Title: Incredible Idea or Real Business
1Incredible IdeaorReal Business?
- Kirstie Chadwick
- Director - UCF Venture Lab
- Executive Director - Winter Park Angels
- Technology discovery
- University RD
- Personal problem
- Working parent getting kids to 5PM soccer
- Product or Service adds value
- Makes money
- Saves money or time
- Provides insurance
- Has relatively large market
- How many people share your problem?
- Can these people easily access or afford your
3Step 1 Opportunity Assessment
Just cause it looks cool doesnt mean they will
buy it
4The 3 Key Ingredients Needed for A Great Biz
Right People
Right Product
Right Market
5Market Checklist
- Can you name your top 3 competitors?
- How will you win today and 3 years from now?
- Is the problem you are solving big enough for
your customers pay? - Have you done a realistic market assessment to
see how many customers care about the value you
bring? - Can you make a profit in this market?
- Can you get references in your market to state
your value on your behalf?
6Business Boo Boo 3 Our Market is HUGE - 50
Billion and Growing at 30 Annually
7Bottom Up vs. Top Down Market Opportunity
Product Idea A medical device that monitors for
early signs of cancer Top Down Bottom Up
- U.S. cancer treatment costs exceed 7 Billion
annually - We can reduce the treatment cost per patient by
90 ? saves industry 6.3 Billion - We believe it is reasonable to gain 1 of this
total market for our device - Total market is 1 of 6.3B ? 63 million
- There are 20 million people at risk of getting
cancer in the U.S. - 20 have been diagnosed in the past five years
with cancer, and there are 1.4 million new cases
each year in the U.S. - Our target market the 5.4 million cancer
patients that are actively monitoring for
regenerative cancer - 100 price 540M market
8Where Do I Get Market Info?
- Technology
- Literature journals
- Experts, research faculty
- Market
- Talk to potential customers
- Competitor websites
- Industry magazines
- Conferences
- Business
- Advisors, mentors
- Recruiters
- Service providers
- Industry experts
9Business Boo Boo 4 We Dont Need to Talk to
Customers We Already Know What they Want
10Step 2 Building the Right Team
Make sure you have the people that can get the
job done.
11People Checklist
- Do you know what skills you are missing on your
team? - Do you have high-level contacts in your chosen
market(s)? - What employee and founder agreements do you need?
- Are you being honest in assessing your own
limitations in skills?
12Business Boo Boo 1Me, My Spouse My Best
13Business Boo Boo 2 I Should Be CEO Because I
Know My Product and Market Better than Anyone
These Leaders Are Showing Symptoms Of Founderitis
14Step 3 Product Development
The Product or Service Must Solve an Urgent Need
in Your Market
15Product Checklist
- Is your proof of concept or prototype done?
- What partners do you need to license stuff from?
- How will you support your customers?
- How will you deliver your product?
- How much will it cost to get my product to market?
16Business Boo Boo 5My Product is Ready For
Prime Time!
17Business Boo 6We Dont Have Any Competition
18Step 4 Getting To Market
How You Gonna Sell and Distribute the Product AT
19Sales Marketing
- Sales and Marketing is EXPENSIVE!
- Build cost of sales into pricing
- Sales Team Options
- Direct Sales Force
- Product Reps
- Inside Sales/ Call Center
- Pricing
- Competing on price or value?
- Aligned with your target buyer?
- Advertising
- Industry journals
- Conferences - panels
- Trade show booths
- Press coverage
20Focus On Customer Benefits, NOT Technical
Benefits of Product
Technical Benefits
Business Benefits
- Seamless integration
- Scalable, adaptable
- Secure networking
- Improves network performance
- SO WHAT???
- Increase your revenues
- Reduces your risk
- Cut your costs by 30
21Product Geek Speak Is Boring
- Our technology is the first integrated and
automatic book scanner that will scan and
digitize bound documents at a speed of 1,200 PPM
at a fraction of the cost of existing solutions
based on a disruptive digital imaging technology
initially developed at Bell Labs and protected by
12 patents. - BETTER
- We capture the future of knowledge by seamlessly
digitizing physical libraries at a very low cost.
- Middlemen cost money
- Build into your pricing
- Make sure they bring value to you
- Pay attention to customer interactions
- Hold Distributors Accountable
- Pay based on volume sales
- Limit terms of agreement
- Avoid sole distributor contracts if possible
23Questions?www.venturelab.ucf.edu - lots of