Title: Stuart T' Duerson II James Holland
Stuart T. Duerson II James Holland Asaf
Cohen David Abner
ECE 4006 Spring 2005 Dr. James
2What are these guys doing again?
- Constructing a touch-free, infrared musical
musical keyboard. - Allows one to play music using beams of light.
3What is involved in this undertaking?
- Analog Design
- IR Sensors, Band Pass Filters, Peak
Detectors - Power Supply, etc.
- Software and Digital Hardware
- Custom PIC Microcontroller Setup,
Muxes, - Assembly Program, Java Program
Why dont you just buy the analog components?
- Doing so would be prohibitively expensive.
- We estimate we can half the cost of sensors
etc. - by constructing them ourselves.
5Digital Realm Hardware and Software
- Custom PIC setup complete.
- Completing assembly code for
- clock signals, mux switching,
- MIDI message generation.
- To do
- Construct serial interface
- to PC. (DB15)
- Program Serial Interface
- (Transmission queue, clocking)
- Java GUI Interface
6Digital Realm Timing
Constraint Max of 240 instructions can be
executed between each sampling.
7Digital Realm MIDI Serial Interface
8 Analog Realm System Level Design
9 Analog Realm Component Circuits
10Analog Realm Waveform Madness
11Analog Realm Future Plans
- Test 8 IR emitter\receiver pairs using muxes and
demuxes. - Test new IR emitter\receiver parts, optimizing
distances and accuracy. -
- Continue work with power circuit.
- After design is tested and confirmed, place on
PCB's and mount on fixed surface.
12Thank You. Questions?