Title: F
1FT Weekly Status Week of April 21th
2DSRC Communication Testing California Urban
Canyon and Hilly Terrain
- Short Urban Canyon
- Completed DSRC 1, 2 and 4 on Franklin St. and on
Union St. - Medium Urban Canyon
- Completed DSRC 1, 2 and 4 on Bush St.
- Tall Urban Canyon
- Completed DSRC 1, 2 and 4 on California St.
- Completed DSRC 1 and 2 on Montgomery St.
- Hilly Terrain Environment Locations
- Completed DSRC 4 at three locations
- Ran Tests in both directions
3DSRC Communication Testing California Urban
Canyon and Hilly Terrain - Equipment
- RSE Issues
- Date is not always set correctly on startup
- OBE Issues
- Several OBE Lockups
- Test Vehicle Issues
- GPS Issues with test car was using dead
reckoning - Does not effect DSRC 1 and 2
- Affects DSRC 4
- Using known locations, dead reckoning values and
speed (for Hilly Terrain) we will need to use
extrapolated test vehicle locations in place of
GPS. - Analysis is underway
4Summary of DSRC Range Results
5DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 1, 2, 4 Short
Urban Canyon Franklin and Union Street
RSE was located NW corner
Test Vehicle
Car was moving towards Camera
6DSRC Communication Testing Short Urban Canyon
- These charts provide a comparison between the
Short Urban Canyon and Open Area Environments.
7DSRC2 Franklin Street
- V to V Static Rabbit to Passat
- DSRC 2 results from Open Area Testing
- Camry to Altima 50m (ongoing investigation
about antenna height location) - Jeep to Edge 250m
8DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 1, 2, 4 Medium
Urban Canyon Bush Street
Car was moving towards Camera
RSE was located NW corner
9DSRC Communication Testing Medium Urban Canyon
- These charts provide a comparison between the
Medium Urban Canyon and Open Area Environments.
10DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 1, 2, 4 Tall
Urban Canyon California and Montgomery St.
Car was moving towards Camera
11DSRC Communication Testing Tall Urban Canyon
- These charts provide a comparison between the
Tall Urban Canyon and Open Area Environments.
12DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 4 Hilly
Terrain Location 1
13DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 4 Hilly
Terrain Location 2
14DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 4 Hilly
Terrain Location 3
15DSRC 4 Hilly Terrain Location 1Northbound at
65 MPH - Ranges
16DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 4 Hilly
Terrain Location 1 (UDP Messages)
- These charts provide a comparison between the
Hilly Terrain and Open Area Environment and Test
Location 1 using UDP Messages.
17DSRC Communication Testing DSRC 4 Hilly
Terrain Location 1 (WSM Messages)
- These charts provide a comparison between the
Hilly Terrain and Open Area Environment and Test
Location 1 using WSM Messages.