Title: Folie 1
1Andreas Saniter, asaniter_at_uni-bremen.de Jürgen
Ledl, mail_at_ledl.it
AEROnet, a Pilot Project
Bottom-up Development of a Transnational
Occupational Profile
ECER-Main-Conference, Ghent, 21/09/2007
2Content1. Motivation2. The network3.
Organization of Training _at_ Airbus4. Results
Skilled Work and its Requirements5.
Perspective Evaluation
31. Motivation
- Raw material, technologies and processes are
available all over the world - The quality of products and work processes are
expected to converge - Hypothesis So the qualifications required by
modern work processes converge too - But the national systems were developed with
respect to very different traditions - Due to these individual national conditions, the
converging qualification requirements were
adapted in different ways - Hypothesis An adaptation-caused divergence
occurs between the VET systems
41. Motivation
- Airbus is an ideal framework to observe these
hypotheses - the sector represents a global market including
the final products as well as pre-products
(convergence)? - European aircraft industry is organised
transnational (convergence due to
universalization)? - the Airbus-countries reflect the major different
education and training systems (adaption-caused
51. Motivation Workload share _at_ A 380
62. The Network
- AIRBUS France
- Céreq
- Lycée Professionel Privé de lIndustrie Aèronautic
- AIRBUS Espana
- IES Comte de Rius
- School of Engineering
- University of Barcelona
- AIRBUS Deutschland
- Institut f. Technik und Bildung
- Berufsbildende Schulen Brake
- Staatliche Gewerbeschule 15
- Deeside College
- University of Warwick
73. Organization Apprenticeship in France
Labour market (technician)?
Labour market (skilled worker)?
Vocational training within the plant
Labour market (skilled worker)?
At the planning stage
Bac Pro
- Theoretical Training in an Airbus-owned, national
recognized school - 100 apprentices each year, about 70 finish at
CAP-level, the others continue for two years
achieving Bac Pro
83. Organization Apprenticeship in Germany
- Close relation between the plant and the school,
but legal independence School under control of
the state (regions)? - 45 trainees each year in the mechanical
occupation profile, professional profile and by
this training contents ordered by official
entities (in collaboration with advise character
by companies)?
93. Organization Apprenticeship in Spain
Intermediate Vocational Training, Maintenance
of motor vehicles Car body work Electro-mechan
ic of motor vehicles
Higher Vocational Training, Maintenance of motor
vehicles Maintenance - Air mechanic
Maintenance - Avionics
Labour Market
- University
- Technical Engineer of Aeronautics
- Aeronautic Engineer (Large Cycle)?
- Aeronautic technical Engineer (SC) -
aeromotors - - air navigation
- - airplanes
- - airports
- - airspace equipments and materials
- No intermediate vocational training related to
production of aircrafts, by this it has character
of specialization or further training - CASA/Airbus offers modules of 3 months as a
training on the job for people with another
professional profile / education
103. Organization Apprenticeship in UK
- Modularised system, content not straight defined
in occupational profiles - But the trainees have the right of a 3 years
training programme - About 50 new trainees each year, first year
completely in college
114. Results Typical Professional Tasks (TPTs)?
- A TPT describes a class of similar holistic
working processes, e.g. the production of
composite components - it explains neither a chosen working place, nor
it is reduced to skills, competences or knowledge - The skilled work of aircraft mechanics can be
described in 12 so-called Typical Professional
Tasks (TPTs) 11 for the electricians - 9 of these TPTs are performed in Bremen
(Germany) as well as in Broughton (Wales)
(structure, assembly)? - In Getafe (Spain) the main focus is on composite
materials - Due to FAL in Toulouse (France) 10 TPTs are
performed, but only five of them by skilled
124. Results Interim Conclusion
- AEROnet found a common, transnational
intersection of TPTs, performed in all 4 plants - These common TPTs might be the basis for a
trans-national Core Profession in aircraft
industries - They will be published soon on
http//www.pilot-aero.net/ - In aircraft industry the national traditions of
VET overbalance possible companies preferences - A paper that describes these differences is
already available on our web-page - Similarities in the work tasks and processes and
differences in the vocational training what is
not very surprising
135. Perspective Something completely different
- Tasks of the TIMSS and PISA-studies were based on
an (implicit) curriculum - A German reaction on the results of these studies
was the setting of national standards for the
main school subjects - A matrix set by teachers
- Derived from the curricula
- The standards aim at a good educational
background they are not aiming at
professionalism - Further studies will refer to these standards
test-items will be reduced to a segment of the
matrix. - Teachers from other European countries mainly
agree to these input-driven standards this is
hardly thinkable in VET!
145. Perspective Idea of Evaluation
- Possible solution Setting the TPTs as standards
for VET! - Consequence The tasks used for a test must be as
complex as the skilled work - Our approach
- Evaluation Tasks derived from real working
processes - We are not using a set of test items, but only
one task working on that one task takes 3 to 4
hours - We measure the approaches of the trainees
compared to the solutions of expert-workers - We do not expect that many trainees are able to
solve the task if so, the task chosen is to
easy - The evaluation task will be the same in all 4
countries independent of the national VET
155. Perspective Idea of Evaluation
- Which concept of learning is built? Change
from a schools one to a vocational one - Which (social) concept of integration is shown?
Peer-to-peer vs. community of practice - Which concept of work is built considering which
demands? Standards of learning vs. standards of
professionalism - What kind of problem-solving is chosen?
- Different approaches and strategies
- Quality aspects of the solution
- Is it (in principle) practicable, efficient
and/or suitable for others?
165. Perspective Possible Results
- How do the sketched training programmes prepare
for the skilled work on the TPTs?
(Result from a German Study)?
175. Perspective
- We hope that this approach will lead to a fair
instrument, independent of national training
systems - It should bring evidence concerning the strengths
and weaknesses of the different national VET
Thank you for your attention
Version 21/09/2007 asaniter_at_uni-bremen.de mail_at_