KIDS Q - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Review info from Submission Details Doc. Questions and Answers ... 'student was unsheltered (e.g. car, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailer, or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: KIDS Q

KIDS QATEST, EOYA, Planned Changes
  • Ted Carter
  • Data Manager
  • KSDE

Kateri Grillot IT Trainer KSDE
  • What we will cover in this presentation
  • KIDS 07-08 TEST Records
  • Review info from Submission Details Doc
  • Questions and Answers
  • KIDS 07-08 EOYA Records
  • Review info from Submission Details Doc
  • Questions and Answers
  • KIDS Planned Changes for 2008-2009
  • Review current list
  • Discuss other suggestions

  • Purpose
  • gathering data for pre-slugging and distributing
    paper State assessments
  • generating CETEs testing rosters for State
    assessments for both paper/pencil and KCA
  • gathering demographic and program data for
    accountability and performance

  • Submission Window
  • September 1st, 2007 June 13th, 2008.
  • Data should be current as of the date of
  • The pre-slugging cut-off dates for paper
  • October 18, 2007 Writing (early)
  • January 18, 2008 Reading, Mathematics, KELPA
  • February 18, 2008 Science, Social Studies,
    Writing (late)
  • Note Writing is a local district option this

  • Who to Submit
  • All students who are eligible to take State
  • TEST records sent by 4/14/08 will allow the
    student to take reading and mathematics online
  • TEST records sent by 5/9/08 will allow students
    to take science and social studies online
  • TEST records do not need to be submitted to KIDS
    for students to take Formative Assessments.

  • Who Submits
  • The AYP/QPA School (D2) or
  • The Attendance School (D17)
  • In cases where both the D2 and D17 buildings
    submit TEST records for the same student for the
    same test subject, then the record submitted by
    the AYP/QPA School (D2) will be used and the
    record submitted by the Attendance School (D17)
    will be ignored.

  • Required and Optional Fields
  • See TEST Submission Details Document
  • http//

  • Report(s)
  • Available for State Assessments
  • Students who have been submitted to KIDS with a
    TEST record.
  • All students submitted with this school listed as
    the AYP school
  • Students for whom an EXIT record or C code (for
    a specific subject area) has been submitted will
    be removed/omitted from this report.
  • Available for five types of assessments PDF,
    Online, Paper and Pencil, KELPA, and Alternate.

  • What records will be used
  • A students most current TEST record by AYP/QPA
    school and test subject will be used for
    assessments and for AYP/QPA accountability.

  • The Attendance School Field (D17)
  • used to determine where to send pre-slugged paper
    assessments and where students will physically
    take KCA (computerized) assessments
  • A student will not be able to take a
    computer-based assessment (KCA) without a TEST
    record in KIDS listing the school where he/she is
    taking the test as the Attendance School in D17.

  • Paper and Pencil
  • students can take paper-and-pencil assessments
    without a TEST record having been submitted to
    KIDS (by using blank assessment forms)
  • However, the assessment results will not be
    counted for AYP/QPA accountability until a TEST
    record has been submitted.
  • Students who do not have a TEST record submitted
    to KIDS for the AYP school listed on the form
    will count against the school for participation
    and/or performance.

  • For students taking multiple assessments, a
    school can submit
  • Separate TEST records for each subject OR
  • One TEST record that includes information for all
    exams OR
  • A combination of the two

  • If a school/district submits a TEST record for a
    student early in the year and that students
    demographic and test information does not change,
    then the school/district does not need to submit
    any other assessment information to KIDS for that

  • If a TEST record is submitted for a student and
    that students demographic and/or test
    information changes before the assessment is
    taken, then another TEST record must be submitted
    for that student in order to correct / update the

  • Opportunity to Learn (OTL)
  • Reading and mathematics
  • Opportunity to retest if the student fails to
    score proficient (meets standard or above)
  • Students in grades 9-11 can test once per
    semester, but the students testing in a content
    area is complete once the student has
  • scored proficient in that particular (reading or
    math) content area
  • tested twice in the that particular content area
    in the same school or
  • been included in an AYP cohort
  • If a student is retesting at the same AYP school
    and in the same grade level a new TEST record
    need not be sent unless the students demographic
    information has changed.

  • TEST records for OTL
  • 9th, 10th and 11th grade students
  • If a school has some students that it does not
    intend to test or does not believe it needs to
    test, it should submit the TEST records for those
    students without any test subjects indicated.
  • CETEs OTL reports will then provide information
    regarding whether or not that student must be
    tested, is eligible to test, or is complete.
  • If the student DOES need to be tested in a
    particular subject, then the school can submit a
    new TEST record for the student with the
    appropriate test subject(s) and test type

  • Different AYP schools can submit TEST records for
    the same student.
  • If an AYP School or district submits a TEST
    record with an AYP school in D2 that does not
    match the AYP School listed in Assignment, the
    school or district will need to claim that
    student to process the TEST record
  • This will not have any negative effects on the
    losing schools TEST record for the student.
  • If the losing school is the primary AYP school
    for this student, they may claim the student back
    via an ASGT record after testing, or wait and
    claim the student back via an ASGT or ENRL record
    at the beginning of next year.

  • Grouping indicators (fields D62 D71) submitted
    on TEST records by
  • January 18, 2008 for reading, math, and KELPA
  • February 18th for science and social studies
  • will be used by CETE to organize the
    distribution of assessments.
  • Grouping indicators included on TEST records as
    of May 20, 2008 will be used by CETE for
    reporting assessment results to the school.

  • In order to clear a particular test subject sent
    via a previously-submitted TEST record, send a
    new TEST record for that student with a C code
    in that test subject field.
  • Because the C code is specific to a test
    subject area, submitting a C code for a
    particular subject would not impact the rosters
    of any other assessments for which the student is

  • Submitting a TEST record with a C value for an
    assessment that has already been started or has
    been completed by the student in question will
    NOT serve to remove that students assessment
    results from calculations.
  • Submitting a TEST record with a blank value in a
    test subject field that previously contained a
    value will not remove a student from the test
    roster for that subject.

  • The C code should not be confused with the
    submission of EXIT records to KIDS.
  • EXIT records are submitted for students who have
    moved out of the school or district and are no
    longer attending the school at all.
  • Submitting an EXIT record to KIDS will remove a
    student from the schools roster for all test
    subjects (depending on the exit and school entry
    dates for that student) unless the student has
    already completed a particular exam.
  • A C code submitted in 1 or more test subject
    areas on a TEST record does not replace the
    submission of EXIT records for students who move,
    dropout, transfer, etc. during the course of the
    school year.

  • Special Circumstances (SC) codes are codes used
    to account for students who were in
    testing-eligible grades but were not tested by a
    particular AYP school.
  • In 2008, the SC codes that could previously be
    applied for students who moved during the testing
    window will no longer be available instead,
    EXIT records must be submitted for all students
    who move/transfer out-of-district before and
    during the assessment windows.

  • It is essential that D21 (School Entry Date) be
    updated and reported accurately for students that
    move within a district as well as to a different
    district during the school year, since this date
    will be used to determine which students will be
    included for participation and/or performance in
    accountability calculations.

  • Purpose
  • Collecting attendance, membership, and truancy
    data for all students who were enrolled at the
    AYP school at any point during the school year.

  • Submission Window
  • May 2, 2008 through June 13, 2008.
  • The student data that is submitted for EOYA
    should be current as of the last day of school.

  • Who to Submit
  • All students (both active and inactive) who were
    enrolled at the AYP school at any point during
    the year.

  • Who Submits
  • The AYP school should submit EOYA records for its
    active and inactive students.

  • Required and Optional Fields
  • See EOYA Submission Details Document
  • http//

  • Reports
  • Individual Student Attendance Ratio Report days
    in attendance figures, the days in membership
    figures, and the attendance ratio (days in
    attendance/days in membership) for each
    individual student.
  • Attendance Rate Report (by school or district)
    Attendance Rate sum of all days in attendance /
    sum of all days in membership.
  • Truancy Count Report this school- level report
    will list all students reported as truant
    (non-blank value) in KIDS field D26 for EOYA.

  • Reports (continued)
  • Dropouts This report lists any students from
    the previous school year with the users school
    or district listed as the AYP school, and any
    EXIT record with an EXIT/Withdrawal code that
    counts as a dropout for the calculation type
    selected from the dropout menu.
  • The AYP Drop-Out Percentage Report Dropout
    total number of dropouts reported / September
    20th enrollment count. All students submitted on
    EXIT records from October 1 of the current school
    year to September 30 of the following school year
    with EXIT codes 9, 14, 16, or 17.

  • Submitting records for students who have moved to
    another AYP school will not result in the student
    being claimed back by the previous school (since
    no Download Assignment file will be generated in

  • Multiple AYP schools may need to report
    attendance information for the same student for
    EOYA (if that student has moved during the year).
  • Each school would include the appropriate days in
    membership and attendance for that school.

  • D20 Virtual Education Student.
  • Whether the student has been a virtual education
    student at the current AYP school at any point
    during the current school year.
  • Address information is not required for EOYA.
  • Refer to the Virtual Education Student Guidelines
    document (posted at http// under
    Documents) for additional virtual education
    student submission tips.

  • D24 and D25 Cumulative Days in Membership and
  • Total cumulative days in membership/attendance
    for the year.
  • If a student leaves a school and comes back,
    these fields should represent the membership and
    attendance for both times the student was

  • D26 Truant Student.
  • This field is a yes/no field asking whether a
    student has met the State-definition of truant
    at any point during the year.
  • Truant is operationally defined as 3
    consecutive unexcused absences, 5 unexcused
    absences in any semester, or 7 unexcused absences
    in any school year (whichever occurs first).
  • Local LEA policies on what an unexcused absence
    is determine which students meet the
    State-definition of truant.

  • D38 Qualified for 504.
  • Students who are qualified for 504, not for
    students who are currently on a 504 plan.
  • All students who have a primary or secondary
    exceptionality other than gifted should be coded
    in this field as (1) Currently a 504 Qualified
    Student in KIDS.

  • D47 Technical Education Student.
  • Report all students who are traditional Technical
    Education Students
  • Also report a specific program area for each
    nontraditional Technical Education Student.
  • For more information, see the KIDS File
    Specifications Document (posted at
    http// under Documents).

  • D58 Served with At-Risk Funds.
  • The purpose of this field is to find out how the
    State and federal At-Risk money, which many
    schools have, is being distributed/used.
  • Schools will report only those students who have
    been served with At-Risk funds during the current
    school year (July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008),
    not students who were served in previous years.

Planned Changes
  • The most important thing to know about planned
    changes for next year
  • There arent very many at all.

(No Transcript)
Planned Changes
  • New Fields
  • Refugee Field
  • EOYA
  • KELPA Grouping Indicators
  • TEST

Planned Changes
  • Omitted Fields
  • (D18) Second AYP/QPA School Identifier
  • (D19) Second AYP/QPA Subject Code

Planned Changes
  • Changed Fields
  • (D30) Exit/Withdrawal Type
  • Add footnote to Allowable value 6 This code
    includes students who leave the formal education
    system to continue a religious community-based
    education (i.e. Amish).
  • Revise the description for Allowable value 12
    Student expulsion (or long-term suspension)

Planned Changes
  • Changed Fields (continued)
  • (D31) Special Circumstances Transfer
  • Option 1 Change description to read
    Transfer using Title 1 school on improvement
    choice provision
  • (D39) Migrant Status
  • Option 2 Change description to read Not
    currently a Migrant student but has been at some
    time during this school year

Planned Changes
  • Changed Fields (continued)
  • (D40) Residence of Homeless Student while
  • Option 1 Change description to read
    student doubled up (e.g., with relatives, living
    with another family)
  • Option 4 Change description to read
    student stayed in shelters, transitional
    housing, or is awaiting foster care
  • Option 5 Change description to read
    student was unsheltered (e.g. car, parks,
    campgrounds, temporary trailer, or abandoned
  • Eliminate options 3, 6, and 7

Planned Changes
  • Changed Fields (continued)
  • (D41) ESOL/Bilingual Program Entry Date
  • The first sentence should read, "The date an
    English Language Learner (ELL) qualifies for
    services in an English for Speakers of Other
    Languages (ESOL)/Bilingual Program.
  • (D44) ESOL/Bilingual Program Participation Code
  • Option 4 Change description to read
    Monitored ESOL student (status after scoring
    proficient on KELPA or other English language
    proficiency test for two consecutive years).
    Students may only be listed as monitored status
    for two years after they stop receiving ESOL

Planned Changes
  • Changed Fields (continued)
  • (D45) ESOL/Bilingual Program Ending Date
  • In the File Specifications, add this statement
    after the first sentence "Students exit the
    program when they score fluent in all domains and
    the total score for two consecutive years."
  • New Business Rule D45, if present, must be lt
    two years prior to the record submission date.

Planned Changes
  • Changed Fields (continued)
  • (D49) Title 1 Participation
  • Option 1 Change description to read Yes,
    is currently receiving Title I services. (In a
    Title I schoolwide, all students should have a
  • (D52) Title 1 SES Provider
  • Increase field length from 13 to 18
  • The following providers need to be added
  • 14 ABC Tutors
  • 15 Catapult Online
  • 16 Education Station, LLC
  • 17 JFL Enterprises d.b.a. Failure Free Reading
  • 18 Reach for Tomorrow

Planned Changes
  • Changed Fields (continued)
  • (D62 D71) Grouping Indicator
  • Expand the record length for the optional
    grouping fields from 25 characters to 50
  • (D72 D80) Assessment Fields
  • Adding Braille and large Print options into the
    existing test type fields (D72 D80) where

Planned Changes
  • Assignment Screens
  • Matching Engine Upgrade
  • SSN Matching Results
  • Cosmetic Changes
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