Title: Information Systems
1- Information Systems
- and
- Strategic Planning
2Learning Objectives
- To understand
- what a Management Information System is
- what role a Management Information System plays
within an organisation - strategy and strategic planning
- what Strategic Management is
3The MIS Question ?
- Question What is a Management Information System
? - Answer The basic concept of a management
information system is that of a system that
provides, to all levels of management,
information that is accurate, relevant and timely
for the support of the process of management.
4The MIS Triangle
Policy on priorities, objective setting
Budget policies, MIS needs and master plans.
Budget advice equipment options for MIS needs.
New service needs nomination of project
Needs, system problems, choice of design
project control.
Options of project design, costs benefits of
5Information Management
- Information management depends on the following
- Governance Governance or information politics,
is used not only to exercise authority but is an
art for achieving corporate consensus. It guides
how individuals and groups cooperate to achieve
business objectives. - Business Plan Alignment IT business plans must
be congruent with the organizations business
plan or the worth of the IT plan will always be
6Management Information Systems
- Within organizations today the most valuable
commodity they possess is information. - A management information system is a valuable
resource to the entire organisation. - A management information system should be used by
everyone within the organisation if they have the
7What is a Strategy ?
Question What is a Strategy? Strategy is a
broad based formula for how business is going to
compete, what its goals should be, and what
policies will be needed to carry out those goals.
The essence of formulating competitive strategy
is relating a company to its environment, M. E.
Porter, (1980 ) Strategic decisions are
concerned with The scope of an
organizations activities The matching of an
organizations activities to its environment
The matching of an organizations activities to
its resource capability The allocation and
reallocation of major resources in an
organisation The values, expectations and
goals of those influencing strategy The
direction in which the organisation will move in
the long term. G. Johnson K Scholes, (1989)
- Strategy is the pattern of resource allocation
decisions made throughout an organisation. These
encapsulate both desired goals and beliefs about
what are acceptable and, most critically,
unacceptable means for achieving them. - (Robson,97)
- Therefore, it is always possible to see what an
organisations strategy is by inspection of the
whole of what is does.
9Types of Strategy
Corporate Strategy
Information Systems Strategy
What systems does the business need
? What systems can provide competitive
advantages ?
What businesses are we in ? What
objectives and performance are we pursuing?
Business Strategy
Information Technology Strategy
What technology policies do we need
? How should we manage the
technology ?
What product-market position are we
pursuing ? What goals must we meet ?
10Corporate Strategy
- Provides the framework for the business style
that reflects the business strategy and
influences the business strategy in terms of - Outsourcing
- Diversification
- Scale
- Scope
- Deals with the entire organisation. (Robson,97)
11Business Strategy
- Business strategy is the intent of the business,
that is, the way the business wishes to go. - It deals with a single business unit, i.e. a unit
within the organisation - Porter (1985) classified business strategies as
either cost leadership or differentiation of
products and may encompass an entire market or be
focused on a particular part of it.
12Strategic Management
- Question What is Strategic Management ?
- Strategic management is a systematic approach to
a major and increasingly important responsibility
for general management to position and relate the
firm to its environment in a way which will
assure its continued success and make it secure
from surprises. H. I. Ansoff,
(1984), Implanting Strategic Management,
Prentice-Hall. - Strategic management is a stream of decisions
and actions which leads to the development of an
effective strategy or strategies to help achieve
corporate objectives.
W F Gleck
L R Jaunch, (1984), Business Policy and Strategic
Management, Prentice-Hall. - Strategic management is the decision process
that aligns the organizations internal
capability with the opportunities and threats it
faces in its environment. A J Rowe et al,
(1989), Strategic Management, Addison-Wesley.
13Strategic Management
- Deriving and describing the strategy
- Applicable to all organisations large or small
- Includes the entire organisation
- Looks past the day-to-day running of the company
- Focuses on the long-term prospects and
14Elements of Strategic Management(Robson,97)
Formulation of strategy itself
Often referred to as tactics
- What is occurring or will occur in the business
environment and what will be its effect on the
organisation. Changes will be economic, social,
technological and competitive. - Resources - physical, financial skills available
in order to determine strengths and weaknesses of
organisation. - Culture or organisation, management style, power
of individuals and groups.
- Generates number of possible strategies, evaluate
- deployment of resources, analysis and
implementation of changes needed in
organisational structure. - The strategy must be a product of what the people
involved want the organisation to be, to do and
to achieve.
17What Is the Difference Between Strategic Planning
and Strategic Management?
- 1. Strategic planning is focused on making
optimal strategy decisions, while strategic
management is focused on producing strategic
results new markets, new products and/or new
technologies. To paraphrase Peter Drucker,
strategic planning is management by plans, while
strategic management is management by results.2.
Strategic planning is an analytical process,
while strategic management is an organizational
action process.3. Strategic planning is focused
on business, economic and technological
variables. Strategic management broadens the
focus to include psychological, sociological and
political variables. Thus, strategic planning is
about choosing things to do, while strategic
management is about choosing things to do and
also about the people who will do them.4.
Strategic management consists of formulating
strategies, designing the firm's capability,
managing implementation of strategies and
18Strategic Planning Process
- This is not a linear activity
- Definition
- The process of developing and maintaining
consistency between the organisations objectives
and resources and its changing opportunities. - Aims to define and document an approach to doing
business that leads to satisfactory profits and
growth. (Robson,97)
19Model of Strategic Planning Process
This lecture has given descriptions of Management
Information System and the role a Management
Information System plays within an
organisation. Also strategy, strategic management
and strategic planning have been covered.