Title: Laura Degallaix
1 Reduction of CO2 emissions from cars The
consumers perspective
Laura Degallaix Environment and Safety Policy
Officer BEUC, the EU Consumers Organisation
EU Commissions Hearing 11 July 2007
2The consumers perspective
Failure of the VA Integrated approach Consumers
interest and contribution Ambitious targets
3Failure of the VA
- ? Increased emissions
- 12 of EU total CO2 emissions 26 between 1990
2004 - ? Worst performing sector
- ? VA lacked transparency, ambition and efficacy
4Proposed integrated approach
- ? Varied policy toolbox
- ? Individual car emissions values
- ? Complementary measures (measurable, accountable
and monitored) - ? Taxation and fiscal incentives
5Increasing consumers interest and contribution?
6Ambitious targets
? Regulation needed ? 120g/km by 2012 ?
Intermediate long term goals (2010 review?) ?
Transparency, monitoring and mandatory reporting
7Thank you for your attention!
Laura Degallaix Environment and Safety Policy
Adviser lde_at_beuc.eu 32 (0)2 740 28 09
9 ASA (advertising regulation) Lexus RH400h
Hybrid car 23 May 2007
"RX 400h. The world's first high performance
hybrid SUV category-leading low CO2 emissions.
A combination without equal. Or compromise "
CO2 emissions 192g/km". Ad breached CAP Code
clauses 7.1 (Truthfulness), 19.1 (Other
comparisons) and 49.1 (Environmental claims).