Title: Your Future in Business Begins Now
1Your Future in BusinessBegins Now
2Chapter Overview
- 1. Factors of Production
- 2. Social Trends
- 3. Economic Systems
- 4. Trends in Technology
- 5. Trends in Global Competition
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3- Business
- An organization that strives for a profit by
providing goods and services desired by its
- Their focus is on meeting goals or promoting
ideas - Humane Society, Red Cross, Green Peace
- Do NFPs face the same challenges as For Profit
5- Standard of living
- A countrys output of goods and services that
people can buy - Although there is a positive relationship between
a nations wealth peoples happiness, the
relationship is far from perfect - Germany Japans gross national products are two
times higher than Irelands, yet Irish people are
more happy overall than German Japanese
(Source American Psychologist, 54, 1999, p.
6Factors of Production
- 1. Natural resources
- 2. Labor
- 3. Capital
- 4. Entrepreneurship
- 5. Knowledge
7The Environment of Business
8Social Trends in Business
- 1. Increase in component lifestyles
- 2. Increase in dual-income families
- more spending money
- more products geared toward women
9Womens Presence in the Workforce
Source AFL-CIO,
10Demographics Relevant to Business
Baby boomers29
GenerationX 16
Oldercustomers 23
Generation Y26
Source Fortune, Sept. 28, 1998, p. 227
11Evolving Global Economic Systems
- 1. Capitalism (private enterprise)
- 2. Communism (command economy)
- 3. Socialism
- 4. Mixed economic systems
15Mixed Economic Systems
16Technological Trends
- Miniaturization
- Internet
- Developing technology in
- artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual
reality, teleportation, flying cars (Source
CNET www.cnet.com)
17Trends in Global Competition
- Exports account for increasing proportion of
world gross domestic product - More companies can compete globally
- improved technology
- improved communications
18Global Competition
- More companies meeting ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
standards - Ford was the 1st US Automaker to require ISO
14000 certification of suppliers (Source
globenet) - Increased productivity
- downsizing
- increased use of technology
19Talent War Among Employers
- In 20 years, the scarcest resource may be TALENT
20Steps in getting your career off on the right
- 1. Who am I?
- identify your strengths, interests, values
- 2. What can I do?
- Assess your abilities, skills, experience
- 3. Finding my first professional job
- - research occupations and companies
2110 Best Jobs for the 21st Century
1. Systems analyst 2. Computer engineer 3.
Engineering, mathematical, natural science
manager 4. Securities financial services sales
- 5. Marketing, advertising PR manager
- 6. Computer scientist
- 7. Service manager
- 8. Physical therapist
- 9. Special education teacher
- 10. General manager top executive
Source Friendly Exchange, Winter, 1999, p. 25
22Selecting the Right Job
- Fit
- Advancement and growth
- Compensation
- Training
- Site