation costs in coordination
with Ministry of Finance, Treasury and Central
Bank of Turkey, - Resolution of NPLs,
- Establishment of financial holdings,
- Adaptation to Basel II,
- Development of the risk based supervision
22Global trends, changing dynamics
- Financial Institutions will have to cater all
aspects of the human life cycle (even
non-financial), - Interest rates have been globally lowest in the
last 4 decades, but on the rise - Improvements in cost/income (efficiency) is a
must, - Scale issue,
- Risk Management,
- Increased need for capital,
- Life will be more difficult for both financial
and real sectors after Basel II, - Corporate Governance
- Transparency,
- Increased roles and responsibilities for Boards
and Management.
23 Turkish Foreign Trade Bank 7 October,
2004 Toronto www.disbank.com.tr
24Brief Outline
- Today a well-established medium-size bank
established in 1964 to be the first foreign trade
bank of Turkey, - 168 Branches (September 2004),
- USD 4,5 billion (Consolidated, IAS) Total Assets
(June 30, 2004)
December 31st, 2003 Among listed private banks
- Assets 6th
- Loans 6th
- Deposits 6th
- Shareholders Equity 5th
- Off B/S Items 6th
- Branch N/work 5th
- Headcount 6th
Current Shareholder Structure Dogan Group
Companies 62,37 Disbank Employees Pension
Fund 16,56 Dogan Family 4,00 Other
(publicly held) 17,07
Source ISE
World Rankings of Turkish BanksThe Banker
Magazine July 2004
Bank Turkey World Equity Ziraat
1 115 4,258 Akbank 2 131
3,554 Isbank 3 144 3,022 YKB 4
192 2,162 Garanti 5 253
1,570 Vakifbank 6 412
821 Halkbank 7 441
752 Disbank 8 491 634
Tier One Capital 31 December 2003
Consolidated , IAS figures
26Steadily Growing Equity Base
Total Shareholders Equity (USD Mio)
December 2001 452 December 2002 465 December
2003 634
- No equity erosion after 2001 crisis,
- High CAR of 20,4 as of December 31, 2003,
- Strong free capital USD 488 mio. which enables
Disbank to grow further organically and look into
acquisition opportunities.
27Client Focused Service Model
Business Units as of June 04
Number of customers ...... 1,564,968
Number of accounts.. 2,730,939 Number
of active customers. 822,269
Corporate Banking - Sales gt USD 20 MM of
active customers 1,583 companies (788 groups)
Commercial Banking - USD 2 MM lt Sales lt USD 20
MM of active customers 6,799
Small Business - Sales lt USD 2 MM of active
customers 59,531
Retail Banking of active customers 754,356
All 4 segments are supported by alternative
distribution channels Phone banking, Internet
banking, ATMs, and Kiosks.
Source ISE
28 Market Shares in International Trade ()
Strong Presence in International Trade Finance
- Disbank has become the preferred domestic bank in
international trade transactions and managed to
double its market share over the last 2 years, - Signed US 400 million syndicated term loan
(pre-export Financing) with international banks
on August 9, 2004 (60 banks). - How ?
- Larger branch network,
- High credit ratings,
- Well developed international correspondent
banking network, - Focusing in trade finance with a bespoke
know-how and technical expertise, - Some competitors left the game
January-June 2004 6,5
29Solid financial performance together with strong
market share in trade finance enable a
well-developed international network.
Active Relationships with ECAs
- Turkish customers import of capital goods
financed through Export Credit Agencies for
medium to long-term. - Relationship with Export Development Canada
enhanced since 2001 and Disbank has become one of
the most active users of the short-term finance
nmark EKF Holland NCM England ECGD Sweeden EKN
Greece EGIO Poland KUKE Taiwan Eximbank of
Germany HERMES Switzerland ERG Austria ÖeKB Belgi
um OND Spain CESCE Italy SACE France COFACE Hu
ngary MEHIB Czech Republic EGAP Saudi Arabia IDB
30Individual Ratings of Turkish Banks
31 Last Word Strong and reputable financial
sector is a must for healthy and growing real